Author Topic: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich  (Read 108851 times)

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Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #75 on: September 02, 2009, 04:33:52 PM »
Why weren't the Michael's remains searched for before? Because it would have been hard to find his remains? Because finding his remains was regarded as less important than finding the remains of Nicholas and Alexandra and their children?

We have come a very long way in a very short time. I read Olga's memoirs in the 1960's as a young girl and recall reading that the IF's bodies were destroyed with fire and sulphuric acid. I'm no scientist, and I have a weak stomach, but it did not take too much investigating on my part to figure out that the "official" explanation was bogus.

I vowed to spend the rest of my life if need be to be sure that all the Romanovs had proper burials. Of course, my letter writing at first elicited nothing but brush offs, but by the time I met Bob in the 1990's the first remains had been found. And so it goes.

We really don't know where Michael is, but it's difficult and frustrating, not to mention, expensive to do this work. Russians generally don't think it's any business of non Russians to do such work.

So the fact that someone is finally looking for Michael's remains less than 100 years after he died and less than 20 years since the dear Commies' government fell is nothing short of remarkable.

Go to it Vladimir!


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #76 on: October 08, 2009, 02:44:01 PM »
Why weren't the Michael's remains searched for before? Because it would have been hard to find his remains? Because finding his remains was regarded as less important than finding the remains of Nicholas and Alexandra and their children?

We have come a very long way in a very short time. I read Olga's memoirs in the 1960's as a young girl and recall reading that the IF's bodies were destroyed with fire and sulphuric acid. I'm no scientist, and I have a weak stomach, but it did not take too much investigating on my part to figure out that the "official" explanation was bogus.

I vowed to spend the rest of my life if need be to be sure that all the Romanovs had proper burials. Of course, my letter writing at first elicited nothing but brush offs, but by the time I met Bob in the 1990's the first remains had been found. And so it goes.

We really don't know where Michael is, but it's difficult and frustrating, not to mention, expensive to do this work. Russians generally don't think it's any business of non Russians to do such work.

So the fact that someone is finally looking for Michael's remains less than 100 years after he died and less than 20 years since the dear Commies' government fell is nothing short of remarkable.

Go to it Vladimir!

Ms. Davidson:

I believe that technology has brought us a long way, in making it easier for scientists to document and record evidence. That is, if there is evidence.

As you know, I am working with a young man, who is the grandson of GD Michael, and not even in the history books!  His father died in 1993 (Dimitry Mikhailovich Romanov), and Emmanuel is working with me on his father's wishes.  To no let history forget what was happening during this time.  Would you be in agreement, that it is very possible that the GD protected his family, by changing their names, paying for a birth not to be recorded (i.e evidence - their is a birth certificate signed by both parents), and that there is a secret son between the GD and Countess Brasova?

Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #77 on: October 10, 2009, 12:45:30 AM »
Why weren't the Michael's remains searched for before? Because it would have been hard to find his remains? Because finding his remains was regarded as less important than finding the remains of Nicholas and Alexandra and their children?

We have come a very long way in a very short time. I read Olga's memoirs in the 1960's as a young girl and recall reading that the IF's bodies were destroyed with fire and sulphuric acid. I'm no scientist, and I have a weak stomach, but it did not take too much investigating on my part to figure out that the "official" explanation was bogus.

I vowed to spend the rest of my life if need be to be sure that all the Romanovs had proper burials. Of course, my letter writing at first elicited nothing but brush offs, but by the time I met Bob in the 1990's the first remains had been found. And so it goes.

We really don't know where Michael is, but it's difficult and frustrating, not to mention, expensive to do this work. Russians generally don't think it's any business of non Russians to do such work.

So the fact that someone is finally looking for Michael's remains less than 100 years after he died and less than 20 years since the dear Commies' government fell is nothing short of remarkable.

Go to it Vladimir!

Ms. Davidson:

I believe that technology has brought us a long way, in making it easier for scientists to document and record evidence. That is, if there is evidence.

As you know, I am working with a young man, who is the grandson of GD Michael, and not even in the history books!  His father died in 1993 (Dimitry Mikhailovich Romanov), and Emmanuel is working with me on his father's wishes.  To no let history forget what was happening during this time.  Would you be in agreement, that it is very possible that the GD protected his family, by changing their names, paying for a birth not to be recorded (i.e evidence - their is a birth certificate signed by both parents), and that there is a secret son between the GD and Countess Brasova?

I would be very skeptical about this if you're asking my opinion.

Natalia Wulfurt became pregnant only once that we know of after meeting the Grand Duke and indeed their acknowledged son George Mikhailovich was born as Natalia and Wulfurt were divorcing. Without the Emperor's intervention, indeed George would have  been Wulfurt's son at least legally. And we know that Michael risked everything to have his brother intervene.

So, with everything I know of Michael and Natasha, they may have been scandalous for their time, but they were devoted parents and would not have entered an arrangement where they had a secret son - they already had one - George.


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2009, 12:12:45 PM »
Why weren't the Michael's remains searched for before? Because it would have been hard to find his remains? Because finding his remains was regarded as less important than finding the remains of Nicholas and Alexandra and their children?

We have come a very long way in a very short time. I read Olga's memoirs in the 1960's as a young girl and recall reading that the IF's bodies were destroyed with fire and sulphuric acid. I'm no scientist, and I have a weak stomach, but it did not take too much investigating on my part to figure out that the "official" explanation was bogus.

I vowed to spend the rest of my life if need be to be sure that all the Romanovs had proper burials. Of course, my letter writing at first elicited nothing but brush offs, but by the time I met Bob in the 1990's the first remains had been found. And so it goes.

We really don't know where Michael is, but it's difficult and frustrating, not to mention, expensive to do this work. Russians generally don't think it's any business of non Russians to do such work.

So the fact that someone is finally looking for Michael's remains less than 100 years after he died and less than 20 years since the dear Commies' government fell is nothing short of remarkable.

Go to it Vladimir!

Ms. Davidson:

I believe that technology has brought us a long way, in making it easier for scientists to document and record evidence. That is, if there is evidence.

As you know, I am working with a young man, who is the grandson of GD Michael, and not even in the history books!  His father died in 1993 (Dimitry Mikhailovich Romanov), and Emmanuel is working with me on his father's wishes.  To no let history forget what was happening during this time.  Would you be in agreement, that it is very possible that the GD protected his family, by changing their names, paying for a birth not to be recorded (i.e evidence - their is a birth certificate signed by both parents), and that there is a secret son between the GD and Countess Brasova?

I would be very skeptical about this if you're asking my opinion.

Natalia Wulfurt became pregnant only once that we know of after meeting the Grand Duke and indeed their acknowledged son George Mikhailovich was born as Natalia and Wulfurt were divorcing. Without the Emperor's intervention, indeed George would have  been Wulfurt's son at least legally. And we know that Michael risked everything to have his brother intervene.

So, with everything I know of Michael and Natasha, they may have been scandalous for their time, but they were devoted parents and would not have entered an arrangement where they had a secret son - they already had one - George.

Ms. Davidson,
No. I am not asking your opinion.  I was simply saying that it is a possibility that a business arrangement was made, at the time of the fall of the Dynasty.  After all, both the Tsar's family, and Michael's family were already under house arrest. How does history know anything?  History is what we know, as far as written language and documentation. How would we not have learned of GD Michael's death, months before the family of the Tsar?
There are many skeptics in the world, and from what I have read and researched regarding royal scandals, the family of GD Michael was in its infancy. Too many things have been left without documentation, and part of history books.
I am not a skeptic, and I have decided to help this person.  Many things in history, have been swept under the carpet. Many deals have also been made to protect innocents. One should assume innocents when helping another, until proven guilty.  I see no guilt in helping someone be acknowledged for whom he really is.  He has documentation, he has a birth certificate, and he has his father's memories.  He also has his living mother to attest to these times. I do not believe he would made up this story.  He is a young man who has never studied history.  The history he knows, he has learned from his deceased father, and living mother.
I have had hundreds of communications with Emmanuel over the past few months.  I do not believe he would lie about his own life.  There would be no reason for it.  I have included some of our conversations below, that honorably tells me that he is searching for the credibility he deserves.

Emmanuel's Reply:

Es un placer que usted haya estudiado a mi familia, le escribo en español ya que es la lengua que más gusta a mi persona, usted a estudiado la historia de nuestra familia de comienzo de la esposa de Ivan Ivanovich conocido como el Zar Ivan el terrible o desde 1612 el tiempo en que los Rusos expulsaron a la Liga Polaco-Lituana, y que en ese entonces se nombro Zar despues de tanto revueltas a mi antepasado Mikhail I Romanov,
ya que mi padre estaria antes que ella, pero mi padre al fallecer el 9 de julio de 1993 a la edad de 76 años yo seria el unico que pudiera reclamar la corona de Rusia, pero mi padre oculto toda su vida su identidad ya que su vida corrio peligro en muchas ocaciones, una pista la madre de mi padre fallecio de cancer en francia y mi tio fallecio en accidente de transito dudoso de ser un atentado, mi abuelo lo oculto a mi padre por que ya sabia de los planes de los Bolcheviques cuando nacio mi padre, lo que es mas solo la Iglesia Ortodoxa tiene constancia del nacimiento de mi padre pero lo a ocultado ya que es un secreto dado a mis abuelos.

English translation:
It is a pleasure that you've studied my family, I am writing in Spanish because the language is more like me, you studied the history of our family from the beginning of the wife of Ivan Ivanovich known as the Tsar Ivan the terrible or time since 1612 that the Russians expelled the Polish-Lithuanian League, and then called Czar riots after both my ancestor Mikhail I Romanov,
because my father would be before her, but my father died on 9 July 1993 at the age of 76 I would be the only one who could claim the crown of Russia, but my father all his life hiding his identity as his life was in danger on many occasions, a track my father's mother died of cancer in France and my uncle died in traffic accident doubtful if an attack, hidden from my grandfather that my father already knew about the plans of the Bolsheviks When my father, which is but only the Orthodox Church is aware of the birth of my father but to what is hidden as a secret because my grandparents.


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2009, 12:35:35 PM »
Part II

Emmanuel Romanov September 8 at 5:00pm
Mi padre si es el hijo Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov y de su esposa Natalya Brassova. Mi padre hasta pago dinero para no tener nada que ver con la realeza Rusa. La pregunta es si mi padre no era el Hijo de Mikhail por que le interesaba a la KGB hacerlo desaparecer, ademas tanto mi padre como mi abuelo materno decidieron matenerse ocultos del medio publico. La madre de mi Madre su apellido de soltera es Stewart Katherine Stewart, descendiente de Jacob II Stuart, y tambien ella era descendiente de la ya dersaparecida familia real Irlandesa, y me contaba historia mi abuela que ella era descendiente de Brian Boru Rey de Munster, el Rey de Irlanda que puso resistencia a los Vikingos en Irlanda.
English Translation:
 My father if the son Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov and his wife Natalya Brassova. My father to pay money to have nothing to do with the Russian royalty. The question is whether my father was the son of Mikhail that the KGB was interested in making it disappear, plus both my father and my grandfather decided to maintain backward hidden from public media. My mother's mother maiden name is Stewart Katherine Stewart, a descendant of James II Stuart, and also she was a descendant of the royal family dersaparecida and Irish history and my grandmother told me that she was descended from King Brian Boru of Munster, King of Ireland who became resistant to the Vikings in Ireland.
Harry Binkow September 8 at 8:25pm
Así que su padre fue un segundo hijo de Príncipe Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov y la Condesa Brasova, que nunca fue registrado legalmente como un hijo para la historia. Sé de la muerte del hermano de su padre, George (Conde Brasov) a los 20 años en un accidente de automóvil en Francia 1931. Su padre nunca recibió un nombre real. ¿Fue dado él los derechos de inmigrar o escapó él en su propio? Esto es muy interesante a mí, y más excepcional.

Soy también irlandés por bajada. Desde que su madre no es alemana, necesitaré para mirar el linaje del Rey irlandés. Por supuesto, la Reina Mary II fue el gobernante de Inglaterra, de Escocia, y de Irlanda. Soy feliz de investigar esto para usted, si usted me querría a. Espero tht que he ayudado le a clarificar su herencia familiar.


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #80 on: October 10, 2009, 01:41:07 PM »
Part III

English Translation:
So his father was a second son of Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Romanov and Countess Brasov, which was never legally registered as a child of record. I know of the death of his father's brother, George (Count Brasov) at age 20 in an automobile accident in France 1931. His father never got a real name. Was given him the right to immigrate or ran it on his own? This is very interesting to me, and more outstanding.

I'm also Irish by descent. Since her mother is German, I will need to look at the lineage of the Irish king. Of course, the Queen Mary II was the ruler of England, Scotland, and Ireland. I'm happy to investigate this for you, if you want me a. I hope tht I've helped you to clarify your family heritage.

Emmanuel Romanov September 15 at 3:16pm
Mi padre Escapo, de Francia a los 34 años en el año 1950 a Gran Bretaña y para los años 1973 emigro junto a mi madre a America....
English Translation:
 My parents escaped from France at age 34 in 1950 to Britain for the years 1973 and emigrated with my mother to America ....

Harry' reply: September 15, 2009
Saludo Emmanuel

Gracias por la actualización de su información.

Esta información es muy interesante, sin embargo, le puede dar más detalles?

¿Cuál era su nombre cuando su padre emigró de Europa? ¿Qué tipo de pasaporte que fue la mano?

Como se mencionó, el nombre, Dimitri, no en el registro, y el único hijo de su abuelo, Mikhail, era George. ¿Cómo se explica esto? Entiendo la necesidad de mantener en secreto, sin embargo, no hay pruebas de ADN, un registro de bautismo o algo así?

¿Por qué el príncipe y la condesa ocultar su nacimiento. ¿Fue porque sabía que era, posiblemente, van a matar? ¿Cómo va a demostrar heridity?

Estoy trabajando en la investigación de la familia de su madre en Irlanda. Pasé mucho tiempo para anceestry alemán, estoy muy confundido.

Haré mi mejor esfuerzo para tratar de entender.

Saludos cordiales,
English translation:
Dear Emmanuel

Thanks for the update of your information.

This information is very interesting, however, may give you some more details?

What was his name when his father emigrated from Europe? What kind of passport that was the hand?

As discussed, the name, Dimitri, not on the register, and the only son of his grandfather, Mikhail, was George. What explains this? I understand the need for secrecy, however, no DNA evidence, a baptismal record or something?

Why Prince and Countess hide his birth. Was it because he knew he was possibly going to kill? How will demonstrate heridity?

I'm working on the investigation of his mother's family in Ireland. I spent so much time ancestry German, I am very confused.

I will do my best to try to understand.

Best regards,
Emmanuel Romanov September 15 at 5:41pm
Mi padre tiene el certificado de su nacimiento que tiene la prueba y la firma de ambos padres y el adn estan en los restos de mi padre como en mi sangre que no miente...
mi padre cuando emigro a gran Bretaña tenia el apellido de Romanov viajo con un pasaporte Austriaco de viena, y cuando viajo a america con el apellido de Deimond Leicester, en Brasil se puso el apellido de DA COSTA LEITE, y murio diciendo que lo unico que deseaba era que ya que la ultima ves que vio a su padre fue cuando era un niño, que deseaba ser enterrado junto a su padre y trasladar los restos de su madre a Rusia, me pidio que si fuera lo que tuviera que hacer como exumar sus restos para demostrar que era el hijo legitimo de Mikhail y Natalya, y descansar en paz.
English translation:
'My father has a birth certificate that has the proof and the signature of both parents and DNA are the remains of my father in my blood that can not lie ...
my father when he immigrated to Great Britain had the surname Romanov Austrian travel with a passport in Vienna, and when I travel to America with the surname of Leicester Deimond in Brazil was the name of DA COSTA LEITE, and died saying that the only thing wanted was that since the last time I saw her father was as a child, he wanted to be buried beside his father and transfer the remains of his mother from Russia, asked me if what he had to do as exuma their remains to prove that he was the legitimate son of Mikhail and Natalya, and rest in peace. "
Emmanuel Romanov September 16 at 2:22pm
Con respecto a esta pregunta... ¿Por qué, específicamente lo que sus padres ocultar su nacimiento? ¿Fue porque sabían que pueden ser encarcelados o asesinados? ¿Cómo va a explicar su heridity? Mikhail sabia de las intenciones de los Bolchevique de asesinar a la familia Imperial Romanov, hasta el Zar Nikolai cuando su hermano le comento lo que habia averiguado Nikolai le dijo que era imposible que era tan imposible como querer transportar los Urales a cualquier parte del mundo el que los Bolcheviques que tuvieran exito en tal cosa. Pero el miedo de mi abuelo de proteger a su esposa su hijo George y el bebe que venia en camino, le dijo a su hermano que el respetaba su desicion de no creerle pero que el se iba a asegurar de proteger a su familia a costa de su propia vida y que habia desidido cuando naciera su segundo hijo fuera niño o niña, de no darlo a conocer al medio publico por la seguridad de la vida del bebe, ya que seria más facil de proteger no sabiendose de su existencia.... Y aunque tuviera que gotear su ultima gota de sangre por proteger a su pequeño George y a su amada Natalya, y a su segundo fruto de su matrimonio, mi padre.

Con respecto a mi madre ella es una Von Hohenzollern por padre y como le dije por parte de su madre es una Stewart...

Saludos Cordiales,
Emmanuel Romanov.
English translation:
Re: Romanov Family

With regard to this question ... Why, specifically what their parents conceal his birth? Was it because they knew they could be jailed or killed? How will you explain your heridity? Mikhail knew about the intentions of the Bolsheviks to kill the Imperial Romanov family, to the Tsar Nikolai when his brother told him what he had learned Nikolai said it was impossible it was as impossible as trying to carry the Urals to anywhere in the world that the Bolsheviks were successful in that. But the fear of my grandfather to protect his wife and baby son George who was on the way, he told his brother that he respected his decision to not believe him but that he would ensure to protect your family at the expense of his own life and that he had desidido when his second son was born child, not made known to the public means for the safety of your baby's life, and it would be easier to protect not knowing of their existence .... And if he had to dribble his last drop of blood to protect her little George and his beloved Natalya, and his second fruit of their marriage, my father.

With respect to my mother she is a von Hohenzollern by father and told by her mother is a Stewart ...

Best regards,
Emmanuel Romanov.

As you can see, these are genuine comments made by someone who is seeking his ancestry. There are still many more communications I am researching.  I have purposely not edited or corrected any writing.  This young man cannot be lying about wanting to fulfill his father's wishes. There would be no point in it...


Offline Ally Kumari

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #81 on: October 11, 2009, 02:37:21 AM »
Interestingly enough Natasha never cared to show this second child even to the Dowager Empress when they met in exile.......

No, I don´t believe there was a second son.


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #82 on: October 11, 2009, 10:46:21 AM »
Interestingly enough Natasha never cared to show this second child even to the Dowager Empress when they met in exile.......

No, I don´t believe there was a second son.

Dear GD Ally,

The Dowager Empress did know of this child.  We do intend to prove it.  Why would anyone lie about the topic below: 

Emmanuel's Reply: September 4, 2009

de acuerdo sere breve, con respecto a esto mi padre, fue ocultado del medio social al nacer, solamente habia pruebas de su nacimiento en el lugar donde fue bautizado de la Iglesia ortodoxa en San Petersburgo, pero su padre o como quiera decirlo mi abuelo lo oculto solamente sabiendolo la familia más allegada de mi padre de sus tios el Zar Nikolai II y su abuela Maria Feodorovna, es un tema que sigue en suspenso hasta el dia de hoy, del cual mi padre se lo llevo hasta su tumba. mi abuelo el padre de mi madre es el hijo de Joachim

English translation:
sere under brief, with respect to that my father was hidden from the social environment at birth, but had evidence of birth in the place where he was baptized in the Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg, but his father or whatever you say my grandfather knowing it hidden only close family of my father of his uncles Tsar Nikolai II and his grandmother Maria Feodorovna, is a subject that is on hold until this day, of which my father took him to his grave. my grandfather on my mother's father is the son of Joachim

I do not edit any of our communication.  This is written in Emmanuel's own hand.  The immediate family was, apparently, very aware of this second son, Dimitry Mikhailovich Romanov, Emmanuel's father. I do have a photo of this man, and Emmanuel's mother.  I am trying to figure out how to put it on here from my desktop.  It was sent to me by Emmanuel.


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #83 on: October 11, 2009, 12:38:46 PM »

I am trying to learn how to add photo's here...This is Dimitry Mikhailovich Romanov and his wife, Lanka Suzanne Stewart

« Last Edit: October 11, 2009, 12:40:17 PM by Toscany »


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #84 on: October 11, 2009, 01:52:13 PM »
I asked Emmanuel Romanov today, why there were no records of his father's birth between GD Michael and the Countess Brassova.  I also asked him if his father ever spoke of visits with his mother to see the Dagmar.  I explained to him how skeptics would not believe a hidden child of a royal family.  Here is our communication: (note* I have note edited communication or translations at this time.  they are exactly as written and translated).

My Communication:


Querría saber en sus conversaciones con su padre, si él recordó tiempo gastado con el Dagmar, mientras ella estuvo en el excile.
Los "fingidores" y su apoyo, no creen que Michael y Natalie ocultarían a un niño. Expliqué a ellos acerca de dinero de pagar de Michael para tener a su padre refugiado de todos. Es difícil al prueba algo cuándo historia no lo tiene escrito, por lo tanto, debemos mirar la historia que reescribe no fue nada es documentado.
Deseo asegurarse de que creo su reclamo, y no habría razón para usted hacer declaraciones que no son verdad al mundo. Yo me siento cierto que con el recuerdo de su madre, nosotros podemos demostrar su ascendencia 100%.

English translation:


Would want to know in his conversations with his father, if he recalled time spent with the Dagmar, while she was in the excile.  The "fake" and its support, they do not believe that Michael and Natalie would hide a boy.  I explained to them about money to pay of Michael to have its father refugee of all.  It is difficult to the proove something when history does not have it writing, therefore, we should look at the history that rewrites was not swum is documented.  Desire to be assured that I believe its claim, and do not there would be reason for you to do statements that are not true to the world.  I feel certain that with the memory of its mother, we can show its ancestry 100%. 


Emmanuel's reply:

Mi Padre casi siempre preferia no contar nada respecto a su pasado porque siempre me decia aun siendo niño yo que todo lo que lo rodeba en su pasado era dolor. Su abuela Dagmar lo vio en varias ocaciones a su nieto, y ella decia que queria anunciarlo a mi padre al mundo el dijo que por algo Mikhail habia derramdo su sangre por conservarlo vivo y que su muerte no iba a ser en vano que si su padre lo habia preferido asi el lo haria tal como su padre lo habia querido... Dagmar su abuela dijo que ella respetaba todo lo que su hijo habia hecho, y lo que es más ella lo comprendia mejor ya que era su hijo a quien ella habia dado a luz, pero si era su deseo ella lo respetaria y que ni en sus diarios de su vida por que bien tenia la nocion que tarde o temprano tras su muerte o sea la muerte de Dagmar, alguien leeria su diario personal.

English translation:

My Father almost always prefer to count not anything with respect to its past because always me saying even being a boy I that everything that it rodeba in its past was pain.  Its grandmother Dagmar saw it in several ocaciones to its grandson, and she saying that queria to announce it my father to the world the said that by something Mikhail habia derramdo its blood by conserving it alive and that its death was not going to be in vain that if its father it habia preferred asi the it haria just as its father it habia beloved...  Dagmar its grandmother said that she respected everything that its son habia done, and what is more she it comprendia better since was its son to whom she habia given birth, but if was its desire she it respetaria and that neither in its newspapers of its life because well tapeworm the nocion that sooner or later after its death that is to say the death of Dagmar, Someone need to read her diary.

Offline Carolath Habsburg

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #85 on: October 11, 2009, 07:06:12 PM »
Dear toscany. I do believe in your serious investigation and all but..seeing the pictures and reading your post...i still cant believe it. Sorry.

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #86 on: October 11, 2009, 07:30:23 PM »
Dear toscany. I do believe in your serious investigation and all but..seeing the pictures and reading your post...i still cant believe it. Sorry.

Estimada Sra. Fyodorvna,

Es entendible cómo personas en este sitio, eso es tan joven, no puede creer.

Puedo relacionar al escepticismo, para ha sido un maestro de la escuela, y se da cuenta de cómo pruebas concluyentes son requeridas a dirigir los que serán los críticos.

Soy mucho más viejo, y crecí en una casa, fueron mi adoptó los padres de padre sobrevivieron muchos acontecimientos espantosos para dejar Rusia y venir a América.
Hay mucho más historias inauditas que los decir.



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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #87 on: October 13, 2009, 01:03:59 PM »
I also do not believe it, sorry to say. If there was a son of Michael, that we do not know about, he would or could have been in direct line of succession but to have stayed out of the picture for so long with no references at all does not stand up. I have always been a supported or Michael and he seemed a decent, brave honorable man, a lot better than some members of the dynasty at the time it would seem, and this just does not sit right. 
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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #88 on: October 13, 2009, 01:16:11 PM »
Michael HR, I agree, I do not buy this story either. However, such a son, phantom or not would certainly not be in the line of succession. He would have been  born of an unequal marriage and a divorced mother as well.  [I know the Vldimirs face the same contention, more or less]
 Also, thee would not have been any reason to "hide" such a son.   No Romanovs were chased down in exile by the Bolsheviks/Soviets.  They did not hide the first son, as has been mentioned. Barring DNA PROOF, this story reeks of another fantasy to me.

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #89 on: October 13, 2009, 01:19:04 PM »
Sorry Robert of course he did not have succession rights, badly constructed answer. 
Remembering the Imperial Corps Des Pages - The Spirit of Imperial Russia