Author Topic: Nobility murdered during the Revolution  (Read 77658 times)

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2014, 05:42:05 PM »
I dont think you are thick. Here is the following quotation -

" There were many Balls and I soon got aquainted with all St.Petersburg society. I had a private income of 5.000 roubles a year, and out of this I had to buy all my uniforms, keep two horses, so that was cutting it very fine, but I had no debts so I could just manage. In the autumn I went on leave to Yakshino and hunted with my borzois with the Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich next door. Life was very free and I lived very well. Soon I was to meet my second cousin Princess Alexandra Alexeevna Shcherbatoff. She was the most beautiful creation and quite outstanding in every way. Many in St.Petersburg sought her hand but she was quite unattainable, or rather her mother, Aunt Mary Shcherbatoff, nee Stroganov. She had so much influence on her daughter that the latter could decide nothing without her mother's approval. When I saw her for the first time, I saw a being not of this world, before she became charming and attractive. I fell madly in love with her as I had never been in love before. At last I proposed to her and she having consulted ?her mother, told me we would have to wait and that she would let me know later. Soon after she had to go to Nemirovka, their country estate. I was prepared to wait and wait for her answer patiently, and so for a whole year, until her brother, Dima, at last came to me and told me she still couldn't decide and he gave me to understand that I was free to do as I pleased. My circle of friends all told me that nothing would come of it and that they couldn't bear to look at me and how patiently I waited and advised me to forget this crazy scheme, as they called my romance. I was not permitted to write to her, but for me this was a great blow and I suffered terribly ! Sandra was two years older than me and obeyed her mother unquestionably, so it was quite clear that if her mother had found me suitable, so would Sandra have done the same. Apart from myself there were others, for instance Count Olsoufieff, a member of the Government Council and some neighbour landowner of whom Aunt Mary approved, but since Sandra was not in love with them nothing came of those either. During the Revolution, the mother, Sandra and Dima were brutally murdered at Nemirovki. They say that when Princess Maria Gregorievna Shcherbatoff came out of the house to speak to the mutineers together with Sandra, they were murdered on the spot. Dima was hidden by one of the forresters in the woods, but when he was found he suffered the same fate. Sandra was a very special person with very high ideals, but completely under her mother's influence. In addition she was a great beauty and resembled her Great Grandmother Pototzki who was famous for her beauty and her portrait was often painted by all the great masters of her time. After that failure I was very downhearted, but went without stopping to the little house of Peter the Great to pray to God and ask for his guidance. The words of the New Testament especially impressed me "ask and it shall be given unto you, knock and it will open unto you". Then when I decided to ask for Katia Carlow's hand, I used to listen to the priest at mass and I decided that if he mentioned the names Vladimir and Catherine (the founders of the Russian Orthodox Faith) it meant HE had approved my choice ! I seem to remember that the names Vladimir and Alexandra were never mentioned together ! Whereas the names of Vladimir and Catherine I often heard and which gave me a good lead for my new choice and strengthened my purpose. "

This nearly broke my heart.


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #46 on: March 05, 2014, 08:06:05 AM »
Is there more known about the people involved in this tragic story?


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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2014, 07:22:15 AM »
You must read the book written by Serge Schmemann (the New York Times journalist and writer), he described very well all his relatives like Princes Gagarin, Vyazemsky, Trubetzkoy, Obolensky, Sviatopolk Mirsky, and many others murdered from 1918 to 1946, even during the war a cousing Princess Galitzine or Golytsin was murdered with her two daughters in Leningrad, her husband was in Uzbekistan and was murdered in 1938.

Thousands of nobles died during the October Revolution, and the Civil War and the Stalinist Purges, some additional names for your list:

Prince Mikhail Sergeevich Lopuhin, arrested and shot in the Summer of 1918 in Moscow by the ChKa.

Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Golitsyn of the White Cossack Forces. Arrested and shot in 1918.

Prince Konstantin Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Kiev, 1931.

Prince Aleksander Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Lipetske, 1937.

Prince Dmitri Aleksandrovich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in Dzheskazgan, 1938.

Prince Mikhail Vasilievich Golitsyn, arrested and shot in 1937.

Prince Vladimir Lvovich Golitsyn, shot in 1937.

Prince Vladimir Sergeevich Trubetskoy, shot on 30 October 1937.

Prince Petr Petrovich Urusov, died in a prison camp at Tomsk, 1936.

Prince Andrei Petrovich Urusov, arrested and shot by the NKVD in 1937.

Prince Aleksander Dmitievich Shirinsky-Shihmatov, died at Kuban in 1920 while serving with the White Army.

Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Obolensky, arrested at Orenburg as a counter-revolutionary on 7 September 1937; died 27 November 1937.

Prince Mikhail Fedorovich Obolensky, arrested at Moscow as a counter-revolutionary on 3 February 1937; shot on 2 July 1937.

Prince Aleksander Fedorovich Obolensky, arrested at Saratov as a counter-revolutionary on 28 November 1937; shot on 4 December 1937.

Prince Nikolai Aleksandrovich Obolensky, arrested at Saratov 17 December 1937; shot on 31 December 1937.

Prince Vladimir Vasilievich Obolensky, perished at the hands of the NKVD in 1937.

With a bit more research, I am certain that I could double or triple the numbers of princes killed by the Communists. This of course leaves the largest catagories, the Counts, Barons and ordinary Nobles to be added to the list of the murdered.



Offline JamesAPrattIII

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #48 on: April 07, 2016, 05:32:24 PM »
I have a little more errata on Prince Constantine A. Bagration-Murhransky. He was a cavalry officer who transferred to the Infantry to replace the shortage of Infantry officers. He arrived to command the 5th company 13th Erivanski Grenadier regiment, Caucasian Grenadier division II Caucasian Corps on 18/30 May 1915 and was killed in action leading this company the next day 19 may/1 June 1915.

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #49 on: April 08, 2016, 08:53:23 PM »
More errata not murdered but KIA WW I:
Prince Constantine G. Imeretinsky while serving with 48 Squadron RAF  was killed during the night of 24/25 August 1918 during a bombing raid by Schlachtstaffel (Battle Squadron this is what the Germans called their ground attack units) 16.

Offline rpalmgre

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2016, 12:42:02 PM »
Prince Mikhail Sergeevich Lopuhin, arrested and shot in the Summer of 1918 in Moscow by the ChKa.

He was not at all a Prince. The Russian princely family Lopukhin became extinct already in 1873. This when His Serene Highness Prince Paul Petrovitch Lopukhin died without legitimate issue.

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2016, 01:12:22 PM »
The Russian Revolution hit the Russian Princely family Lopukhin-Demidov of the House of Demidov hard. From being a wealthy industrial family they became poor. One woman in the family was the maid of honor Vera Demidoff. She was born 13 June 1871 as a daughter of Lieutnant-General Nikolai Petrovitch Demidoff, created The 1st Prince Lopukhin-Demidov in 1876, and his wife Olga Valerianovna Stolipin. Vera Demidoff was killed by the Bolsheviks during the Russian revolution in 1919. :(

Offline rpalmgre

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Re: Nobility murdered during the Revolution
« Reply #52 on: April 16, 2016, 12:02:16 PM »
Prince Constantine Esperovitch Belosselsky Belozersky was killed by the Soviets at Kiev 5 January 1918.