Summers and Mangold was published in the '70s before a lot of the information we have on the Romanovs' end today became availiable. It basically speculates that the Tsar and his family may have escaped and survived Ekatrinburg, which we all know is not true today, but which seemed more believable then because that was long before DNA testing or the remains becoming publicly known. So it's not a totally reliable source, although it's far from being as bad as James Lovell's AA biography for example. But it isn't the greatest source either. Basically, the passage that Reco kindly posted talks about them maybe using hair pieces ( or the lack thereof) as a disguise to escape I think, if I'm remembering correctly from reading this book some years ago. I can't recall who the Chemodurov quoted in that section is. I know hair has been mentioned in almost all the accounts of the last days of the IF, but not has not been identified as being used for hair pieces very often.FOTR mentions the hair.