Author Topic: One thing I find odd  (Read 125259 times)

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Offline Louis_Charles

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #285 on: November 01, 2006, 05:35:13 PM »
Would Alexei, assuming that he ever had cause to refer to himself by title, not have called himself the Tsesarevitch? And the eagles' heads might be staring at each other in horror, Tsarfan!

The boards are getting soaked?  I keep thinking there has to be a codebook somewhere.
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Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #286 on: November 01, 2006, 06:47:01 PM »
A true son of Nicholas might have called himself any one of several titles:  "Emperor" if he wanted to use the title conferred by the Senate on Peter the Great;  "Tsar" if he wanted to use the title his father and grandfather preferred as a means of emphasizing the "Russianness" of a family that was really largely Germanic; or "Tsesarevitch" if he wanted to use the correct Russian form of the heir's title and take the position that his father was still tsar until the monarchy reconstituted itself and restored the sacrament of coronation.

About the only title for which I can discern no logic for him to prefer would be the Polish title of "Czarevitch".  Unless, of course, Alexei Tammet-Romanov figured a lot of people would get testy if he made a grab for Russia . . . but maybe Poland would go down with less of a ruckus?

I wonder how many of these momentous implications crossed Mark's mind as he handed that telegram over to Princess Anne for her to add her signature and thereby seal Britain's recognition of Tammet's claim.  (Anne apparently could not foresee that her sister's government would later take this matter so seriously that they would keep Mr. Tammet's two teeth cloaked as a state secret.)


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #287 on: November 01, 2006, 06:54:14 PM »
'if' this has been thoroughly researched, and exchanges of correspondonce transpired, I am more than sure before this, the thorough energies of Scotland Yard, Interpol, and several other discrete services of law enforcement would have been used to make sure there were no issues, or repercussions to ensue. For it to make the papers, I am sure as well there must have been continued exercise to follow up on all involved, and I think the story has yet to unfold in the future...


Offline Belochka

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #288 on: November 01, 2006, 06:54:42 PM »
In 1973, Alexei Tammet-Romanov had sent a telegram of congratulations to Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips on the occasion of their wedding on November 14th of that same year.

Just one day later, Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips themselves had promptly responded to Mr. Tammet-Romanov's message with a telegram of thanks in reply.

That very same telegram from the Palace, date stamped November 15th of 1973 and signed by Anne and Mark, just one day after Princess Anne's wedding, is very clearly addressed to:

"Alexei Nicolaievich, Czarevich, Grand Duke of Russia... Burnaby, British Columbia"

Mr Kendrick you have now finally revealed your tiresome charade.

Had the Estonian-Canadian been a genuine sole survivor of the Imperial Family he would NEVER have refered to himself as "Czarevich" had he been schooled correctly.



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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #289 on: November 01, 2006, 06:56:38 PM »
Tsarfan, Perhaps to fuel debates such as this one  ::)

Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #290 on: November 01, 2006, 07:03:36 PM »
Would Alexei, assuming that he ever had cause to refer to himself by title, not have called himself the Tsesarevitch? And the eagles' heads might be staring at each other in horror, Tsarfan!

The boards are getting soaked?  I keep thinking there has to be a codebook somewhere.

Would Alexei, knowing that he was the sole direct survivor in the line of Nicholas II, have married unequally? He was raised from birth to be the Heir, and would have been well schooled in the Fundamental Law. Or, if he considered it impractical to follow, why would he have not issued an Imperial Ukase altering the Law? That he did neither of these things raises questions about his purported survival.

Also, unbeknownst to any of the Alexei claimants was a promise made by the actual Tsesarevich Alexei in 1914 to Princess Ileana of Romania. He promised to return to Romania for her and never did.

Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #291 on: November 01, 2006, 07:25:23 PM »
Tsarfan, Perhaps to fuel debates such as this one  ::)

Aw . . . c'mon, Mazukov.

Princess Anne personally answering telegrams to a royal claimant using an incorrect title?  The British government keeping a couple of teeth under wraps to keep some mysterious and momentous truth secret?  A weak and crippled hemophiliac surviving a firing squad?  A Romanov -- and the heir to the throne, no less -- dropping his trousers in front of the press to display an undescended testicle? 

Since this stuff cannot be taken seriously, why can't we have a little fun with it?  Why have to trek all the way to the supermarket to buy The National Enquirer?


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #292 on: November 01, 2006, 07:44:09 PM »
I, agree with you'r last line Tsarfan  ;D

Back on topic. If was who he said he was.He never really made a big to do about it. If it was I, who had his shoes on. I would fight like hell for  my birth name. and birth right. Just a thought.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #293 on: November 01, 2006, 08:02:39 PM »
In 1973, Alexei Tammet-Romanov had sent a telegram of congratulations to Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips on the occasion of their wedding on November 14th of that same year.

Just one day later, Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips themselves had promptly responded to Mr. Tammet-Romanov's message with a telegram of thanks in reply.

That very same telegram from the Palace, date stamped November 15th of 1973 and signed by Anne and Mark, just one day after Princess Anne's wedding, is very clearly addressed to:

"Alexei Nicolaievich, Czarevich, Grand Duke of Russia... Burnaby, British Columbia"

Mr Kendrick you have now finally revealed your tiresome charade.

Had the Estonian-Canadian been a genuine sole survivor of the Imperial Family he would NEVER have refered to himself as "Czarevich" had he been schooled correctly.



You just love to nit-pick, don't you?

It was the reply that had used the different spelling.  NOT the original message.

The choice of spelling is attributed to the telegraph company that had transmitted the Palace's reply.  That's all there is to it.

Just to keep you going, here's another one for you to bicker about:

A Thank You card hand-signed by King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden, dated 19 July 1976...
... contained in a envelope post-marked from the Palace in Stockholm..
... and clearly addressed to "Alexei Nicolaievich, Grand Duke of Russia... Burnaby, BC, Canada."

Not just one Palace, but two.  Two different Monarchies in two different countries, both addressing personal correspondence to "Alexei Nicolaievich" almost 60 years after his disappearance... and both sent to the same address...

You should be challenging the Palaces to explain their actions.

Not the messenger.

Your claim of checkmate is seriously premature.  The game has only just started! ;-)



Offline Belochka

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #294 on: November 01, 2006, 08:13:08 PM »
In 1973, Alexei Tammet-Romanov had sent a telegram of congratulations to Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips on the occasion of their wedding on November 14th of that same year.

Just one day later, Princess Anne and Capt. Mark Phillips themselves had promptly responded to Mr. Tammet-Romanov's message with a telegram of thanks in reply.

That very same telegram from the Palace, date stamped November 15th of 1973 and signed by Anne and Mark, just one day after Princess Anne's wedding, is very clearly addressed to:

"Alexei Nicolaievich, Czarevich, Grand Duke of Russia... Burnaby, British Columbia"

Mr Kendrick you have now finally revealed your tiresome charade.

Had the Estonian-Canadian been a genuine sole survivor of the Imperial Family he would NEVER have refered to himself as "Czarevich" had he been schooled correctly.



You just love to nit-pick, don't you?

It was the reply that had used the different spelling.  NOT the original message.

The choice of spelling is attributed to the telegraph company that had transmitted the Palace's reply.  That's all there is to it.

Your claim of checkmate is seriously premature.  The game has only just started! ;-)


Your game is over Mr Kendrick. The king is down.

It is not the spelling that was used but the actual definition. In forensic investigation a case can be solved by one single clue ... fortuitously you provided it. Thank you.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #295 on: November 01, 2006, 08:17:30 PM »
So why wasn't he invited to the weddings?  You still haven't answered that question.

Have you ever heard of an autopen?  I ask that because I have a thank you note from Clinton's inaugural committee, and while it's flattering to think that Pres. Clinton took the time to thanik me personally for my donation, I'm certain that it was signed with an autopen.  (But then I'm not the heir to the Russian throne, either.)


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #296 on: November 01, 2006, 08:21:59 PM »

Your game is over Mr Kendrick. The king is down.

It is not the spelling that was used but the actual definition. In forensic investigation a case can be solved by one single clue ... fortuitously you provided it. Thank you.


You cannot use a castling move to get out of check.

You're not even close, Margarita.. but keep trying.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #297 on: November 01, 2006, 08:32:01 PM »

So why wasn't he invited to the weddings?  You still haven't answered that question.

Good question, but you're asking the wrong person.  Only the Palaces can answer that question.  So... Why don't you ask them?  ;)


Have you ever heard of an autopen?  I ask that because I have a thank you note from Clinton's inaugural committee, and while it's flattering to think that Pres. Clinton took the time to thanik me personally for my donation, I'm certain that it was signed with an autopen.  (But then I'm not the heir to the Russian throne, either.)

It's not the signatures that need to be explained. 

It's the Russian name and Imperial title that the Palaces had used to address their replies that is at issue here.

Not the signatures of the senders

« Last Edit: November 01, 2006, 08:43:41 PM by J_Kendrick »

Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #298 on: November 01, 2006, 09:10:57 PM »
Mr. Kendrick:

Queen Mary met personally with Grand Duchess Xenia on numerous occasions.  Queen Elizabeth sought Grand Duchess Olga out for a meeting during a state visit to Canada.  So the British royals have no compunction about meeting with their Romanov relatives.  Yet the only recognition the British royal house ever extended to Alexei -- the heir himself -- was to answer a telegram that Tammet sent?

Let's move our focus beyond the address on the envelope.  How about disclosing to us the text of the telegram from Princess Anne?  Since you say she was sending a personal response to the head of a major dynasty -- who was also a blood relative of hers, by the way -- I'm sure her message reflected this very special relationship.  How did she address him in the telegram?  As Dear Alexei?  As Your Highness?

Yes, please . . . give us the text.  As you say, you have a verified copy in your hand.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #299 on: November 02, 2006, 02:11:48 AM »
he, he, he, lol, I think you guys are really on a roll, i mean really ! I think you should follow up on figuring out what the code is...or is there a code ? Wow, imagine, a code going on right under our very nose. With all these super sleuths, I'm sure one of you can flush out the answers you need, so we can all put this to rest...right ? How odd, how very odd ! Lol  :D Best laugh I have had all week !
