i know that after the revolution, the kings, aristocracy and the church were very wronged...the people invented maney things about them.
never less, i think that Vaudreuil was only taking advantage about his relation with Yolande Polignac..in wikipedia, it's said that «It was generally believed at Versailles that Yolande's second child was actually fathered by her lover, the Comte de Vaudreuil.»...i would like if it could be true..
«When Calonne fell from grace, Vaudreuil's credit dried up. The Queen turned resolutely against him. On the brink of financial ruin, he was obliged to sell off his collections. », and «The queen disliked him (Turgot) for opposing the grant of favours to her proteges, and he had offended Mme. de Polignac in a similar manner.» and «He (Charles, comte d'Artois in exile) took the disastrous decision of appointing Calonne to his council, which outraged Marie Antoinette, who had never liked him. This was an end to Charles and Marie-Antoinette's deep friendship, and Charles was left wracked with guilt after her execution in 1793.»
so, Vaudreuil was a friend of Calonne and Turgot?..It is said that Calonne was disliked by the Queen..Turgot was also..It's possible that Vaudreuil fell in disfavour because his relations with "the enemies of the Queen"...Calonne was exiled, but, when the revolution began, he alisted himself in the prince of Conti army....At the end, Calonne was a a loyal royalist, only wanting the best of France...