So then if we accept the results of the Russian forensic scientists, are we not discrediting the work of the Americans/Brittish? It seems to me, either way a group of scientists get descredited. What if you have no personal bias and are just looking for the facts?
Dear Lexi:
There are two very important questions here that Margarita and her fellow members of SEARCH clearly have no intention of answering.
First.. How much longer will SEARCH continue to keep chasing shadows before they finally give in and admit to the possibility that there are
no more Romanov bones to be found in Pig's meadow?
.. and...
Second... as you have asked... Why does it now appear from the content of their website that SEARCH is now supporting the stated Russian position that GD Marie is the missing daughter... and in so doing... are they not also now discrediting the stated position of the American forensic team that the missing daughter is Anastasia?
SEARCH and its members clearly have no intention of ever answering that first question. The members of SEARCH will never be able to bring themselves to accept the very obvious possibility that their own continued failure to find any more evidence of human remains in Pig's Meadow -- even with their use of the most modern of high-tech search equipment -- is actually proof that the two missing Romanovs were, in fact,
NOT killed and buried in Koptyaki.
As to your question to Margarita about SEARCH's now apparent change of direction -- clearly turning away from the American forensic team's stated position that Anastasia is the missing daughter and now obviously leaning towards the Russian forensic team's continued insistence that the missing daughter is Marie -- as is evidenced in the wording of their website...
You will have noticed that your repeated questioning has still not received a straight answer... but... There may be a very simple explanation for SEARCH's apparent change in direction on the suspected identity of the missing daughter.
Remember back to early 1998, when the US team of renowned forensic professors Dr. Anthony Falsetti and Dr. Diane France had both flown to Ekaterinburg to assist in the search efforts that were planned for that year...
Drs. Falsetti and France had both publicly expressed their shock and disbelief when they were confronted by the Russian authorities who insisted that they must first sign an agreement they would be looking for the remains of Grand Duchess Marie... before the search would be allowed to proceed. You may well recall that Drs. Falsetti and France had both then refused to sign the agreement that was being required by their Russian hosts and promptly flew home in disgust after only three days.
So... If the Russian authorities are continuing to maintain that same position as they had done eight years ago... that the searchers must first sign an agreement they will be looking for the remains of GD Marie before they will be allowed to proceed...
If the confrontation experienced by the US forensics experts Drs. Falsetti and France eight years ago is any indication, then it can be safely concluded that SEARCH probably has no choice. They must fall in line with the stated position of the Russian authorities that the missing daughter is Marie... or they will not be allowed to return.