well ! Binky I must say I laughed a little at your portrayal of Henry but agrree with you, and having last weekend been to an Exhibition of Tudor Portraits in London, and saw not only the famous portrait by Holbein with all his family, which made him look gigantic, I also saw the delightful portrait of Anne of Cleves by the Flemish artist Marcel de Bruys, usually in the Kings College Oxford. she looks better there than the Holbein portrait in the Louvre, but the best representation of how she really looked, based on the De Bruys portrait is her waxwork reconstruction in Madame Tussauds, London. There she looks "not unattractive," so to say, and with the right approach from Henry might have been a good wife and Mother to any progeny that were born, if Henry had made the effort. none of the Tudoirs were very good looking,in my opinion, unlike Charles 2, who was not only initially good looking, but had many mistresses (and illegitamate children) but remained married to his wife throughout. has any one been to see Anne of Cleves grave in Westminster Abbey, if it can be easily identified among so many ?