Author Topic: Nobility murdered during the Revolution  (Read 79296 times)

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2006, 06:22:08 PM »

I agree with you totally Tatiana. That is the reason I will be continuing my research into the noble victims of the Communists. If there is no place to see there names and remember them, then they and the crimes perpetrated against them will be forgotten.


Thank you Tania and David.  

I too try to offer the same in my own personal way.

They shall never be forgotten. They were defenceless innocents.

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2006, 07:53:51 PM »
More princes and princesses who died at the hands of the Communists:

Prince Otar Geogievich Amilakhvari, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1924.

Prince Nikolai Teimurazovich Amilakhvari, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1923.

Prince Aleksander Simonovich Andronikov, executed by the VChka in 1923.

Prince Geogrii Mikhailovich Agiashvili, died in 1937 during a reprisal.

HSH Prince Adam Jan Kasimierz Stanislaw Lubomirski , died at a Soviet prison in January 1940.

HSH Prince Hubert Stanislaw Wladislaw Lubomirski, killed by Soviets on 21 September 1939.

HSH Princess Anna Jadwiga Maria Lubomirski, died in a Soviet prison camp at Krasnogorsk on 16 February 1947.

Prince Mikhail Fedorovich Obolensky, died in a Moscow prison in 1921.

Prince Nikolai Fedorovich Obolensky, died in a Moscow prison in 1921.

Prince Sergei Mikhailovich Obolensky, died in a Soviet prison.

Prince Vladimir Dmitrievich Obolensky, executed by the Bolsheviks in February 1918

Princess Sophia Leonidevna Obolenska, died in a Siberian prison on 26 Oct 1937.

Princess Yelisaveta Vasilievna Obolenska, died in a Siberian prison in 1943.

Princess Varvara Alexandrovna Obolenska, nee Countess Goudovich, died in a Siberian prison in 1938.

Princess Kyra Ivanova Obolenska, died 1942 in a Soviet prison.

Prince Dmitri Dmitrievich Kropotkin, killed by the Bolsheviks in 1920.

Princess Nadejda Bariatinska, nee Countess Stenbock-Fermor. Killed by the Bolsheviks at Yalta in December 1920.

Princess Irena Vladirimovna Bariatinska, killed by the Bolsheviks at Yalta in December 1920.

Prince Nikolai Dmitrievich Golitsyn, killed by the Bolsheviks in Saint Petersburg on 2 July 1925.

Princess Nina Vladimirovna Golitsyna, nee Bockmann, killed by the Bolsheviks on 19 February 1918.

Prince Lev Levoich Golitsyn, died in a Siberian prison at Irkutsk 21 June 1920.

Princess Lubov Grigorievna Golitsyna, kiled by the Bolsheviks at Loposnaya in 1917.

Prince Mikhail Grigorievich Golitsyn, disappeared in 1936.

Princess Christina Sergeevna Golitsyna, died in a Moscow prison 14 November 1932.

Princess Sophia Emmanuelevna Golitsyna, disappeared in 1918.

Princess Nadejda Emmanuelevna Golitsyna, disappeared in Turkestan, 1934.

Prince Andrei Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, kiled by the Bolsheviks at Vladivostok in 1922.

Princess Maria Levena Golitsyna, kiled by the Bolsheviks in 1920.

HSH Prince Boris Nikolaevich zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, killed in action against Bolsheviks 1919/20.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by David_Pritchard »

Offline Eddie_uk

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2006, 03:21:52 AM »
All very barbaric. :( Thank you for the information!
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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2006, 03:56:46 AM »
All very barbaric. :( Thank you for the information!

Yes very barbaric. Only a dozen or so of the dead princes listed above were even offering armed resistance to the Bolsheviks.

I have been surpized by the number of members of the Princely House of Golitsyn that were killed, 16 as of the latest count. The Princely House of Obolensky lost 14 members. I would think that the very large Princely House of Meshchersky lost many more family members to the Bolsheviks and Soviets than the two that I have identified thus far.

It would seem that almost every princely house lost a family member to the carnage that followed the 1917 Revolution.


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2006, 04:15:59 AM »
Yes and so many Princesses were killed too. Awful.
How come so many ended up in concentration camps? What a contrast to the fantastic palaces!
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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2006, 09:15:43 AM »
I dont think you are thick. Here is the following quotation -

" There were many Balls and I soon got aquainted with all St.Petersburg society. I had a private income of 5.000 roubles a year, and out of this I had to buy all my uniforms, keep two horses, so that was cutting it very fine, but I had no debts so I could just manage. In the autumn I went on leave to Yakshino and hunted with my borzois with the Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich next door. Life was very free and I lived very well. Soon I was to meet my second cousin Princess Alexandra Alexeevna Shcherbatoff. She was the most beautiful creation and quite outstanding in every way. Many in St.Petersburg sought her hand but she was quite unattainable, or rather her mother, Aunt Mary Shcherbatoff, nee Stroganov. She had so much influence on her daughter that the latter could decide nothing without her mother's approval. When I saw her for the first time, I saw a being not of this world, before she became charming and attractive. I fell madly in love with her as I had never been in love before. At last I proposed to her and she having consulted ?her mother, told me we would have to wait and that she would let me know later. Soon after she had to go to Nemirovka, their country estate. I was prepared to wait and wait for her answer patiently, and so for a whole year, until her brother, Dima, at last came to me and told me she still couldn't decide and he gave me to understand that I was free to do as I pleased. My circle of friends all told me that nothing would come of it and that they couldn't bear to look at me and how patiently I waited and advised me to forget this crazy scheme, as they called my romance. I was not permitted to write to her, but for me this was a great blow and I suffered terribly ! Sandra was two years older than me and obeyed her mother unquestionably, so it was quite clear that if her mother had found me suitable, so would Sandra have done the same. Apart from myself there were others, for instance Count Olsoufieff, a member of the Government Council and some neighbour landowner of whom Aunt Mary approved, but since Sandra was not in love with them nothing came of those either. During the Revolution, the mother, Sandra and Dima were brutally murdered at Nemirovki. They say that when Princess Maria Gregorievna Shcherbatoff came out of the house to speak to the mutineers together with Sandra, they were murdered on the spot. Dima was hidden by one of the forresters in the woods, but when he was found he suffered the same fate. Sandra was a very special person with very high ideals, but completely under her mother's influence. In addition she was a great beauty and resembled her Great Grandmother Pototzki who was famous for her beauty and her portrait was often painted by all the great masters of her time. After that failure I was very downhearted, but went without stopping to the little house of Peter the Great to pray to God and ask for his guidance. The words of the New Testament especially impressed me "ask and it shall be given unto you, knock and it will open unto you". Then when I decided to ask for Katia Carlow's hand, I used to listen to the priest at mass and I decided that if he mentioned the names Vladimir and Catherine (the founders of the Russian Orthodox Faith) it meant HE had approved my choice ! I seem to remember that the names Vladimir and Alexandra were never mentioned together ! Whereas the names of Vladimir and Catherine I often heard and which gave me a good lead for my new choice and strengthened my purpose. "

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2006, 11:30:53 AM »
Thank you so much AkshayChavan!  :)

All very sad... :'(
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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2006, 12:53:08 PM »

This is not quiet right. Princess Maria Scherbatoff was the daughter of Count Gregory Stroganoff. She was the heiress to the Palazzo Stroganoff in Rome and Priceless art collection. She had one son Vladimir and one daughter Alexandra. Her daughter in law was Stoypin's daughter. She escaped with her two daughters, Olga and Maria to Rome.

The second Princess was Princess Olga Scherbatoff, daughter of Count Alexander Stroganoff who was elder brother of Gregory Stroganoff mentioned above. She inherited the vast perm lands as well as Stroganoff palace on Nevsky. Her son was Alexander Stroganoff-Scherbatoff (i am not sure if he was killed in revolution as he died in 1915). Her daughter in law was Princess Wassiltchikoff.  Her daughters were Marie, Olga, Sophie and the only one living - Baroness Xenia de Ludinghausen.

Nicholas I was grandfather of different Maria Stroganoff , she married Count Sheremetev. She was second cousin to both Scherbatoff Princesses.

About Maria Scherbartoff, i was looking for info on her death for a long time. I finally found it on this site. Princess Alexandra was a great beauty and Prince Galitzine wanted to marry her. He describes their murder on this page -

More info on Gregory Stroganoff and Scherbatoff is in this article -

Alexander Stroganov-Scherbatoff 1881-1915 died as a result of wounds suffered in battle.His widow Princess Sophia nee Princess Wassiltchikoff1897- 1927 settled in France with her 4 daughters.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 08:54:47 AM by Svetabel »


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2006, 04:33:08 PM »
More princes who died at the hands of the Communists:

Prince Aleksander Iraklaevich Bagration-Mukhransky, Major General and Commandant of the Chevalier Guards Regiment. Killed by the Bolsheviks at Pyatigorsk on 30 October 1918.

Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bagration-Mukhransky, asasinated at Tblisi in 1926.

HSH Prince Aleksander Grigorievich Gruzinsky, Colonel in the Imperial Army, killed on his estate at Raizon by the Bolsheviks in 1917.

HSH Prince Petr Grigorievich Gruzinsky, Officer in a Moscow Imperial Guard Regiment, disappeared in the 1920's.

HSH Prince Wilhelm Janusz Heinrich Stanislaw Radziwill, killed in action in the Ukraine on 28 April 1920.

Prince Andrzej Swiatopolk-Czetwertynski, executed by the Soviets in Skidel Forest 18/23 September 1939.

I did find one other prince who was killed in action according to many sources in Yaroslav of all places in 1915. What happened in this city in 1915? Riots, a mutiny of soldiers? It was so far east that the Germans or Austrians never were in the area?

Prince Konstantin Aleksandrovich Bagration-Mukhransky, Captain in the Chevalier Guards Regiment; Aide-de-Camp to HIM Emperor Nikolai II. Killed in action at Yaroslav on 1 June 1915.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by David_Pritchard »


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2006, 08:11:48 PM »
The reason why so many Golitsyns died was because the family was simply too large. In the year 1900, there were 150 Princes Golitsyn in Russia!!! (From Dominic Lieven's Russia's Rulers Under Old Regime).  I dont know why so many Caucasian princes died. I suspect they must have stayed behind because Georgia was an independent country. But about Princes killed in 1930s, why did they simply not leave the country like others?


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2006, 10:00:00 PM »
I did find one other prince who was killed in action according to many sources in Yaroslav of all places in 1915. What happened in this city in 1915? Riots, a mutiny of soldiers? It was so far east that the Germans or Austrians never were in the area?

HSH Prince Konstantin Aleksandrovich Bagration-Mukhransky, Coronet in the Chevalier Guards Regiment; Lieutenant and Aide-de-Camp to HIM Emperor Nikolai II and then promoted to Captain in the Erivansky Grendiers Regiment. Killed in action at Yaroslav on 1 June 1915.

According to a number of sources, the prince was killed at another Yaroslav, this one near Lemburg in Galicia, rather than the ancient city east of Moscow. One should note that HSH Prince Konstantin was married to HH Princess Tatiana Konstantinova of Russia, the daughter of TIH Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich of Russia and Grand Duchess Elisaveta Mavrikievna of Russia, born a Princess of Saxe-Altenburg.



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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2006, 10:19:48 AM »
The story of Murder of Prince SS Abamelek-Lazarev and its aftermath is a strange and sad story. Prince Semen Semenovitch Abamelek-Lazarev was that second biggest landowner in Russia after the Stroganovs. He was also a renowned archealogist and a great patron of arts. A man of exceptional intellect, he served on the various government committies on Russia's development. During the revolution , he was shot and killed in the Causasus. Fortunately, his wife Princess Maria Demidoff was at her ancestral estate of Prontolino in Florence. Before dying, Prince had managed to transfer large sums of money to his wife in Italy.
     Now comes the strange part of the affair. Prince Abamelek-Lazarev was a great patron of Russian arts and had supported many russian artists in Italy. In his will , he bequeathed his palace in Rome "Villa Abamelek" situated in 40 acres in heart of Rome and estimated to be worth millions, to "Tsar and the Russian people". He gave the Villa to Imperial Academy of Arts in St Petersburg to be converted into a Russian Cultural Center. However, after the Revolution, The Academy of Arts was taken over by the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks had the audacity to claim the "Villa Abamelek" as legal heirs (Such shameless people!!!). After a long legal battle, Bolsheviks finally won and Villa Abamelek became that home of the Soviet ambassador.
Thus, by supreme irony of history, criminal murderers of Prince Abamelek-Lazarev became his "legal heirs" and inherited his property worth millions. Can fate be more strange?


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2006, 11:14:31 AM »
This is grotesque and barbaric, all noble families be murdered only for they was of a member of noble families, like to the French Revolution - there was a lot of low and high noble families executioned.

Who had give the order to executioned of these
Russian noble families?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by PeterB »

Offline Eddie_uk

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2006, 12:11:45 PM »
However, after the Revolution, The Academy of Arts was taken over by the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks had the audacity to claim the "Villa Abamelek" as legal heirs (Such shameless people!!!). After a long legal battle, Bolsheviks finally won and Villa Abamelek became that home of the Soviet ambassador.

Sickening! how dare they. I wish they had all been butchered, would have served them right! :)
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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2006, 01:28:58 PM »
I'm sickned reading the many pages of historical narrative [by writers on the period of the russian revolution], in particular, by the degree of barbaric butchery these soviet murders went to to torture and kill innocent adults and children. In having a nightmare, one could not begin to conjure up such grotesque and barbaric acts, yet in reality, this went on unhindered, and beyond all accounts, worse than the French Revolution.But at the start, I understand the nobility suffered the worst of the onslaught and butchery, just because they came from houses of nobility. As to any one being given a trial, or even exile, that was not even to be considered ever.

How many murderers went free during this time, and were never caught, is perhaps still unknown. It is a sad marker in the history books of Russia still today. Sadder still, the immense loss of innocent lives for a terrible governing institution of wickedness that lasted but 80 years.

Who indeed gave the express orders to kill period, any and all innocent human beings ?


This is grotesque and barbaric, all noble families be murdered only for they was of a member of noble families, like to the French Revolution - there was a lot of low and high noble families executioned.

Who had give the order to executioned of these
Russian noble families?