Thousands of nobles died during the October Revolution, and the Civil War and the Stalinist Purges, some additional names for your list:
Prince Mikhail Sergeevich Lopuhin, arrested and shot in the Summer of 1918 in Moscow by the ChKa.
Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Golitsyn of the White Cossack Forces. Arrested and shot in 1918.
Prince Konstantin Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Kiev, 1931.
Prince Aleksander Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Lipetske, 1937.
Prince Dmitri Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Dzheskazgan, 1938.
Prince Mikhail Vasilievich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in 1937.
Prince Vladimir Lvovich Golitsyn, shot in 1937.
Prince Vladimir Sergeevich Trubetskoy, shot on 30 October 1937.
Prince Petr Petrovich Urusov, died in a prison camp at Tomsk, 1936.
Prince Andrei Petrovich Urusov, arrested and shot by the NKVD in 1937.
Prince Aleksander Dmitievich Shirinsky-Shihmatov, died at Kuban in 1920 while serving with the White Army.
Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Obolensky, arrested at Orenburg as a counter-revolutionary on 7 September 1937; died 27 November 1937.
Prince Mikhail Fedorovich Obolensky, arrested at Moscow as a counter-revolutionary on 3 February 1937; shot on 2 July 1937.
Prince Aleksander Fedorovich Obolensky, arrested at Saratov as a counter-revolutionary on 28 November 1937; shot on 4 December 1937.
Prince Nikolai Aleksandrovich Obolensky, arrested at Saratov 17 December 1937; shot on 31 December 1937.
Prince Vladimir Vasilievich Obolensky, perished at the hands of the NKVD in 1937.
With a bit more research, I am certain that I could double or triple the numbers of princes killed by the Communists. This of course leaves the largest catagories, the Counts, Barons and ordinary Nobles to be added to the list of the murdered.