Author Topic: Reincarnations of the Romanovs  (Read 108840 times)

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Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« on: December 29, 2005, 12:21:49 AM »
Hello Everybody!

Yes, I know there is already a board somewhat touching on the idea of reincarnation, but, as curiosity has gotten the better of me, I just don't think it was discussed in full length as I (and, am not alone) would like it to be.

  So, what do you all think about the whole idea of reincarnation, none the less, reincarnations of the Romanovs? I think that the Romanovs have been reincarnated (at least some of them) I just don't know when or where (as, again I'm not alone on this one ::) )

Have any of you read "To save Russia, reincarnation of Czar Nicholas II"? I would love to read it, but don't have access to it, at boo on my part! But, to those of you who have read it, what did you think, did you believe this Donald guy? I also heard that in his book he was reunited with most of the Romaovs (all but Alix and Anastasia, I believe).

Also, someone, and with my forgetful mind I just don't remember who mentioned a psychic getting in contact with either the spirit guides, or the actual entities of the Romanovs themselves. Do any of you have any more information on this subject, my skin is itching to find out more! Don't you just hate it when people only tell you part of the story?!

I don't intend to start another board on the imperial claimant mumbo-jumbo. But, to those of you who are unconvinced and believe that you really were a Romanov, please PM me, I would love to hear from you, and not in a sarcastic way, either.

By the way, in my past life I was not a Romanov, but rather a daughter of a German politician, who met the fatal end of falling asleep in the bathtub.  :o Rather strange thinking about it now...

~Anyways, Thanks for taking the time to read my lengthly post, Cecilia
PS-Sorry for gammar errors, half awake here ( it half asleep?


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2005, 09:31:08 AM »
Hello, Cecilia!
I believe in the idea of reincarnation, too. I am hoping to experience a regression in the future, but my life is all too busy right now, going to other doctors. :(
In the Imperial Claimants section, I started a thread (it didn't turn out that great, so it might be on the bottom) about how I have experienced certain qualifications to being a reincarnation of someone from the lasst Romanovs' era.
I am not specifically or intentionallt entitling myself as "a Reincarnated Romanov", but I AM a reincarnation!
My grandmother herself had a past life regression, and she had the memories of being the daughter of a French member of the Russian court (in the late 1800's with Nicholas II on the throne).
I really would love a thread here on this forum that goes more in deoth about these possibilities, but find it hard to keep this thread alive, so if any moderator can, I think this should be moved to another section, not the Having Fun section. In my opinion, what we are talking about here is not "having fun", and as you can see no one that vacates this thread has replied to Cecilia's post, until now. I am not stating that I want it deleted, I just want it actually be visited! ;D
Anyways, here are some links to similar threads on this forum:
My thread that I mentioned earlier.
A past lives thread


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2005, 12:53:35 PM »
I can move it to the Claimants thread if you guys wish. I do not think that this thread should be here though. Let me know what you guys wish.  ;)


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2005, 05:12:52 PM »
That is what I thought, too, but it is all up to Cecilia, since she started the thread.  :)



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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2005, 05:51:38 PM »
 Yes. I am so sorry. I thought I posted this thread in the claimants board, so I was looking for it, but then I didn't see it and I'm like "awww well, maybe it was deleted." But now, being my ditzy self ::), i find that indeed it was posted, in the Having fun thread, not the Claimants.  So sorry, I feel really stupid, and of course--I would love to transfer it, but how do I go about doing so??
    Oh and russian_duchess_#5 I am so glad we share the same intrests!! Sometimes, it seems like I'm the only one, and that can be a little awkward. I love the spirit world and do wish I psychic or something to that extent ...  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Cecilia »


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2006, 01:32:32 AM »
 Hi you guys must think I'm really strange but when I was really little I had a dream about the Romanovs. Then later I found out who they were and have been interested in it ever since.

In my dream I was either in a carridge with the top down or on a balcony. It must have been a carridge because I remember a horse. And I was sitting next to Marie. Olga and Tataina were there too. So was Alexei. But I remember waving and my back was itching because of the dress. I just can remember thinking how bad I wanted to get out of the dress and into a more comfortable one. And then it got dark and the Romanovs were there and I felt a clammy hand grab mine and there was gunfire noises. :-[ (I was only seven or eight I think and was really scared and confused.) I wake up and I'm still scared so I climb into bed with my parents. :-/

You must think I'm Physic or something but I'm not. It happened to me again with the same people but we were sledding and I remember a little boy voice saying "I'm cold. I'm going inside." And then I woke up and went to school. I didn' t remember it till 5 days ago. It's odd. Is this a form of recarnation?

~Natasha (Anya)

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2006, 04:13:38 AM »
I don't believe in reïncarnation. But it's very interesting.
“Courage! I have shown it for years; think you I shall lose it at the moment when my sufferings are to end?” Marie Antoinette


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2006, 03:51:45 PM »
Hi you guys must think I'm really strange but when I was really little I had a dream about the Romanovs. Then later I found out who they were and have been interested in it ever since.

 In my dream I was either in a carridge with the top down or on a balcony. It must have been a carridge because I remember a horse. And I was sitting next to Marie. Olga and Tataina were there too. So was Alexei. But I remember waving and my back was itching because of the dress. I just can remember thinking how bad I wanted to get out of the dress and into a more comfortable one. And then it got dark and the Romanovs were there and I felt a clammy hand grab mine and there was gunfire noises. :-[ (I was only seven or eight I think and was really scared and confused.) I wake up and I'm still scared so I climb into bed with my parents. :-/

 You must think I'm Physic or something but I'm not. It happened to me again with the same people but we were sledding and I remember a little boy voice saying "I'm cold. I'm going inside." And then I woke up and went to school. I didn' t remember it till 5 days ago. It's odd. Is this a form of recarnation?

 ~Natasha (Anya)

I also had a dream when I was very little obviously about the Romanovs, even though I didnt know who they were yet.
I was puzzled, just like you are.
I still am. There really should be more phsycoligists for this stuff....... ::)


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2006, 11:58:15 AM »
Reincarnation is certainly interesting whether about the Romanovs or in general. I respect everybody who feels they are reincarnations of anybody in history and such, although I am not sure about it myself-it's certainly an interesting idea though, isn't it?


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2006, 06:38:11 PM »
Wow, what an interesting topic, I'm surprised no one has elaborated more upon it...

I've read Norsic's book and I have to say, I believe him. He states something along the lines of that he was Nicholas the II and that he's found the other Romanovs, besides Anastasia. I doubt Anastasia's soul is currently incarnated, anyone agree?

Anyway, Here's a link to a message board I ran across a couple of days ago. It might be of interest to you, yet it makes me laugh.  ::) Take heed, though, some of the people are a tad bit...ummm strange.

If anyone would like to PM me to chit-chat about related topics, please do. I love finding people who are as fascinated with the theory of life after life as I am!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by xX_Marilyn_Xx »


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2006, 06:25:04 PM »
I don't believe in reincarnation, but believe that spirits can speak through people. Intresting anyway.

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2006, 10:59:40 AM »
Yes, I doubt there is a current reincarnation of Anastasia although there are people much like her. Reincarnation isn't something I think I could whole heartedly believe in, for whatever reason. But it's nice to think that we owe something of ourselves to the past.

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2006, 09:45:06 PM »
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was a little kid, and I was playing with OTMAA beside a lake.  :exclamation Maybe I was the 5th daughter that was rumored!  ::)

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2006, 11:10:37 AM »
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was a little kid, and I was playing with OTMAA beside a lake.  :exclamation Maybe I was the 5th daughter that was rumored!  ::)

ha ha ha, Maybe...who knows...
I'm not sure about reincarnation... but time ago I had a couple of dreams both the same, can't remember them very well but what I remember clearly is that in both times I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, mumbling something about Winter Palace...  :-?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Alexanastasia »

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2006, 02:54:30 AM »
Hey!.. maybe I'm the reincarnation of the Winter Palace!!!  ;D  ;D ;D Just kidding (ignore me, caught a cold and got fever)