Interesting that it was in the Hofmobiliendepot!!!

I am still curious about that, because I didn´t have the chance to see that museum until now

Yes, I also think Alfonso has strongly that typical kind of face inheritated from his mother´s side. But it´s interesting that his uncle Archduke Friedrich doesn´t look like that at all (in my view!), but as we said his sister´s son, and also Friedrich´s son, Albrecht has typical Hapsburg features, very longish face etc. It´s really interested how this looking is distributed differently among close family members. Do you think that any of Archduchess Sophie´s children share her look? I rather think they resemble their father Archduke Franz Karl, don´t they? It would have been interesting to know about Archduchess Maria Anna´s look, when older, but unfortunately he died so early and was the only daughter of Sophie. It´s a pity about her. But it´s also interesting to me that Franz Joseph I and his wife Elisabeth, who were related over the Wittelsbach side, had certain resemblences in their looks, even when I don´t see special resemblences of Franz Joseph I. to his mother... What do you think about that?