I posted the photo of him thinking it was the infant Nicholas, perhaps at his baptism. The book was in Russian but it ID'd it as Nicholas. Obviously, it doesn't seem to be he, but rather Alexander. Poor thing, he was a sweet-looking baby. I always wondered about photos of him, but there are perhaps a lot of photos either lost or still in archives. If Marie F. managed to take any with her to Denmark, perhaps in the archives there? They can be pretty stingy. As much as all the Danes loved to take photos, I can't imagine she didn't take any of this child. You always see a member of that family with a camera in hand or posing for a group photo, etc... Shame to think how much historical information/photographs might have been irretrievably lost.

In fact, I googled around and many geneaological sites don't even list this son, which is odd since he lived almost a year. I can understand missing children like Edward & Alexandra's son John who lived only a day, but a site devoted to geneaology should have something on him. I wonder what would've happened had he lived? The pressure mightn't have been so intense on N&A to produce a healthy heir if N had had him as his next brother. George was a smart fellow, but ill for such a long time before he died; Michael was charming but flighty. If Alexander could've somehow been a combination of the 2 (healthy and charming), married and produced children, N&A might've been content in knowing that the succession would pass to him and been freer to enjoy their family life.