I have been lurking around here for a while and have enjoyed all your messages and especially the pictures so much I finally decided to join in.
I have been interested in Russian culture and history since I took Russian as an extra language at high school over 20 years ago. Unfortunately I didn't have a great success with the language, but luckily the interest in the culture and history persisted. I'm Finnish, and as you all know, Finland and Russia have a long history to share. But it was my mother who then got me interested in the Romanov family. She has been a keen diy historian of the Romanovs for the past 20 years and has a huge collection of books, dvd's, postcards, pictures and all things related. She even has some glass negatives of the family photographs. We probably speak more about the Romanovs than about our own relatives! So far we have been in St. Petersburg twice, and have visited all the important places, including the Alexander Palace - and the most memorable of all, the basement shrine at the Feodorovsky Cathedral. There was a restoration work going on, but seeing the shrine was one of the most powerful emotional experiences in my life.
I hope I will have some contribution to make to the forum, maybe a picture you haven't seen already - if that's possible - or something. First I have to spend some more time investigating all the picture links in order to find out the pictures that you already are familiar with, and read some more messages in order not to ask anything silly.
Looking forward to exciting and interesting time in the forum among you kindred spirits!