i read somewhere that all henry's children were sterile but the truth is that in the case of edward and mary you can't really judge, can you? i mean edward died as a teenager and mary was an old maid when she married, even by today's standards and even in the day and age of today with all the technology, many women her age find it hard to conceive... not to mention then when you had practically nothing... on the other hand no-one can prove that elizabeth ever had any sexual contact with any man so the fact that she didn't have any children could not necessairly mean she was not able to...
on the other hand, the tudor statistics were not very prommising, just looking at henry 7th's children. someone else on this forum pointed out that edward died in a simmilar way with arthur, his uncle. henry 7th also had many children who died very young or were stillborn, just like his son... also margaret tudor had children who died young, didn't she? i believe james 5th had two older brothers that died before he was born... :-/... also he didn't die an old man himself, and he also had two sons that died very young... see a pattern here?
i've heard the syphilis theory but i am not entirely convinced by it... how certain are the results of the analysis? was it just a visual observation or were chemical tests run on henry's remains?