Author Topic: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich  (Read 108395 times)

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #90 on: October 14, 2009, 10:02:50 AM »
I also do not believe it, sorry to say. If there was a son of Michael, that we do not know about, he would or could have been in direct line of succession but to have stayed out of the picture for so long with no references at all does not stand up. I have always been a supported or Michael and he seemed a decent, brave honorable man, a lot better than some members of the dynasty at the time it would seem, and this just does not sit right. 

Michael HR,

Many references have already be given to at least bring alive, the possibility.  There was a second son of the GD and Natalya, and I do intend to prove it.  The grandson, living in Uruguay, is only 27 years old. He is merely trying to fulfill his father's wishes.

The young man has access to his father's birth certificate.  Many of these royals lived in Edinburgh, Scotland, until the 1950's.

It is ok with me, that this particular young gentleman, and his story, will fall to ridicule until it is uncovered.  I am retired now, and I am happy to help him.


Offline Ally Kumari

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #91 on: October 14, 2009, 10:05:55 AM »
Unless his DNA matches, I don´t think you can prove anything..... The diaries of Maria Fyodorovna were published and there is nothing about this supposed son.


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #92 on: October 14, 2009, 10:25:14 AM »
Unless his DNA matches, I don´t think you can prove anything..... The diaries of Maria Fyodorovna were published and there is nothing about this supposed son.

A DNA test is on the way....The Dagmar would not write anything in her diary about this grandson, because it was the GD Mikhail's wishes.  She knew of the importance. She knew of this baby, she saw him.

I will be happy to share the results.


Offline Douglas

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #93 on: October 14, 2009, 02:11:23 PM »
Greetings Harry:

Why not post some photos of this grandson.   We like to size up the various claimants by how they appear and their general demeanor as to their suitability to be considered of the Imperial family.  You say he is twenty-seven and lives in Uruguay.

We've had a lot of new people show up on our doorstep with all kinds of claims. We take them as they come down the at a time.

 Robert, who has recently posted on this topic,  is one of our experts at spotting authentic  royals from the faux ones.  We always  count on him for his seasoned advice and consent.  Michael HR, is also one of the most respected of our authenticators.

From all that you have presented so far, we may just have the real article here.  Time will tell.

With kind regards,


I also do not believe it, sorry to say. If there was a son of Michael, that we do not know about, he would or could have been in direct line of succession but to have stayed out of the picture for so long with no references at all does not stand up. I have always been a supported or Michael and he seemed a decent, brave honorable man, a lot better than some members of the dynasty at the time it would seem, and this just does not sit right.  

Michael HR,

Many references have already be given to at least bring alive, the possibility.  There was a second son of the GD and Natalya, and I do intend to prove it.  The grandson, living in Uruguay, is only 27 years old. He is merely trying to fulfill his father's wishes.

The young man has access to his father's birth certificate.  Many of these royals lived in Edinburgh, Scotland, until the 1950's.

It is ok with me, that this particular young gentleman, and his story, will fall to ridicule until it is uncovered.  I am retired now, and I am happy to help him.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 02:14:36 PM by Douglas »

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #94 on: October 14, 2009, 02:27:12 PM »
They are? so..what can they say about Dimitri`s picture? Mr Binkow posted it in page 6 of this topic ;-)

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #95 on: October 14, 2009, 03:30:15 PM »
Greetings Harry:

Why not post some photos of this grandson.   We like to size up the various claimants by how they appear and their general demeanor as to their suitability to be considered of the Imperial family.  You say he is twenty-seven and lives in Uruguay.

We've had a lot of new people show up on our doorstep with all kinds of claims. We take them as they come down the at a time.

 Robert, who has recently posted on this topic,  is one of our experts at spotting authentic  royals from the faux ones.  We always  count on him for his seasoned advice and consent.  Michael HR, is also one of the most respected of our authenticators.

From all that you have presented so far, we may just have the real article here.  Time will tell.

With kind regards,


Dear Douglas,

Yes.  Time will tell for this young man...After all, he was only 11 years old when his father passed away.  How much does one learn of history, ancestry, or anthing else, at that age.  At the very least, his father shared with him who he was.  He is 27 years old, born in Edinburgh, Scotland UK 1982, and living with his mother in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Believe me, I was extremely skeptical, when I first met Emmanuel, however, I am now on his side 100%.  I have studied the Romanov Dynasty for 15 years, and have not been so intrigued as I am now.  Maybe because it sheds yet another light on the possibility of someone who lived in secrecy.  Could you imagine this type of life.  He has no reason to lie about his ancestry, and his father, who has been deceased for sixteen years now, would not have told him the story of his ancestry at 11 years old, to lie to him.  Emmanuel also attended The University of Glasgow, Scotland UK.  He did not graduate until he was 25.

Here is a photo of Emmanuel's parents, again , for you to view.  Ms. Fyodorovna is correct about me having posted their photo earlier in this thread.

It is not important to me, especially at this time, to be concerned with any ridicule regarding this claim.  I expected it.  However, it is an opportunity of a life time to explore the evidence that this young gentleman has learned at an early age.  The key to the success of this research is, of course, YDNA37 evidence with another male Romanov.  I have forwarded to this claimant information from to assure him that this is the only way to respect his father's wishes.

I realize all of you do not believe him or me, and it is completely understandable.  I had to test the waters here, to see how people who take these historical families of interest.  Having learned many things of my own familes flee from Russia, is the tip of the iceberg to determine everything.  Historic documentation of this period did not have all the answers immediately.  This is another course in patience...Thank you for your note.

Best regards,


I also do not believe it, sorry to say. If there was a son of Michael, that we do not know about, he would or could have been in direct line of succession but to have stayed out of the picture for so long with no references at all does not stand up. I have always been a supported or Michael and he seemed a decent, brave honorable man, a lot better than some members of the dynasty at the time it would seem, and this just does not sit right.  

Michael HR,

Many references have already be given to at least bring alive, the possibility.  There was a second son of the GD and Natalya, and I do intend to prove it.  The grandson, living in Uruguay, is only 27 years old. He is merely trying to fulfill his father's wishes.

The young man has access to his father's birth certificate.  Many of these royals lived in Edinburgh, Scotland, until the 1950's.

It is ok with me, that this particular young gentleman, and his story, will fall to ridicule until it is uncovered.  I am retired now, and I am happy to help him.


aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #96 on: October 14, 2009, 06:19:13 PM »
 Attention  "Toscany":  I have been following this discussion admittedly in a somewhat hapzard fashion, but you are to be congratulated for your devotion to its cause, WHERE EVER the truth may lie.  You say that DNA testing is on its way and that should be MOST interesting.  Let's for a moment look at the other side: In post #80, reference is made to this young person's mother as being allegedly in descent from the noble (would anone expect less in marriage of a  putative "Romanov"?) families Hohenzollern and Stewart (Stuart ?).   "Stewart/Stuart"  is indeed a common name.  And then, potentially in reference to the Hohenzollerns, we have this quote from the young man: (Post # 2) "My grandfather on my mother's side is the son of Joachim."  Do we have published/printed, independently verifiable proof of these exhalted connections of his mother as how this occurred, or is this simply "word of mouth" ?  With best regards,  AP.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 06:50:13 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #97 on: October 14, 2009, 06:54:49 PM »
Addendum/correction to Post # 96:  The correct Post number for the quote about "Joachim" is # 82,  NOT #2 as I typed in my immediately previous post.  My apologies.  AP.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 07:00:19 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #98 on: October 15, 2009, 01:51:32 AM »
The only suitable place for Toscany's assertions are here alongside all the other convoluted myths perpetrated by so many other claimants or third parties who tend to be drawn to this Forum.

But carry on Sir, have your fun in the meantime, the more you reveal the more one can judge how absurd this story is!


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #99 on: October 15, 2009, 10:02:33 AM »
Attention  "Toscany":  I have been following this discussion admittedly in a somewhat hapzard fashion, but you are to be congratulated for your devotion to its cause, WHERE EVER the truth may lie.  You say that DNA testing is on its way and that should be MOST interesting.  Let's for a moment look at the other side: In post #80, reference is made to this young person's mother as being allegedly in descent from the noble (would anone expect less in marriage of a  putative "Romanov"?) families Hohenzollern and Stewart (Stuart ?).   "Stewart/Stuart"  is indeed a common name.  And then, potentially in reference to the Hohenzollerns, we have this quote from the young man: (Post # 2) "My grandfather on my mother's side is the son of Joachim."  Do we have published/printed, independently verifiable proof of these exhalted connections of his mother as how this occurred, or is this simply "word of mouth" ?  With best regards,  AP.

Dear Aleksandr Pavlovich,

Thank you for the kind words.  I am pleased that I can, at the very least, voice questions and comments here, without too much ridicule.  The truth is, of course, I expected it.  However, I did not expect to be congratulated, so I am most humbled by your comments.  I am only here to help Emmanuel with this most intriguing story.

The questions that you have regarding Emmanuel's mother, is where I have come across the most difficulty.  She is alive, and I have impressed Emmanuel, as early as today, that his mother is the "key" to the success of our ancestry documentation.  I have asked him to permit me to communicate with here directly, for she holds the memories closer than anyone else.  Here is what I do know of  Suzanne Lanka Hohenzollern-Stewart (b 11 December 1945 - present), Edinburgh, Scotland UK.  Current residence, Montevideo, Uruguay.  My first question here, is why would a Europen immigrate to Uruguay?

Father: Manfred Wilhelm Hohenzollern ( 22 May 1915 - 12 April 1996), relative of Wilhelm I (?)

Mother: Katherine Hohenzollern (Stewart) ( 15 September 1919 - 4 July 2004).  Father was Leopold Stewart.

I am having the most difficulties here with a living parent.  I am working on a "Family Tree" to have Emmanuel print out, take to his mother, and fill it out to the best of their knowledge. So, to answer your question to the best of my current knowledge, "yes", this is word of mouth from the mother - through the claimant.

Best regards,



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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #100 on: October 15, 2009, 10:27:49 AM »
The only suitable place for Toscany's assertions are here alongside all the other convoluted myths perpetrated by so many other claimants or third parties who tend to be drawn to this Forum.

But carry on Sir, have your fun in the meantime, the more you reveal the more one can judge how absurd this story is!



Time will tell whether or not this is just another absurd story, or the truth.  Passing judgement, before one hears the whole truth, is like finding someone guilty before the trial! However, believe what you wish, I am not worried.

As I have stated before, I do not believe that this young man is a pathological liar. I also do not believe his father was one either!

Here is another communication from Emmanuel, regarding his mother' family:

Mi abuela materna era Katherine Stewart, ella es nacida en Escocia nacio el 15 de Setiembre de 1919, y fallecio el 4 de julio del año 2004, se hablar alemán y mi madre de toda la vida sabe hablar tambien en alemán, mi abuelo Manfred Wilhelm Hohenzollern nacio 22 de Mayo de 1915, y fallecio el 12 de Abril de 1996.


My maternal grandmother was Katherine Stewart, she is born in Scotland being born the 15 of September of 1919, and died July 4, the year 2004, be to spoken German and my mother of all the life knows to speak  in German well, my grandfather Manfred Wilhelm Hohenzollern being born May 22, 1915, and died April 12, 1996.

Why should this young man lie?  What would be in it for him? I do not believe that Emmanuel is spewing nonsense, just to be heard.


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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #101 on: October 15, 2009, 10:47:53 AM »
Answering your question about emigration, lots of european emigrated  in early 1900s and mids 1930s to south america, in special english, russian , yugoslavian , spanish and italian people.

In chile we have a large comunnity of  those Colonies, so, its isnt an uncommon thing the emigration of europeans to south america (im part of the Spanish and Yugoslavian comunnity in chile and my fiance is part of the Italian).

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #102 on: October 15, 2009, 01:08:45 PM »
Attention: "Toscany" and your reply # 99:     Thank you very much indeed for your kind and immediate reply to my queries.  I do agree that the extant mother's information would be valuable input, TO THE EXTENT THAT IT IS GERMANE AND PROVABLE. That is the caveat.  Oral or "Living History" is a tricky thing.  It is only as good as the person being interviewed, as well as the skill/knowledge of the interviewer.  As you well know, "Toscany," people from generation to generation (even recent  ones) may orally garble their histories, sometimes because of age, diminution of memory, and sometimes intentionally for enhancement/prestige.  Passed along orally, enough, it becomes "truth", especially when the source dies: "Well, my grandmother told my mother, and my mother told ME........".  This also becomes further complicated when a "foreign" language/dialect is involved. Intonation, colloquial usage, etc. can be more than problematic in rendering exactness in communication.  Thus, DNA today provides a closer solution, as well as will DOCUMENTED descent in the prominent family archives.  The history of the "Royal" Stuarts/Stewarts (as opposed to the "common" Stuarts/Stewarts") would be quite well documented, as well as that of the Hohenzollerns.  Is it possible then to "miss" a person?  Yes, truthfully,  especially when the person in question is a minor (no pun intended!) figure and most likely illegitimate.  The person that YOU represent is in an alleged class of descent that should have numerous open avenues of documented proof available.....IF.....IF....the premise is TRUE.  Finally, with all respect and candor, I do not find myself to be a believer, but certainly will keep an open mind.  I wish you and the young person success in your endeavor, wherever it may lead.   With best wishes,  AP.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 01:27:59 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #103 on: October 15, 2009, 06:07:46 PM »
Yes, AP is quite correct about uncovering the past.  In my own case my father  has been deceased for almost 50 years. Myself and my siblings have only recently discovered that he had at least four  children by women other than our mother.  It's a very strange story to be sure.

History can indeed have many strange and twisting turns.

As AP pointed out, even if Emmanuel is a blood relative of past royalty, he may so far removed from more immediate relatives that the fact is totally meaningless.

Althought I do believe that I was secreted away  Sandringham House  at birth and that I really am a lost son of  Queen Elizabeth II. I have this strange attraction to white wainscoting.

AP, I'm sure has some of the royal blood in his background.  I can tell by his proper use of grammer.  Plus his table manners are impecable.

T. Douglas  
« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 06:19:11 PM by Douglas »

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Claimants of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
« Reply #104 on: October 15, 2009, 06:18:50 PM »
I accord you a "neck-bow," Sir.  This would be proper etiquette in your being from the Castle of Mey and its occupants!  (But bear in mind that the castle has only relatively recently been with Her Majesty's late mother.)  With best regards,  AP.   ADDENDUM:  Ahh! Now I understand the site to be Sandringham!  Still, the neck-bow stands!  Regards,  AP
« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 06:31:58 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »