Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Tatiana's diaries/Translating pages of Tatiana's diary

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Some time ago we succesfully read a page of Olga's diary. I scan this page of Tatiana's diary for 1916.
I myself tried to read it, even if the "gothic" Tatiana's handwritting is not always easily readable, and read it not too bad. This evening, I will post my version and some comments. I have big problems with the numerous family names of the wounded. Perhaps Hikaru will herlpful this time also?

Thank you! I am enthusiastic to read your translation. :)

Part of my russian reading. I hope someone - I have great hope on Hikaru's talents for those things- will complete my poor work and translate it.
In 2 words, this saturday 16 of January 1916, Tatiana had in the morning a lesson of german language. Then she went to the lazaret and work there intensivly. She had lunch and trunk tea with her mother, had a lesson of history, went for a walk, at a concert  and then to the church for the Vigils. She and her sisters had dinner with her mother and Anna Vyrubova. Then came Sabline to say goodbuy as he had to join the army.

Here is what I could read. The nulerous words I could not read (most of the time, family names and names of regiments) are as []. I also complete the abreviation with the same sign.

16 ianvaria, subbota
Utrom urok nem[etskogo] iaz[yka] V 10 chasov poehala v lazaret. Pereviazyvala: [], 149 [] rarenie cherepa; [] 7 [] [] rana lev[ogo] bedra; Martynova, 74 [], rana lev[ogo] bedra; [], 31 [], rana lev[ogo] bedra; [], 17 Arkhangelskogo, rana pr[avogo] [], rana pr[avogo] [] na kosti; Arhipova, 149 Chernomorskogo p[olka], rana pr[avoi] kisti s poterei 4 i 5 paltsev, rana pr[avogo] bedra. Potom [], Sergieva, Chaykovskogo, [], Martynova, [] tolko verhnie []. V 12 chasov poshli s Val[entinoi] Iv[anovnoi] naverh na soldatskoe otd[elenie] na pereviazku [] pod narkozom. Byla vyrvana pochka. Potom vernulas i zashla k []. Zavtrakali i chai pili s Mamoi. Byl urok istorii. Katalis 4 s Izoi [] []. Byli v Bolsh[om] dv[ortse] na kontserte. Byli u Vsenochnoi. Obedali s Mamoi i Anei. Posle Nik[olai] Pav[lovich] prishel. Prostilis s nim t[ak] k[ak] on zavtra edet k batal[ionu] v armiu.

I hope it make already sense for someone and am waiting for help for all these family names and the couple of words I could not read!

I thought I would share some of Tatiana's diary entries from "Sisters of Mercy", from the beginning of the war. The translation is my own, and I am responsible for any mistranslations etc! I won't be able to do this much or often, but I thought it could be interesting for those who would like to know more about Tatiana.

17 July 1914 Thursday
In the morning went horse riding with Maria and Anastasia. We met Pavel Alexeyevich. Had lessons. The five of us had breakfast with Papa and Mama. We played music and sang with Ania and Viktor Erastovich. Papa wasn't there - he had work at home. We drank tea together. Went swimming with Anastasia in the sea. We two dined with Papa, Mama and Aunt Olga.

18 July 1914 Friday
In the morning the four of us went bike riding in the garden. We ran a bit with gigantic strides. I sat in my room and worked and read. The 5 of us had breakfast with Papa and Mama. During the day we 4 went for a walk with Papa. In the morning Papa had a Ministers Council. The four of us took tea with Papa and Mama and Aunt Olga. I talked on the phone with N.P. and N.N. - I was awfully pleased. Afterwards we four went with Mama to the Podfor'ye Monastery as tomorrow is St Seraphim's day. Anya was there, and Lili Dehn too. We went home by automobile. We dropped Lili off at her place and sat with her a while. She's so sweet. We 4 dined with Papa and Mama. Talked again with N.P. Mama is very tired with everything.

19 July Saturday
We stayed home in the morning. There were lessons. We 5 had breakfast with Papa, Mama and Ioann. I talked on the telephone with N.P. and N.N. and afterwards we went for a walk with Papa. We had tea with Papa and Mama. We went to the Vigil Service. When we got back, we learnt that Germany had declared war on us. The beasts! God grant it all goes well. We four had dinner with  Papa, Mama and Aunt Olga, and Dmitry and Ioann. Talked again with N.N. - so nice. Sat again as Papa was busy the whole time with meetings. Dmitry excused himself and left. The Dragoons have already departed today, and the Finlandtsy too. How depressing and hard it all is.

THANK YOU, Georgiy! I was struggling over those very entries just two nights ago.  :-*

I hope to try my hand at translating the next entry, July 20 -- the day of the official declaration of war at the Winter Palace -- unless you beat me to it!


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