Hello, again it's me shawn or aka HIH, Alexei Nicholaievich Romanov, Tsarevich of Imperial Russia.
I know long title, but now I know that I am the beloved son of Nicholas II, and Alexandra. One of my good friends, can see the future, she herself is a princess, from way back like in the 14th century! (though cannot rem. country, or name, escapes me for the moment.) Anyway, she told me that I was indeed the Tsarevich, that I am BABY! I told her my stories, and dreams, and she agrees, and went into the past (by her mind) and she saw everything!
She remembers, even if she wasn't from 1904 to 1918, my birth, my diagnosis of heaomophilia, my near fatal fall at Spala, the 1914 photo sessions, our imprisonment in the AP, in Tobolsk, in Yekaterinburg, even when Mama, tried to make the sign of the cross, as we were told of our death sentence!
In fact, after meeting my friend Nichole, (her real name being Serenitya, she was from 14th century Italy, a very wealthy family, very close to the royalty of italy, and was in regards a princess to everyone, not just by behavior, but by birth, and by blood.) I had a dream, that I infact, met my sisters, and parents all together, we drank tea, and ate nicely-prepared food. After me and my darling sisters, Olga, Tatiana, Marie, and who would forget my michevious runt of a sister, and older Anastasia. (im, the taller one...lol) Unfortunately, it was time for me to go back to reality, and wake up to go to classes. But, I am thankful I met Nichole, because if I had not, I would be still searching my whole life for my identity, and personage.
And, Douglas, I think you'll remember that you picked me up, and hugged me as Mama, danced with you, and Olga, danced with an officer, while Tatiana sat reading a novel. Of course Marie, was flirting with a officer, and Nastya, she well... lol She climbed up the tree again, despite Demidova's yells and frantic worries! Anyway, I will always love you my darling Papa, my Tsar of Russia! And, someday I hope we may meet, because Its been tooo long for us and Mama, and OTMA, to be apart...
Hugging, and smiling always,
Your darling son,