In final reply to "I-TsarevichAlexei13 and #154: This exchange can obviously go on forever, thus my last words on this topic: Again, I was originally interested in the origin of that site, that for whatever reason you said that you had "found," and were inviting others to take a look. Upon reading it, I came to the conclusion that it was not "found" (as you state in your post #150), rather it APPEARED to originate from YOU under a similiar name, and you confirmed this by your subsequent posting tirade of # 152, upon being "called" on it. I do not know why you practiced this deception, rather than admit it was YOUR invention. I even gave you an "out", by saying perhaps you meant "founded," rather than "found." Understand: You are free to conceive (outside the boundaries of the Alexander Palace Forum) whatever legitimate site you wish. Simply why not acknowledge it? ("Hello, everyone, please feel free to take a look at my new site, located at...... etc." IMO, that would not break the rule of claiming to be a "recarnation of a specific Romanov.") THAT occasioned my inquiry. I cannot/will not deal with one's hypersensitivities, imagined or otherwise, unless logically and truthfully presented. Be mature enough with your 20 years, to own your creativity and to be proud of it. It probably fills a need that others of like interest may have. Regards, AP