Author Topic: Nobility murdered during the Revolution  (Read 79151 times)

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Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« on: February 08, 2006, 05:42:18 PM »
I wanted to know which high ranking nobles were killed during the revolution. From what i see, most of high ranking nobles like Yussupovs, orlov-davydovs, vorontsovs and stroganovs escaped safetly during the revolutions. I know a few who were killed

1) Two sons of Count SD Sheremetev, Boris and Dimitri were murdered at ostafievo.
2) Princess Maria Scherbatoff nee Stroganoff along with her children Alexandra and Vladimir were killed at their estate in ukraine.
3) Prince SS Abamelek-Lazarev was murdered by bolsheviks in caucasus.
4) One of Princes Ourousoff was also killed.

I would like others to add to this list. Did all others manage to escape?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by AkshayChavan »


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2006, 09:38:46 PM »
Thousands of nobles died during the October Revolution, and the Civil War and the Stalinist Purges, some additional names for your list:

Prince Mikhail Sergeevich Lopuhin, arrested and shot in the Summer of 1918 in Moscow by the ChKa.

Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Golitsyn of the White Cossack Forces. Arrested and shot in 1918.

Prince Konstantin Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Kiev, 1931.

Prince Aleksander Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Lipetske, 1937.

Prince Dmitri Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Dzheskazgan, 1938.

Prince Mikhail Vasilievich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in 1937.

Prince Vladimir Lvovich Golitsyn, shot in 1937.

Prince Vladimir Sergeevich Trubetskoy, shot on 30 October 1937.

Prince Petr Petrovich Urusov, died in a prison camp at Tomsk, 1936.

Prince Andrei Petrovich Urusov, arrested and shot by the NKVD in 1937.

Prince Aleksander Dmitievich Shirinsky-Shihmatov, died at Kuban in 1920 while serving with the White Army.

Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Obolensky, arrested at Orenburg as a counter-revolutionary on 7 September 1937; died 27 November 1937.

Prince Mikhail Fedorovich Obolensky, arrested at Moscow as a counter-revolutionary on 3 February 1937; shot on 2 July 1937.

Prince Aleksander Fedorovich Obolensky, arrested at Saratov as a counter-revolutionary on 28 November 1937; shot on 4 December 1937.

Prince Nikolai Aleksandrovich Obolensky, arrested at Saratov 17 December 1937; shot on 31 December 1937.

Prince Vladimir Vasilievich Obolensky, perished at the hands of the NKVD in 1937.

With a bit more research, I am certain that I could double or triple the numbers of princes killed by the Communists. This of course leaves the largest catagories, the Counts, Barons and ordinary Nobles to be added to the list of the murdered.



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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2006, 11:52:26 PM »
I have found the names of some additional Princes of the Russian Empire that died at the hands of the Communists:

Prince Oleg Grigorevich Gagarin, disappeared during the Civil War in Vladikavkaz, 1921.

Prince Andrei Andreevich Gagarin, Colonel of the Imperial Life Guards Artillery. Disappeared in 1937.

Prince Petr Andreevich Gagarin, Executed 1938, posthumously rehabilitated.

Prince Leonty Alekseevich Shakhovskoy, Colonel of Cavalry, shot by the Bolsheviks in 1918 at Pyatigorsk.

Prince Vladimir Alekseevich Shakhovskoy, Colonel of Imperial Life Guards and Adjutant to Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich. Shot by the Bolsheviks in 1918.

Daria Yevgeneevna, Countess de Beauharnais, daughter of HSH Prince Yevgeny Nikolaevich Romanovsky, 5th Duke von Leuchtenberg. She died in 1931 at a Soviet prison camp.

Prince Andrei Giorgievich von Leuchtenberg, died in 1919 while serving with the White Army forces at Narva.



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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2006, 01:42:32 AM »
More princes who died at the hands of the Communists:

Prince Dadash Andreevich Gelovani executed by the ChKa in 1924.

Prince Solomon Gavrilovich Karalovy, shot by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

HSH Nikolai II Nikolaevich, Prince Mingrelsky, arrested and died in Petrogradsky Prison in 1919.

Prince David Nikolaevich Dadiani executed by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

Prince Samson Platonovich Dadiani, perished at the hands of the NKVD in 1937.

Prince Ivan Konstantinovich Dadiani, shot by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

Prince David Konstantinovich Dadiani, shot by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

Prince Islam Janshovich Dadeshkeliani, shot by the NKVD in 1937.

Prince Irakly Giorgivich Amirejibov, shot by the NKVD in 1938.

Prince Yasse Nikolaevich Andronikov, shot by the NKVD in 1937.

Princess Maria Nikolaevna Kavkasidze, disappeared during the Civil War.

Princess Elena Nikolaevna Kavkasidze, died with White Army forces.

Offline Belochka

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2006, 02:52:21 AM »
Nobility who were not "high ranking" also lost their lives with the encroachment of red terror. It is not fair to isolate one group above the others who could also claim nobility.

Let us not forget those who were imprisoned and forced to remain as stateless citizens for the rest of their lives until they died without their their identity, not in exile, but placed into exile.

It was a slower more agonizing death.

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2006, 03:05:01 AM »
Very sad!  :'( Any more information on Princess Maria Scherbatoff? Thank you :)
Grief is the price we pay for love.



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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2006, 01:13:12 PM »
More princes who died at the hands of the Communists:

Prince Dmitri Diodorovich Bagration-Mukhransky, shot at Magadan in October 1937.

Prince Yuri Dmitrievich Urusov, died in a prison camp in 1937.

Prince Aleksander Dmitrievich Urusov, died in prison in 1918.

Prince Artem Nikolaievich Gantimurov, killed by the Bolsheviks in 1919.

Prince Aleksander Dmitrievich Obolensky, artillery officer. Executed at the Saints Peter and Paul Fortress on 30 August 1918.

And one Russian prince who perished in a Nazi concentration camp:

Prince Nikolai Aleksandrovich Obolensky, died at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp on 24 April 1940.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by David_Pritchard »


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2006, 01:16:02 PM »
Thank you kindly Belochka for offering this statement. It's hard for many to understand who are and not personally or had relatives who went through these issues. Thank God only a portion of the world had to experience the 'red terror'. Outside of these boards, or reading historical offerings, or first person interviews, it still is not enough for the world to comprehend the excessive horrors of those long years of hell.

Yes, the difficult parts were not only imprisonment, but can anyone here truly understand what it means to remain stateless forever, w/o identity, in exile ?

Thank you again for helping to maintain and keep the flame alive in rememberance of all whom were continually plauged [as well countless millions murdered]by all that the red terror forced on so many lives, all ages. It is the least we can offer in remembrance to them, and to make sure the world never forgets.


Nobility who were not "high ranking" also lost their lives with the encroachment of red terror. It is not fair to isolate one group above the others who could also claim nobility.
Let us not forget those who were imprisoned and forced to remain as stateless citizens for the rest of their lives until they died without their their identity, not in exile, but placed into exile.

It was a slower more agonizing death.


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2006, 01:29:15 PM »
Thank you kindly Belochka for offering this statement. It's hard for many to understand who are and not personally or had relatives who went through these issues. Thank God only a portion of the world had to experience the 'red terror'. Outside of these boards, or reading historical offerings, or first person interviews, it still is not enough for the world to comprehend the excessive horrors of those long years of hell.

Yes, the difficult parts were not only imprisonment, but can anyone here truly understand what it means to remain stateless forever, w/o identity, in exile ?

Thank you again for helping to maintain and keep the flame alive in rememberance of all whom were continually plauged [as well countless millions murdered]by all that the red terror forced on so many lives, all ages. It is the least we can offer in remembrance to them, and to make sure the world never forgets.


I agree with you totally Tatiana. That is the reason I will be continuing my research into the noble victims of the Communists. If there is no place to see their names and remember them, then they and the crimes perpetrated against them will be forgotten.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by David_Pritchard »


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2006, 02:48:56 PM »
There were also the two Princes Wiazemsky( brothers of Princess Lydia Wassiltchikoff)one Boris was murdered by the peasants on his estate the other Dimitri was shot. Their widows,mother and younger brother all escaped. There was also Princess Bariantinsky( nee Countess Stenbock-Femor) who was shot with her daughter and son-in-law in the Crimea.Then there was Prince Doulgoruky who was shot in Moscow just as his brother (the Tsar's aide de camp,Prince Vassily was shot in Siberia).There were of course many,many more.....


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2006, 02:56:48 PM »
Very sad!  :'( Any more information on Princess Maria Scherbatoff? Thank you :)

Maria Scherbatova was an immense heiress (to approximately 8/15 of the immense fortune of her grandfather Count Stroganov.Her maternal grandfather was Nicholas I.One of her daughters in law was the daughter of Count Peter Stoyplin ( she escaped).Another nee Princess  Sophia  Wassiltchikova was widowed in 1915 but managed to escape with her 4 small daughters.


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2006, 03:24:03 PM »
More princes and a princess who died at the hands of the Communists:  

Prince Ivan Sergeevich Meshchersky, died in a Soviet prison camp.

Princess Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Meshcherskaya, nee Fyodorova, died in a Soviet prison camp.

Prince Sergei Aleksandrovich Mikadze, shot by the NKVD in 1938.

Prince Aleksander Mikhailovich Ratiev, shot by the NKVD in 1937.

Prince Roman Aleksandrovich Chavchavadze, died will serving with White Army forces in 1919.

Prince Zurab Nikolaevich Chavchavadze, Arrested by the Bolsheviks; sent to Siberia; executed in 1933.

Prince Yason Iraklievich Chavchavadze, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

Prince Yuri Sergeevich Lvov, shot by the NKVD in 1937.

Prince Vasily Geogrievich Turkestanov, Colonel Imperial Army General Staff. Shot by the NKVD at Moscow on 9 November 1937.

Prince Boris Aleksandrovich Turkestanov, killed in 1919 while serving as a Staff Captain in the White Army forces of General Denikin.

Prince Petr Rostomovich Tsereteli, Imperial Army officer, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1924

Prince Iosif Rostomovich Tsereteli, Imperial Army officer, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1924

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by David_Pritchard »


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2006, 04:37:35 PM »
Another tragic Bolshevik Victim, 19 year old Prince Constantin Belosselsky-Belozersky, murdered by the Bolsheviks in Kiev in 1918.


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2006, 04:54:56 PM »
Had Prince Konstantin Esperovich Belosselsky-Belozersky, survived the Civil War, the ancient Rurikid House of Belosselsky might still exist.

More murdered princes:

Prince Iosif Viktorovich Chidzavadze, executed by the NKVD in 1937.

Prince Revaz Yasonovich Eristov, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

Prince Revaz Mikhailovich Eristov, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

Prince Georgii Revazovich Eristov,executed by the NKVD in 1937.

Prince Georgii Nikolaevich Eristov, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

Prince Ivan Vladimirovich Makashvili, executed by the NKVD in 1937.

As you may have noticed in all of my lists, the large number of princely families from the Caucuaus Mountain region that were murdered after the end of the Civil War. The Bolsheviks tried in 1924 to kill all nobles in the region in a systematic fashion. Luckily, for the nobles in this area, the Bolsheviks were not as organised as the Stalinist NKVD that would follow them.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by David_Pritchard »


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2006, 05:21:31 PM »
Maria Scherbatova was an immense heiress (to approximately 8/15 of the immense fortune of her grandfather Count Stroganov.Her maternal grandfather was Nicholas I.One of her daughters in law was the daughter of Count Peter Stoyplin ( she escaped).Another nee Princess  Sophia  Wassiltchikova was widowed in 1915 but managed to escape with her 4 small daughters.

This is not quiet right. Princess Maria Scherbatoff was the daughter of Count Gregory Stroganoff. She was the heiress to the Palazzo Stroganoff in Rome and Priceless art collection. She had one son Vladimir and one daughter Alexandra. Her daughter in law was Stoypin's daughter. She escaped with her two daughters, Olga and Maria to Rome.

The second Princess was Princess Olga Scherbatoff, daughter of Count Alexander Stroganoff who was elder brother of Gregory Stroganoff mentioned above. She inherited the vast perm lands as well as Stroganoff palace on Nevsky. Her son was Alexander Stroganoff-Scherbatoff (i am not sure if he was killed in revolution as he died in 1915). Her daughter in law was Princess Wassiltchikoff.  Her daughters were Marie, Olga, Sophie and the only one living - Baroness Xenia de Ludinghausen.

Nicholas I was grandfather of different Maria Stroganoff , she married Count Sheremetev. She was second cousin to both Scherbatoff Princesses.

About Maria Scherbartoff, i was looking for info on her death for a long time. I finally found it on this site. Princess Alexandra was a great beauty and Prince Galitzine wanted to marry her. He describes their murder on this page -

More info on Gregory Stroganoff and Scherbatoff is in this article -

« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 08:52:06 AM by Svetabel »