I suppose it high time I come out from hiding in the shadows and offer a humble "greetings to all," given so many of you have already provided me invaluable sources for my research. Apologies for posting three new topics (questions) recently sans a proper hello.
My nickname is "Kiwi" given I live between New Zealand and New Mexico (USA), dodging bad bits of the cold seasons. Perhaps my NM name should be "Chili."
This site has proven to be the BEST source for my investigating family relics (militaria/antiques) from the early 1900s, and my family's connection with Russia, especially between 1914 and 1922 -- strange that a family of Danes on business visas would make their way numerous times through Russia, Scandinavia, and the U.S. DURING the Revolution and through the entire Civil War.
Thanks folks. Those of you who know political history (i.e. Anarcho-Syndicalists, and other non-Bolshevik revolutionaries), and those of you who know antiques and militaria have provided the best leads for books, experts, etc.
As for myself, after a fun academic career, I've turned to writing historical dramas. Have completed two thus far (marketing stage), and am now collecting all the info I can on the 91st Dvinsk Regiment and the Anarcho-Syndicalist movement (the "dreamers").
Just this week, almost a year into my search, I found the documents that explain why my family was running TOWARD Russia during those turbulent times. It'll be a fun story to tell.