Author Topic: One thing I find odd  (Read 125051 times)

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Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #300 on: November 02, 2006, 06:28:04 AM »
If was who he said he was.He never really made a big to do about it. If it was I, who had his shoes on. I would fight like hell for  my birth name. and birth right. Just a thought.

Never really made a big to-do about it?

I trust you would draw the line at putting your testicles on display?  ;D

No need to go there, though.  Let's just see wait for Mr. Kendrick to show us the full text of that telegram from Princess Anne.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 06:31:30 AM by Tsarfan »


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #301 on: November 02, 2006, 09:42:14 AM »
Did Alexei really have that, uh, testicle problem  :-[? If so, he may have had a lot of trouble fathering children even if he survived? I have known three men with the problem, all had corrective surgery, but only one was able to father children.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #302 on: November 02, 2006, 09:51:25 AM »
Yes, reportedly Alexei had an undescended testicle. As far as a possible sterility issue, it doesn't really matter now since he didn't get the chance to find out one way or another, having been killed at the age of 14.

Did Mr Tammet really drop down his trousers in front of the reporters???  :o  He must have REALLY wanted to prove he was royal!

Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #303 on: November 02, 2006, 10:10:17 AM »
Here's what was reported in the article Belochka posted on Page 17 of this thread: 

When the Duke of Windsor died in 1972, Tammet-Romanov sent a letter of condolence to the Queen, signing it with his royal title.

The RCMP arrived at Tammet-Romanov's Burnaby home soon after.

He showed them a scar he said came from the butt of a rifle during the executions. He also showed them he had an undescended testicle, as did the czarevitch, his widow explains.

I think the "RCMP" means the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  Apparently they perform a duty similar to the U.S. Secret Service when the President receives a crank communication.

Whatever the RCMP determined, it seems that Mr. Tammet was not issued a luncheon invitation by the Queen.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #304 on: November 02, 2006, 10:11:18 AM »
Wow, again you never fail to keep the readers glued to Enquirer type threads...
We the readers understand that subject matters as this exist but really, to keep it in terminal undress, just for adult titilation is beyond comprehension. Get a grip ! You made and got your thrills, now make responsible comments instead of steamy garbage!
I hope your lives are filled with more than just looking for this kind of news to talk about. I thought you were considerate of kids ?
This is indeed a very odd thread RichC, very odd !!!



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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #305 on: November 02, 2006, 10:16:06 AM »
Here's what was reported in the article Belochka posted on Page 17 of this thread: 
... He also showed them he had an undescended testicle, as did the czarevitch, his widow explains.

Oh yes, I must have missed that. So he really did drop those trousers, that rascal!

... it seems that Mr. Tammet was not issued a luncheon invitation by the Queen.

Poor Mr. Tammet, after all his efforts, not even a lousy luncheon invitation!  :-\


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #306 on: November 02, 2006, 10:20:32 AM »
Yes, reportedly Alexei had an undescended testicle. As far as a possible sterility issue, it doesn't really matter now since he didn't get the chance to find out one way or another, having been killed at the age of 14.

If N and A knew this they must have known the succession of the dynasty was not safe (even IF he had lived) so why didn't they try for another child? Even though they had a son, if he was infertile (presuming the dynasty had continued and he had survived) what would they havve done? Of course it's all speculation since he didn't live and the dynasty didn't go on, but just wondering out loud....

Did Mr Tammet really drop down his trousers in front of the reporters???  :o  He must have REALLY wanted to prove he was royal!

 :D :D Oh yes, so much class! So what's worse, this, or the way Anna Anderson lived the last years of her life in filth and insanity? ;)


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #307 on: November 02, 2006, 10:22:04 AM »
So what's worse, this, or the way Anna Anderson lived the last years of her life in filth and insanity? ;)

Some kids they raised....  ::)


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #308 on: November 02, 2006, 10:29:10 AM »
Yes indeed, one can tell much by what one reads, and pursues in life, even moreso on the internet. Never know what kids who are adults now days are in hot pursuit of...and it ain't always literature, etc.  ;) You can tell much about a person, indeed !



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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #309 on: November 02, 2006, 10:47:00 AM »
...why didn't they try for another child?

Well, we don't really know that they didn't try, for one thing. Maybe it just didn't happen. Another thing, maybe it didn't occur to them that an undescended testicle = sterility. Plus they had a much more serious concern at the time: the Tsarevich's hemophilia! This was a much more immediate issue and they had to see if he was going to survive his childhood first before they even had the chance to start worrying about him not being able to have children as an adult.

Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #310 on: November 02, 2006, 11:08:02 AM »
The realm of reality is not were Nicholas and Alexandra lived when it came to Alexei.  The House of Romanov had male heirs aplenty available to perpetuate the dynasty, and the succession had passed several times to other than the son of the ruler.

Contrary to popular belief, the dynasty depended on responsible government for its survival, not on Alexei's longevity or ability to procreate.

For some reason they both -- and Alexandra in particular -- had a fixation that the successor had to be one of their children and no other Romanov.  Even before the birth of Alexei, at a time when Michael was the acknowledged heir, Alexandra prodded Nicholas to broach the topic of changing the Fundamental Law so that their eldest daughter could supplant Michael in the succession.  Only the strong protest of the Council and the rest of the Romanovs dissuaded Nicholas from the project.

Nicholas -- and again, Alexandra in particular -- did not turn to logic to direct their course of action.  They turned to faith and miracles.

And miracles they apparently got, according to Mr. Kenrick.  Given that Alexei had the supernatural ability to survive a hail of gunfire or to skip out unnoticed on the massacre altogether, no one need have worried about a feat as simple as fathering children.

I know I sound the cynic.  But I'm sure that cynicism will be dispelled when we see the text of that telegram that proves the British royal family acknowledged Tammet as the true head of the Romanov clan.


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #311 on: November 02, 2006, 12:46:22 PM »
Tsarfan, we may be ignoring the similiarities between Alexei and Hammet.  Perhaps if we set aside our common sense and bias for truth, we could look at this case objectively.

                         Alexei                                                      Tammet
Male?                 Yes                                                          Yes

Hemophilia?         Yes                                                          No, but might have been anemic

Ambulatory?         No                                                          Yes

Scar?                   N/A                                                         Yes, maybe, maybe no

Dropped trou        No                                                          Yes
for the RCMP?

Undescended        N/A                                                         I don't even want to think about it, so I'll take his word for it.
testicle?                                                                              Yes

Received thank     Yes                                                          Yes
you notes from

Collaborated          No                                                          Yes
with nazis?

Lived in a dream    Yes*                                                        Yes**

As you can see, there are 11 yeses, 4 nos and 2 n/as = 17 answers.  That means that there is a 73.33 % chance that Tammet is indeed the Tsaravich or odds of 5:8  (The ratio  of y/n is 1:5.46)  If you rather, I can calculate it by eliminating the n/a as an n, but honestly, I don't think it will make much difference.  Numbers don't lie, Tsarfan.

* Many historians have commented on the dreamworld quality of the IF's life.

**  Some psychiatrists have commented on the dreamworld of those who have delusions of grandeur.

Offline Tsarfan

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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #312 on: November 02, 2006, 01:28:48 PM »
A brilliant analysis, Bev.

My only question is whether all factors should be equally weighted.  For example, should collaboration with the Nazis carry the same weight as a testicular problem?  (In other words, should procreating Nazis be of more concern to us than procreating Tammets?)  Or should dropping trou for the police be weighted the same as receiving a thank-you note from royalty?  (In other words, is it more important to keep one's pants on in front of the police or in front of the queen?)


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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #313 on: November 02, 2006, 02:14:45 PM »
Since it has been brought up to be of interest of those here on this thread, I have suddenly decided to search the internet and read up on all who have been collobrators with the Nazi's. That anyone could colloborate with these rascals is terrible, but I wonder all the more of those who were themselves labelled by the Nazi's, who of them choose to colloborate ? That is quite an interesting question, and needs not only to be researched, but to finding documented proof. I'm off to search...



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Re: One thing I find odd
« Reply #314 on: November 02, 2006, 02:33:10 PM »
If we weight them I'll have to use the calculator and that sounds suspiciously like work.  I think we should stick to probablities.
If we eliminate the n/as which would give us a percentage of 73.33 we could round up the 73% to 75% and I can write a simple equation that would prove that Tammet is the legal heir to the Russian throne:

Pr(A\B) = Pr(B\A) Pr (A) \Pr(B) = 0.75 x 0.5\ 0.625 = 0.6

The ratio changes, but the odds stay about the same - 5:8 to 6.9 which means of course, that Tammet met 6 out of the 9 criteria and thus is the legal heir and claimant to the throne.

We can weight them, and I suggest that the only fair way to weight them would be y=33.3, e=33.3, s=33.3 while n=50.0  and o=50.0.  We use the same theorem but write the equation as ^(A\B) = L(A\B \ L(Ac\B) = Pr(B\A) \ Pr(B\Ac) which is easier for us to remember and still proves  the likelihood that Tammet is the heir.

Of course if you want to get all complicated...