Author Topic: One thing I find odd  (Read 125517 times)

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Offline Belochka

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #330 on: November 02, 2006, 08:03:44 PM »
That's probably also why he didn't attend Anne and Mark's wedding breakfast at Buck House. He was afraid of Lenin.

I never realized comrade lenin was invited for the wedding breakfast at Buck House. Did he bring Inessa?  :D

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #331 on: November 02, 2006, 08:04:51 PM »

Mr. Kendrick has been on the Forum since the question was first asked about the contents of the telegram from Princess Anne, yet he has not responded.  In case he missed the first request, I'll repeat the more complete request here:

Hmmm . . . here and gone yet again, still without answering these simple yet critical questions.

What gives here?  Aren't we going to get an answer to the two most pertinent questions about the real identity of Alexei Tammet-Romanov?

Offline Belochka

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #332 on: November 02, 2006, 08:08:56 PM »
A brilliant analysis, Bev.

My only question is whether all factors should be equally weighted.  For example, should collaboration with the Nazis carry the same weight as a testicular problem?  (In other words, should procreating Nazis be of more concern to us than procreating Tammets?)  Or should dropping trou for the police be weighted the same as receiving a thank-you note from royalty?  (In other words, is it more important to keep one's pants on in front of the police or in front of the queen?)

Tears of laughter ... this is brilliant!

Did the RCMP arrest Tammet for revealing a State secret?

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #333 on: November 02, 2006, 08:13:24 PM »
Perhaps it is wiser to wait patiently, and the truth will evidence in time. After all, we have gone through the trials of all the entrances and exits of various personalities giving each their own thoughts to this or that, and then of course documented understandings as well, on most of these threads. I have learned in life, that all the prodding and pleadings in the world will not bring a person to give what most people want, till it is time. Sometimes truth evidences in a minute, or a life time, and sometimes, not in our lifetime. Most of you are young and impatient, but that is youth. But one thing is for sure, insults, surleness, and bad manners never help anything, or any issue. I'm sure Mr. K will respond in due time... ;)


Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #334 on: November 02, 2006, 08:22:53 PM »
But he was so very quick to respond to the questions about how the telegram was addressed.  Why, he even assured us he was holding a verified copy of the telegram in his hand as he wrote that reply.  So why should we wait years -- perhaps even beyond our lifetimes -- for him to read the rest of the danged telegram?

I'm not looking for a metaphysical answer to the meaning of being and nothingness.  I'm looking for a straightforward answer to what's written on a piece of paper.

What's the point of this dodge . . . unless, of course, the answers to the questions are embarassing to Mr. Kendrick's claims?

And why are you the mouthpiece for this dodge?

Offline Belochka

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #335 on: November 02, 2006, 08:24:44 PM »

Mr. Kendrick has been on the Forum since the question was first asked about the contents of the telegram from Princess Anne, yet he has not responded.  In case he missed the first request, I'll repeat the more complete request here:

Hmmm . . . here and gone yet again, still without answering these simple yet critical questions.

What gives here?  Aren't we going to get an answer to the two most pertinent questions about the real identity of Alexei Tammet-Romanov?

Tsarfan please do not feel so disappointed, this is the typical game that is played ... string out as long as possible to gain public attention.

Tammet was a fraud plain and simple. Had this individual really been aware, he would never as an adult refered to himself as the Tsarevich or its Polish equivalent, which was yet another error on his part. A genuine Russian of that period would know and always use the correct Russian definitions.

Tammet read that complex word in his history book and lacking fundamental knowledge of succession, he failed to realize the implications of what he had done.

Thus he had exposed him self inappropriately in many ways ...

« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 08:28:13 PM by Belochka »

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #336 on: November 02, 2006, 08:30:51 PM »

1.  The text of the message that Princess Anne sent Tammet

Telegrams being a thing of the past --- Stop.
The messages were always brief --- Stop.
Because telegraph companies charged by the word --- Stop.

The text of a single sentence thank you telegram that says his message "has given us great pleasure" isn't going to tell you a great deal. 

Again, it is the Russian name and Imperial Title that was used by the Palace to address the intended recipient that is the ONLY issue here.


2.  The circumstances under which the teeth were sent to England for DNA comparison (to which lab, by prior arrangement with whom, for comparison to whose DNA).

How many more times do I have to explain this?

The samples were requested by Russia's Dr. Pavel L. Ivanov himself in March of 1993.  The samples were then immediately sent in response to Dr. Ivanov's request, without the slightest heistation, by courier that very same week.  The samples were received and signed for the following week at the Forensic Science Service laboratory in Aldermaston, England, where they were to be tested for comparison directly alongside the identification testing then being done on samples from the Ekaterinburg remains in the very same lab.

A second matching set of samples from Tammet was sent at that very same time to the late Dr. William Maples at the CA Pound Human Identification Laboratory in Gainesville, Florida.

Two years later, Dr. Ivanov himself had admitted in writing -- signed by his own hand on US Armed Forces DNA Laboratory letterhead -- that the testing procedure had been initiatied and that a DNA extraction from one of those samples is still being kept in the freezer at the FSS lab in Aldermaston. He had further admitted that a second Tammet DNA sample is still in his personal possession.


With this information, we can all have a serious discussion about the what this evidence signifies.

What, Again?  Where have you been these past few years?

Previous discussions on this same subject have never been particularly "serious" on this board in the past. 
What gives you reason to imagine that it might be any different this time?  ;)


P.S.  You might want to remember...  We don't all live in the same time zone.   
« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 08:35:44 PM by J_Kendrick »


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #337 on: November 02, 2006, 08:31:15 PM »

Your lack of manners are very evident. Secondly, I am nobody's mouthpiece, nor do i hang out with a group of people who throw endless insults, and tactless comments just to show everyone who they think they are....not.

I am a free person as are you to speak my thoughts on any of these threads. I may not like what you or others have to say, and you and others may not like what I have to say. Still by virtue of these threads, we are allowed our say clearly. So, I need not respond to your taunts, or others. It is quite evident I am sure to many on this forum that there is only a few who are involved as yourself in ensnaringly making unwarranted remarks. You don't scare me. I see you are young and still with much to learn, so learn at your own rate of speed. I assure you, I am not alone in my feelings to date ! You may have been in law enforcement, but most law enforcement officers, and persons to do with civic interchanges and government positions, do not act as you do, period !



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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #338 on: November 02, 2006, 09:00:55 PM »

I am a free person as are you to speak my thoughts on any of these threads. I may not like what you or others have to say, and you and others may not like what I have to say.

But nothing you post makes sense or has any real relevance to what is being discussed.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #339 on: November 02, 2006, 09:03:45 PM »
lol, your tooooo funny for words, and can hardly wait for your words of wisdom on the subject.  ;D

Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #340 on: November 02, 2006, 09:18:33 PM »

The text of a single sentence thank you telegram that says his message "has given us great pleasure" isn't going to tell you a great deal.

On the contrary, it tells us a great deal.  It tells us that if, as you maintain, Princess Anne personally signed this telegram, she did not think her correspondent merited more than a generic one-sentence reply.  And it tells us that you think we are fools if you think we would believe this is how Princess Anne would actually correspond with a man she believed to be the son of Nicholas II, a blood relative to her own family, and a man whose life must be haunted by unimaginable specters.

And, knowing that Princess Anne was not at Buckingham Palace but on her honeymoon when this telegram was sent from the palace, it tells us that this was a form response sent out by the secretariat.

The samples were requested by Russia's Dr. Pavel L. Ivanov himself in March of 1993.

A second matching set of samples from Tammet was sent at that very same time to the late Dr. William Maples at the CA Pound Human Identification Laboratory in Gainesville, Florida.

Two years later, Dr. Ivanov himself had admitted in writing -- signed by his own hand on US Armed Forces DNA Laboratory letterhead -- that the testing procedure had been initiatied and that a DNA extraction from one of those samples is still being kept in the freezer at the FSS lab in Aldermaston. He had further admitted that a second Tammet DNA sample is still in his personal possession.

So, with samples having gone both to someone in Russia and to someone in the USA, how would the British be able to squelch the results?

And why would they want to?  They were willing to have the world-wide press know that Prince Charles had submitted a sample of his DNA for comparison with Anna Anderson's, so they were obviously willing to live with whatever outcome those tests yielded.  And, if they were so intent on keeping Tammet's true identity under wraps, why did they send the Canadian Mounties to check him out in 1972 instead of having a private emissary handle the matter?

And on the point of your being in a different time zone . . . .  I travel outside the U.S. extensively and am in the habit of allowing for time zone adjustments.  However, the logs on this board are all normalized to the same time zone.  I was comparing the log-in times shown in your profile with the time of the posts on one occasion and happened to observe you listed as viewing the thread on other occasions.

Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #341 on: November 02, 2006, 09:24:44 PM »
Correction to above post . . . I meant to say it was Prince Phillip who submitted his DNA sample.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #342 on: November 03, 2006, 02:16:45 AM »

The text of a single sentence thank you telegram that says his message "has given us great pleasure" isn't going to tell you a great deal.

On the contrary, it tells us a great deal.  It tells us that if, as you maintain, Princess Anne personally signed this telegram, she did not think her correspondent merited more than a generic one-sentence reply.

So... Now you think you can read the minds of Royalty?  33 years after the fact?

It's only a telegram!  It's not a piece of classic prose.  Telegrams, by their very nature, were rarely any more than one or two sentences long... no matter who sent them.

Have you ever sent a telegram?   Have you ever received a telegram?   Do you even know what a telegram looks like?

You cannot just to write off the fact that a telegram was sent by Buckingham Palace in November of 1973 and was addressed to "Alexei Nicolaievich" -- 55 years after murders in Ekaterinburg -- simply by trying to create an issue where an issue does not exist.  That's called misdirection... and it isn't going to work.

It is not what was written in that telegram that is at issue here.  What makes this important is who sent the telegram.. and the name of the person that they had intended should receive that same telegram.

How will you try to explain away the fact that the Palace of King Carl Gustav in Sweden had done exactly the same thing... sending a thank you card to the very same person -- addressed once again to "Alexei Nicolaievich" -- three years later?


The samples were requested by Russia's Dr. Pavel L. Ivanov himself in March of 1993.

A second matching set of samples from Tammet was sent at that very same time to the late Dr. William Maples at the CA Pound Human Identification Laboratory in Gainesville, Florida.

Two years later, Dr. Ivanov himself had admitted in writing -- signed by his own hand on US Armed Forces DNA Laboratory letterhead -- that the testing procedure had been initiatied and that a DNA extraction from one of those samples is still being kept in the freezer at the FSS lab in Aldermaston. He had further admitted that a second Tammet DNA sample is still in his personal possession.

So, with samples having gone both to someone in Russia and to someone in the USA, how would the British be able to squelch the results? And why would they want to? 

Now, you might be headed in the right direction.

Did the British squelch the results?  Who knows? 
If they didn't do it, then who did?  Who knows?
Why would anyone want to suppress the results? Who knows?

But those are the questions that need to be answered. 
Those are the still unanswered questions that this story is all about.
Someone who has the Tammet samples or is close to those same samples knows the answers that you seek.
Find that person or persons and get those questions answered and we will all be that much closer to finding the truth.


They were willing to have the world-wide press know that Prince Charles had submitted a sample of his DNA for comparison with Anna Anderson's, so they were obviously willing to live with whatever outcome those tests yielded.

Putting aside the fact that it was actually Prince Phillip.. and not Prince Charles.. who had submitted a sample of his DNA for comparison to the putative bones of Empress Alexandra... and not for comparison to Anna Anderson...

You are quite right to note that the scientists and their bosses who had done the Anderson comparison tests at the FSS in Britain in 1994 are also among the very same people who are still withholding the Tammet result to this day. 

Curious, isn't it? :-)



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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #343 on: November 03, 2006, 02:20:27 AM »

So...the 'Tsesarevich', or, no, I'm sorry- 'Czarevich', a grossly inaccurate title no less, but the one which 'Alexei' liked to use in his 'enforced exile', received a telegram from his 'close relative' saying Thank you for your telegram STOP.  Whoa, now that's evidence for the survival of Alexei if ever I've seen any.

Who are you kidding, Mr Kendrick? Do you seriously base your own beliefs on 'evidence' such as this? If so, then you've got some serious work to do. 

And, if these teeth really did contain the DNA of the Romanovs, as Tsarfan has already said, I really see little reason why they would cover it up.  What would it matter if a dead man had been Alexei Romanov? (Note the no title, as he had none after his father abdicated).  He wouldn't have been entitled to anything anyway- he was dead!

And, having an undescended testicle is a very common occurence.  Babies born prematurely are 30% likely to experience this problem, and between 3-5% of boys born on time suffer from it too.  That's a fair few men walking around with undescended testicles.  Hardly a rare occurence, and hardly proof that Heino Tammet was Alexei.



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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #344 on: November 03, 2006, 04:35:31 AM »
In a hale of gunfire, stabbings, acid, fire. Oh sure he survived all of that. Point blank shot to the head, really folks, if that’s the case then we can say he was super man, it didn’t happen. As much as I would like to say one of them did survive, none of them did. Telegram or no telegram. I find hard to believe that anyone who was standing in that room survived the slaughter.