Tsarfan, we may be ignoring the similiarities between Alexei and Hammet. Perhaps if we set aside our common sense and bias for truth, we could look at this case objectively.
Alexei Tammet
Male? Yes Yes
Hemophilia? Yes No, but might have been anemic
Ambulatory? No Yes
Scar? N/A Yes, maybe, maybe no
Dropped trou No Yes
for the RCMP?
Undescended N/A I don't even want to think about it, so I'll take his word for it.
testicle? Yes
Received thank Yes Yes
you notes from
Collaborated No Yes
with nazis?
Lived in a dream Yes* Yes**
As you can see, there are 11 yeses, 4 nos and 2 n/as = 17 answers. That means that there is a 73.33 % chance that Tammet is indeed the Tsaravich or odds of 5:8 (The ratio of y/n is 1:5.46) If you rather, I can calculate it by eliminating the n/a as an n, but honestly, I don't think it will make much difference. Numbers don't lie, Tsarfan.
* Many historians have commented on the dreamworld quality of the IF's life.
** Some psychiatrists have commented on the dreamworld of those who have delusions of grandeur.