cleves was a minor protestant state. the alliance was suggested by cromwell in an atempt to emphasise on england's new found non-catholicism. unfortunatly, henry was never a protestant, never wanted to be one and the alliance with a protestant state, a very small one of no real use... of course except of catherine of aragon none of the other wives brought any important alliance, but we must also look at it as if cleves could not help england while england allied with cleves gave cleves and protestantism (whichw as still weak at that point) some sort of weight that henry i'm sure as soon as he was aware of, resented.
Somehow the international situation at this particular juncture meant that Henry couldn't have backed out after meeting Anne (it took her months to get herself over to England), and so had to marry her.
I think that if it had "sparked" between Henry and Anne he would have found a way to make it work. I'm inclined to believe that he wasn't in love with Catherine Howard when he met Anne. He was genuinely hoping for the "butterflies in the stomach"!
After the disappointment at Rochester he must have been looking around for someone else - Catherine must have been close at hand.
The problem was that Henry found women attractive who found him attractive! Anne failed this test miserably.
Catherine obviously found the old goat exciting, or at least was able to simulate the attraction (being more experienced in these things than Anne). So Anne's good though unexceptional looks were not the issue. He seems to have had no problem consummating the marriage with Catherine.