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Woohoo! My first post!I have a Romanov tumblr blog and am excited to post questions and add to discussions!
I started anastasiatheimp.tumblr.com about a month ago.And I can't seem to send PMs, so to answer your question Tim, no, my name isn't Anastasia. It's Laura. I love Anastasia's impish personality, hence the name.
How fun! What is yours? I'd love to follow you.
Hey Jen I went to your blog and saw the footage of Maria picking up baby Prince Mircea of Romania ....which I've always adored...Marie instantly flew over from the other side of the group! ...but because I could see that moment over and over on your blog, I finally realized why Marie was slower to lift Mircea than I always expected...it's cause she's laughing into his face first and then she lifts him ...God, she was great Nice blog!