Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

What foul, fie! [re: Ioann & Helene's engagement]

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I was just curious why was Tatiana so amused by Ioann and Helene's engagement?  

Well, she was a teenager! And anything having to do with marriage/sex would incite giggles from a teenager, even one as comparatively dutiful and mature as Tatiana. In addition, Iaonn was considered to be something of a figure of fun.

ooh okay thanks Janet, I was just looking through one of my books today and I came across that quote and was curious.  Makes sense now.  

What was so special about the engagment? I'm a teenager, and I admit, I'll giggle at anything related to sex, but not marriage. What's so funny about marriage? (Yes, I know nothing is really that funny about sex either, but that's for another time..)

That was a different era and they had different attitudes, and of course it depends on personality too, in these matters. ;)


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