Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families
Nobility murdered during the Revolution
--- Quote from: wetz07 on March 30, 2014, 07:22:15 AM ---Prince Mikhail Sergeevich Lopuhin, arrested and shot in the Summer of 1918 in Moscow by the ChKa.
--- End quote ---
He was not at all a Prince. The Russian princely family Lopukhin became extinct already in 1873. This when His Serene Highness Prince Paul Petrovitch Lopukhin died without legitimate issue.
The Russian Revolution hit the Russian Princely family Lopukhin-Demidov of the House of Demidov hard. From being a wealthy industrial family they became poor. One woman in the family was the maid of honor Vera Demidoff. She was born 13 June 1871 as a daughter of Lieutnant-General Nikolai Petrovitch Demidoff, created The 1st Prince Lopukhin-Demidov in 1876, and his wife Olga Valerianovna Stolipin. Vera Demidoff was killed by the Bolsheviks during the Russian revolution in 1919. :(
Prince Constantine Esperovitch Belosselsky Belozersky was killed by the Soviets at Kiev 5 January 1918.
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