So. I've just realiser that i've never presente myself.
So, I'll start with the .. basics ?
I'm born in Canada and living in the province of Quebec, in a little town. So, my first language is French & I beg your pardon for my bad spelling & writing
Like the major part of the "youngest" members, I'll just learned about the Romanovs with the movie Anastasia by Fox. And one day, I've juste decided to learn more about the real stroy, and since that day, I'm just addicted.
The major part of my friends thinks that i'm obsessed.. or.. maybe a bit strange to be so interested to a "family who was killed". So I'm really happy to be in this forum because I just feel that some people can understand what I feel. I'd like to thank all the members, because I learned a much when I was reading the topis, so Thank You all.