Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna
Tatiana's diaries/Translating pages of Tatiana's diary
Could you translate a bit more? Anyway thank you for those
If and when I have time - being a teacher with year-end reports looming, my time is not my own at the moment!
--- Quote from: Georgiy on November 16, 2006, 01:33:56 PM ---If and when I have time - being a teacher with year-end reports looming, my time is not my own at the moment!
--- End quote ---
I tried my hand at translating that entry this morning. I'm not as good as you are, but I'll post my version later tonight, and you can feel free to correct me. ;)
Here's my best shot. Please correct as necessary -- my Russian is getting rusty. (There's one word in italics near the end that wasn't in my dictionary.)
20 July Sunday [August 2 N.S.]
At 10 Mama, Olga and I went to services at Ulanskii Sobor. It was very good. The 5 of us had breakfast with Mama and Papa. At 2, we 4 went with Papa and Mama on the Aleksandria to Petersburg. Aunt Olga came with us. On the Neva we saw two ships, the Gangut and Sevastopol’. It was wonderful. We saw another yacht. We saw on it N.P. going from Peterhof with Pavlov Aleksandrovich to the Winter Palace. There, we walked through the streets. Masses of people on their knees shouted hurrah and blessings to Papa and Mama. The whole family walked to Nicholas Hall which was crowded with military officers. There was a short service, and halfway through Batyushka read Papa’s manifesto on the declaration of war. Then Papa said a few warm words and they gave a terrible shout. It was wonderfully good. Many were our yacht’s officers and equippage. We saw N.P. and even gravely greeted us. That was very pleasant, then on the balcony Papa and Mama bowed to the people in the square. Thousands and thousands were standing. Then we returned again on foot through the enormous crowd. On all sides prostye with other officers. Ours were also there. We returned at 7 ½. Lunch at 2 with Papa and Mama. Awfully uplifting for the spirit.
Thank you got that translation Sarushka.
I would correct in these places: Ulanski Cathedral instead of Sobor. NP was going with Pavel Alexandrovich. Prayer Service instead of short service. Normally, even us English speakers just use the Russian word moleben - it is either an intercessory service asking for help from God through the Saints or a Thanksgiving Service - in this case, the former.
Many of our Yacht's officers and Equippage were there. I saw NP and was even able to greet him...On all sides were (simple) soldiers and officers, including ours.
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