Hi, Sissi !
Do you think 23 isn't a good age to have children ? There were huge pressures on her about it, but she had her children in due time... physically and psychologically, I mean.
She loved them greatly, she was very concerned in their education, raising them gave her more maturity, that's true... but it was not only that, I thing. She got wiser for she got older, like all of us !
Let's notice she never really abandoned her pleasures and distractions when become a mother. Fortunately ! To be a mother doesn't mean to drop every passion ! In my view, she had a good balance between her children and her hobbies. Most of the time, moreover, she had her children with her, while singing, for instance, or playing harpsichord and harp.
I agree she had a poor education. She often said to Madame Campan she could have done better, if she was better instructed. But she nevertheless became a good queen, in the way that she protected arts (Vigée, Montansier, Raucour, Redouté, Gluck, Saint Georges...), manufacture (Riesener, Sèvres...) and developped fashions (Bertin, Léonard, Fargeon...). All acts requested from a queen !
I'm deeply persuaded she was witty, clever and intelligent. It's obvious from her letters, her quotations, and her answers while on trial. I suspect that our still vivid opinion that she was let's say... a little stupid, is a sequel to the execrable revolution propaganda ! Better to think you've guillotined a silly bird than a sweet queen !
Quote:Or maybe she needed astronger man, I think she would have made a terrific couple with Louis XIV!!!!
Do you think so ? Wouldn't they have arguments ? What a man, this sun Louis !