Author Topic: Reincarnations of the Romanovs  (Read 107416 times)

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #165 on: April 10, 2010, 03:56:21 AM »
The site I refer to is still I-TsarevichAlexei13 site and I only a member there which you might have seen if you click on me profil. I might have read your comment wrong I can see why I will claim here to be a renicarnation of Romanovs or other royalty.

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #166 on: April 15, 2010, 01:35:06 PM »
Can't believe there's still posting going on in this topic.

I don't even want to read any of it. You people completely miss the point. It's not the point of if you're 'right' or not, it's that it DOESN'T BELONG IN AN EDUCATIONAL/HISTORICAL DISCUSSION.

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #167 on: April 15, 2010, 01:47:28 PM »
Indeed I do that Holly that why I keep it on a other forum but then I read that Aleksandr Pavlovich writes that this I became a little bite angry since I say that it I was talking about this froum. I would never write about this on this forum. So I sorry if you got the impression of me that I wrote this things on the forum.

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #168 on: April 15, 2010, 02:32:45 PM »
The generic discussion of "reincarnation" per se has been permitted by the FA (excluding the claims to be a specific Romanov or other royal----I'm still waiting to see the first "Diana" appearance.....), as modified, since Feb. 2009.   IMO, to see how past and present posters come and go and change their points of view, through enlightenment, maturity, or whatever, it is an interesting and eye-opening/somewhat humorous exercise to read/compare responses throughout this entire thread.........especially the first six or so earlier pages.                                                                If retained, perhaps the title of this thread could be changed, but then it wouldn't be pertinent or as "attractive," would it?    AP
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 03:04:00 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #169 on: June 09, 2010, 10:40:47 AM »
I've moved this discussion to Having Fun, because it really can't be taken as a seriously educational discussion, unless someday genuine evidence, scientifically proven arises.  So, let's all just relax and allow people the freedom to discuss this without personal attacks, since it "is" just "having fun".



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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #170 on: June 09, 2010, 10:51:25 AM »
No offense, Forum Admin. But, why don't you just move the entire "Imperial Claimants" thread to the "Having Fun Section"....

I mean really, Reincarnation is a belief, it does not need to be scientifically proven. People have different opinions, yes we realize
Its a touchy subject, but still. There's really no reason to move it to the "having Fun Section" its not having fun, its a generic topic, and also it is educational to an extent.

I feel that people need to respect others opinions and beliefs more, and not botch their words and attack them. But if you feel this is the way to do things, then You are the FA, you know what's right.


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #171 on: June 09, 2010, 11:24:38 AM »
Had the thread been moved back and forth? This post indicated that it had moved after the first couple postings to the Having Fun section

Yes. I am so sorry. I thought I posted this thread in the claimants board, so I was looking for it, but then I didn't see it and I'm like "awww well, maybe it was deleted." But now, being my ditzy self ::), i find that indeed it was posted, in the Having fun thread, not the Claimants.  So sorry, I feel really stupid, and of course--I would love to transfer it, but how do I go about doing so??

If so, then the FA moved it back to where he thought it should belong. I tend to agree here as it is more light-hearted of a topic as opposed to the science-based aspects of the Claimants threads. That engaged people on more than a faith basis as there is obviously DNA tests that can be run, etc....on those who claimed to actually BE one of the family. Obviously, those tests can't be run on people who believe they are the reincarnations. I think that is a primary distinction when deciding where to place the thread.

Another consideration is the fact that there is much more leeway for speculation and 'what if's' on this section. On others, people will rightly press for hard facts, evidence, citations, etc...Because that isn't demanded here, people should reflect the more easy-going attitutude and while respect and good manners are always supposed to occur, that is even moreso in this section of the Forum.
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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #172 on: June 09, 2010, 12:22:03 PM »
I have drawn a distinction here.  Imperial Claimants are part of the history and past of the Romanov saga. Notice that I don't permit modern "claimants" to post unless and until they have provided DNA testing. The rest of that discussion is a genuinely historical one, they were real people, and some folks believed their tales.  It is interesting to some people about the "how and why" of their claims.

Moving the thread here does indeed give you all much greater freedom to discuss the subject than if it remained in the "serious history" section, and I have been getting PMs about some "friction" between posters.  As GDElla reminded you, the rules of polite respect for other posters.

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #173 on: June 22, 2010, 11:09:04 AM »
Attention "I-TsarevichAlexei13" :  I am posting this message here in case you have not had a chance to read my request of research/comments to you  on my posting #158 of "Leonid Sednev" ("Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty/ The Final Chapter/ Leonid Sednev") of June 18.  You will note that the assistance of your "past lives remembrances - type" board members "AlyoshkaHeir13 (you) and "TheTinyJrLeshka" are kindly requested for input to my Posting #158, memtioned above.  Please read my posting # 158 carefully before responding, as the single or combined response/s of the two individuals above can prove to be VERY unique and useful, whether pro or con.  I would ask that you post the reply/ies under the "Leonid Sednev" topic, as I do not use personal messages, and so that others who are participating/following this thread will have the benefit of your response/s.    Regards, AP.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 11:15:47 AM by aleksandr pavlovich »


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #174 on: June 23, 2010, 09:09:44 AM »
As I understand it, people are generally reincarnated (if you believe in such a thing) according to karmic law. Royalty tends to reincarnate in royal families, so the likelihood of and Olga or Marie incarnating outside of a royal if not THE imperial family are remote but possible. The feelings of duty and dedication among princes is not only bred but inherent, forged by continued serial incarnation in the service of nations. Now, you don't have to believe this except in "fun", but if one has a faith one could very well come to the conclusion that God appoints kings through incarnation and the phrase "accident of birth" is meaningless.

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #175 on: June 30, 2010, 08:24:34 AM »
Relative to my Posting # 173, specifically to "I-TsarevichAlexei13":  I would again remind you,"I-TsarevichAlexei13," that I am seeking input from your alternate persona of "past-life" rememberances as "AlyoshkaHeir13," and that of your fellow board member, "TinyJrLeshka", claiming to have "past-life rememberances" of Leonid Sednev.  I kindly wish to have "their" reactions as to the idenitity of the 1 or 2 boys mentioned in my Posting # 173 on this thread.  A two-week "turn-around" time was outlined and we are approaching that time's end.  Other readers on the "Sednev" topic will undoubtedly be VERY interested in this rather unorthodox contact attempt and your reply/ies. Should you need more time to "contact" the two members of your board (one being you, yourself!), please let me know.  You have already declared your OWN thoughts, as "I-TsarevichAlexei13," in your Reply #97 of June 3rd, under the Thread "Leonid Sednev," by stating: (Quote) " I also think that the young boy in the double-breasted coat is Leonid Sednev. I think that we may have found the illusive kitchen boy. then again, I could be wrong. But he fits the description very much so. " (end quote).  Two comments on this: 1.) Please note that BOTH of the young boys have double-breasted coats. Unless you inform otherwise, I presume you are describing the boy in the "first photo" (next to the soldier in a group of three persons), where the double-breasted coat is so clearly apparent.  2.) Why the uncertainity?  As a holder of intimate "past life recollections" of the Heir, you (as "AlyoshkaHeir13") would KNOW INSTANTLY if it's Leonid or not !  Regards,  AP.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 08:40:51 AM by aleksandr pavlovich »

Countess of Monte Cristo

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #176 on: June 30, 2010, 09:20:45 AM »
As I understand it, people are generally reincarnated (if you believe in such a thing) according to karmic law. Royalty tends to reincarnate in royal families, so the likelihood of and Olga or Marie incarnating outside of a royal if not THE imperial family are remote but possible. The feelings of duty and dedication among princes is not only bred but inherent, forged by continued serial incarnation in the service of nations. Now, you don't have to believe this except in "fun", but if one has a faith one could very well come to the conclusion that God appoints kings through incarnation and the phrase "accident of birth" is meaningless.

If karmic law has anything to do with it, then past-life royals would actually NOT be incarnated into current royals, as most cases go.  I am not claiming to be anyone, but I do believe if the Romanovs are anyone now, they could probably be that random person down the street who is most likely unaware of anything related to the Romanovs.


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #177 on: August 03, 2010, 04:38:16 PM »
Hello, i know i am not continueing with the actual conversation going on, but i'd just like to say. If anyone is in the belief that they are Ivan Sednev (leonid sednev's uncle) please contact me through message ONLY. thank you :)


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #178 on: August 10, 2010, 04:12:51 PM »
I definitely don't believe in Reincarnation but, I do look an awful alot like Tatianna, not hair wise but face wise. Not to be bragging or anything, but I'll post a picture. :)

Countess of Monte Cristo

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #179 on: August 14, 2010, 12:46:35 PM »
I look an awful lot like Elisabeth of Austria and have a shockingly similar personality.  Does that mean anything?  No.