It seems like I remember reading on this site a long time ago, before I got here, that someone was claiming to be Michael, still alive, or was it his grandson or something, and the guy got so bad he had to be banned? And this had something to do with the "Imperial claimants please post here" category being created? I could very well have this wrong so someone who is a longer term member (I've been here over 2 years) can tell the story?
Someone also said once the reason no one claimed to be Michael because he was a full grown man and it would be harder to claim he had changed than a teenager.
Anyway I still want to know why no one on this forum questions Michael's death as told by the Bolsheviks, yet some completely disregard their accounts of A and A being killed, when in both cases no bodies were yet found? It must be the claimant connection.
Talk about 'one thing I find odd!'