Author Topic: Reincarnations of the Romanovs  (Read 109215 times)

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I am_Tatianochka

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #105 on: December 14, 2008, 02:30:30 PM »
Lullaby Princess, Did you get the PM I sent you?

Offline Douglas

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #106 on: December 14, 2008, 10:33:16 PM »
Well ever since I was little i've had dreams about the Romanov's. I always loved Anastasia though (as I got older I found myself familiar with Maria). I have a few friends who claim I look at little like Maria but I don't think so. I do believe in reincarnation so I don't doubt I had a past life but I doubt it was a Romanov. Despite how cool it would be to me. I do have a lot of first person dreams involving a palace but i'm pretty sure if I had a past life that was nobility it would be from France.
Who knows though? Maybe I should try and go find out.

Dearest Lullaby Princess:

I read your post with great interest.  One thing to remember is you do not have to look like the former Grand Duchess to be a reincarnation of her in this present life. 

But please keep in mind that you should always 'act' like a Grand Duchess.  Also, keep in mind that when you go to a restaurant or gas station a nouveau Grand Duchess always treats the waiters and gas jockies with respect, just as she treated the servants in her past life.

Only a low and common person treats servitors with disrespect.  Once of the blood ...always of the blood.

Long live the nobility!

PS:  When I call a restaurant for a reservation, I always add some title of nobility to my name.  It seems to get me a better table.  For some strange reason it works better in Mexican taco vendedores than in a German rathskeller.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 10:48:53 PM by Douglas »


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #107 on: January 26, 2009, 01:10:13 PM »
Yeah, so I'm not sure if I actually believe in reincarnation or not, and I haven't had any strange visions or anything that point to some mysterious past life I may have lived, but I am definitely open to the idea. I was randomly researching it the other day and I found this story on a page of accounts of "past life memories" that people have submitted. When I first read the story I knew it sounded familiar and then it clicked and I was like, whoa! But of course, being on the internet from some unknown source, it could be a complete fake. I just thought it was interesting as the person seems to have no idea who these people were. Here's the story copied from the site:

Reference#691 - Millie (25 June 2003)
Let's see, I'm not really into Reincarnation, mainly because I don't know much and come from a Christian background, but lately I have been really interested, here's why.........

I'm 15 years old and ever since I was little I'd always look away into the horizon and wish that I could go far away, to a place far away from Australia, it was like a feeling of yearning. I was always really attached to Europe. After I had a certain dream (which I will tell in a second). I began to think that it was certainly not an English speaking country. Sometimes I can listen to the English language and not even understand. It is like I can hear English from a foreign person's point of few, this happens very rarely. (But if I want to I can will myself to do it.)

I had this dream of this girl, who I knew for sure was me, but I wasn't in her body, I was looking at her [me] from the outside, I was about 17-19, slightly dark hair or light brown, but not a too dark complexion. We were a very close-knit family. I had a father (who had a mustache), a mother (who I couldn't see clearly), and 3 sisters (I'm not sure if they were older or younger, though I think at least two were older then me, or maybe all of them were..................) I also had a younger brother who was the youngest of us all. I remember calling one sister a nickname, which was Titi? or Tity? Something like that.

The first part of the dream was of me smiling, my mother and sisters were all wearing white, my father a darker colour like navy, we were at a very nice place, which I am sure was home.

The second part was of my family at a different place. At this place I had a feeling of dread, although I felt slightly brave, and I was smiling. The place was cold, or cold at the time, we were all wearing warm clothes, though they were plain, they were also uncomfortable for some reason. We were all together, then suddenly I remember seeing me being put in a grave. It was a very inproper burial, even though I hadn't seen my death I knew that my whole family and I had being executed. My grave I think looked like it was in a forest or some kind of greenery of some kind. Not all of my family were put together.

I then remember floating away to an airport, at the airport I saw my current family who said, "Hurry up, the planes leaving." They seemed kind of rushed, then we left for Australia . The strange thing is that the dream of me being executed (as I can remember) was from around the time period of 1914-18. Yet if this really was really one of my past lives it seems as if I leapt from 1914-18 all the way to 1987. I'm certain nothing happened in between these dates in my dream. I just floated from 1914-18 to 1987.


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #108 on: January 26, 2009, 01:25:21 PM »
I don't believe in reincarnation, but this story is very interesting.
Thank you PrincesseAmelie!  :)

p.s: I think that the nickname was "Tiny".
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 01:29:01 PM by RomanovsFan4Ever »

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #109 on: January 26, 2009, 01:52:56 PM »
Attention "PrincessAmelie" and your post#107:     Thank you for the amusing quote from "Millie, 25 June 2003":  I think that you have "sized it up" correctly.  IMO, utter romanticized silliness!  TOO many coincidences (colors, numbers/sequence in family, etc.) to be taken seriously.  Notice that she's vague enough to NOT mention a specific language, country or a really traceable name.   Just a youngster looking for her "fifteen minutes of fame."  Five to six years ago.....apparently she has vanished?  Hopefully she's matured now.   ( Calling Czar Doug!  Attention Imperial Majesty:  We have "Millie," a late arrival for your court !  Although she's a bit uncertain WHICH sister she is !)     Regards,  AP
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 02:19:33 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »

Offline Douglas

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #110 on: January 26, 2009, 03:25:15 PM »
Dear Count Alek Pavlovich:

 Yes, that story about Millie's dream sounded awfully familiar.  It's sort of a coalescence of Romanov Lives and Fantasy Island of TV fame.  You just never know, these images do tend to blend.

Of course I do wish all the best for Princess Amelie for the entry and hope that she will feel welcome to post some more of these interesting meringues.

But do remember that one doesn't really need dreams and seances to know if one is of the Imperial just know it.  I say "name it and claim it".

Douglas.........just think, the person next to you on the on-ramp may be of royal blood.

Attention "PrincessAmelie" and your post#107:     Thank you for the amusing quote from "Millie, 25 June 2003":  I think that you have "sized it up" correctly.  IMO, utter romanticized silliness!  TOO many coincidences (colors, numbers/sequence in family, etc.) to be taken seriously.  Notice that she's vague enough to NOT mention a specific language, country or a really traceable name.   Just a youngster looking for her "fifteen minutes of fame."  Five to six years ago.....apparently she has vanished?  Hopefully she's matured now.   ( Calling Czar Doug!  Attention Imperial Majesty:  We have "Millie," a late arrival for your court !  Although she's a bit uncertain WHICH sister she is !)     Regards,  AP


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #111 on: January 26, 2009, 08:02:14 PM »
Yes, it's... eerily similar, to say the least. I mean, I don't claim to know this person Millie (I didn't make her up, the story can be found here if you scroll down about halfway:, so therefore I can't make any judgement as to the authenticity of her claims, but it's the internet... so draw your own conclusions, I guess.  And Czar Doug, if you're looking for some more members for your imperial court I believe I've found you yet another: This one is very secure in her identity, though :P

Offline Olga Maria

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #112 on: January 27, 2009, 05:00:09 AM »
Sorry, it's my first time to visit this thread so I'm gonna directly comment at the topic...
If there are reincarnations of the OTMA, I hope I'd meet them. I believe in it sometimes though I'm a Christian (Protestant). There's no belief such that.
Or, it's best that there's no reincarnation of them after all.

Amazing colored fotos  by the most wonderful Yelena Aleksandrovna. Endless thank you very much!


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #113 on: March 05, 2009, 07:31:25 AM »

Hello, again it's me shawn or aka HIH, Alexei Nicholaievich Romanov, Tsarevich of Imperial Russia.

I know long title, but now I know that I am the beloved son of Nicholas II, and Alexandra. One of my good friends, can see the future, she herself is a princess, from way back like in the 14th century! (though cannot rem. country, or name, escapes me for the moment.) Anyway, she told me that I was indeed the Tsarevich, that I am BABY! I told her my stories, and dreams, and she agrees, and went into the past (by her mind) and she saw everything!

She remembers, even if she wasn't from 1904 to 1918, my birth, my diagnosis of heaomophilia, my near fatal fall at Spala, the 1914 photo sessions, our imprisonment in the AP, in Tobolsk, in Yekaterinburg, even when Mama, tried to make the sign of the cross, as we were told of our death sentence!

In fact, after meeting my friend Nichole, (her real name being Serenitya, she was from 14th century Italy, a very wealthy family, very close to the royalty of italy, and was in regards a princess to everyone, not just by behavior, but by birth, and by blood.) I had a dream, that I infact, met my sisters, and parents all together, we drank tea, and ate nicely-prepared food. After me and my darling sisters, Olga, Tatiana, Marie, and who would forget my michevious runt of a sister, and older Anastasia. (im, the taller Unfortunately, it was time for me to go back to reality, and wake up to go to classes. But, I am thankful I met Nichole, because if I had not, I would be still searching my whole life for my identity, and personage.

And, Douglas, I think you'll remember that you picked me up, and hugged me as Mama, danced with you, and Olga, danced with an officer, while Tatiana sat reading a novel. Of course Marie, was flirting with a officer, and Nastya, she well... lol She climbed up the tree again, despite Demidova's yells and frantic worries! Anyway, I will always love you my darling Papa, my Tsar of Russia! And, someday I hope we may meet, because Its been tooo long for us and Mama, and OTMA, to be apart...

Hugging, and smiling always,

Your darling son,



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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #114 on: March 05, 2009, 07:41:25 AM »
Hello yet again!

just had a memory relapse. I now remember, that every 17th, of July no matter what I'm doing, or where I am, I have this overlying sense of fear! It is so strong, I sometimes cry when its that day. Plus, my left ear always bothers me on that night. I never told anyone this until now, becuase now that I now Im alexei, it needed to come out full and open, really explains why I had so many night mares, and dreams about being alexei, he was telling me something, something I didn't know right then and there, but through Nichole he found me, and now I am him, full in the flesh, but in different body, and name. Funny, thing is my mom has always sais that I was from the past...I wonder why.

Aloysha aka Shawn

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #115 on: March 05, 2009, 10:36:40 AM »
Attention "shawn" and your present posts of today:   May I bring the following to your attention?  Apparently you have been away ( I realize that you have postings on "deviant art" site, etc.) and possibly have not been brought up-to-date here on this present topic:   Please read the following post of the FA:   Under the topic:   "If you are thinking about registering as a new user, Please Read :  Modified Feb. 09, 2009" (noting particularly paragraph 4).  This instructs such a topic as you have just posted to CEASE in regards to claiming to be a personal "reincarnation" of the Romanovs.   (I personally have read your previous posts on your alleged "reincarnation" and humorously think that you are a nice person, but NOT serious, as you haven't produced ONE NEW verifiable fact  that (to my knowledge) hasn't been published before in previous references, discussions, etc.  or extrapolated from the customs of the time, scenery, etc. .  You have said before that you "avidly" study the subject. I think that is obvious. Really........ "It's ok to build castles in the air, but NOT to live in them." )   AP
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 10:55:14 AM by aleksandr pavlovich »


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #116 on: March 05, 2009, 12:03:44 PM »
Dear Alexander P.,

I understand what you mean, but I know for a fact that I am Alexei, I have many things in common. We both love the sea, I always had a passion for ships, and sea-going vessels. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't on here to lie through my teeth, and I know that I am not mentally challenged, or have a disease in my mind, but I feel it and its not just knowing, I feel fear in my heart when July 17th, rolls around. I feel my self laughing when I think of the times me and my sisters played outside. I cry with a broken-heart when I think of Mama, and Papa, and my sisters, and my friends, seeing them, that horrible scene relapsing everytime I remember that indescribably night!

You could not know how I feel, when I think of that night, when my family was brutally executed, at the hands of a group of drunken idiots! I remember, the pain of watching PAPA fall to the floor, his blood and brains on me, and then just shutting my eyes, for a couple of minutes! A GUN! A GUN, pointed at me, through that stinking foggy, bank of gun smoke and the stench of blood, and other *unmentionable things* everywhere, and I remember that gun pointed at me...

I remember the pain I felt when I hit the floor, bleeding, and moaning... I remember my sweet sisters Anastasia, and Marie! How they were screaming, and fighting off those brutes! I remember how I desperately fought that brute, crazed Yerkamov! I remember how he, tried to kill me, the blade cutting into my shirt, hitting the jewels strapped to my body!!!

I remember the pain, of it all, the screams, the yelling, the pleading, the sounds, the indescribable sounds of death!!!

So, please I ask you kindly, and tell you...

You cannot possibly tell me that, plus you cannot feel what I feel, see what I see, remember what I remember!

Alexei, aka shawn :o :'( >:(


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #117 on: March 05, 2009, 12:15:14 PM »
dear alexander p.

sorry, i didn't read what you put up, the advice very sorry, except my apology, but I will not clear the facts away that i am alexei, but i will not post things saying i am anymore, i like it here, and always find friends. so yes, i think thats about it but the post i replied to yours before this one, that is all true, everything...everyfeeling.

Shawn aka... I-TsarevichAlexei13 :-X


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #118 on: March 05, 2009, 12:23:56 PM »
I remember reading about this awhile ago, it was an interview with one of the royal desdcents who attended the funeral of the tsar and his family in St. Petersburg, and how a group of people came to him, claiming to be the reincarnation of Romanovs!

  Really, people! Let me get a history book, and I'll be Alix! >_>

Truly, GoldenPen
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 12:56:07 PM by GoldenPen »


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #119 on: March 18, 2009, 02:59:31 PM »
Dear Alexander P.,

I understand what you mean, but I know for a fact that I am Alexei, I have many things in common. We both love the sea, I always had a passion for ships, and sea-going vessels. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't on here to lie through my teeth, and I know that I am not mentally challenged, or have a disease in my mind, but I feel it and its not just knowing, I feel fear in my heart when July 17th, rolls around. I feel my self laughing when I think of the times me and my sisters played outside. I cry with a broken-heart when I think of Mama, and Papa, and my sisters, and my friends, seeing them, that horrible scene relapsing everytime I remember that indescribably night!

You could not know how I feel, when I think of that night, when my family was brutally executed, at the hands of a group of drunken idiots! I remember, the pain of watching PAPA fall to the floor, his blood and brains on me, and then just shutting my eyes, for a couple of minutes! A GUN! A GUN, pointed at me, through that stinking foggy, bank of gun smoke and the stench of blood, and other *unmentionable things* everywhere, and I remember that gun pointed at me...

Simply. Ridiculous.  : D

I like the smell of violets. Does that mean I can be Anastasia? : |
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 03:07:23 PM by NAOTMAA Fan »