I think you're mistaken there, Bear. Yes, hair was found, but to my knowledge, not hairpieces. The girls' heads were shaved in June. The family was transported to Tobolsk in August. Considering they were under house arrest, how would they have found time or means to have those cuttings made into hairpieces?
Also, there is a letter from Tatiana, written in Tobolsk in February of 1918, in which she specifically states that she and her sisters were not wearing wigs.
Was it in June they shaved their heads? I was thinking it was earlier. Wasn't it about March when Maria and Anastasia came down with the measles after Olga and Alexis who I thought had it in Feb..... June would be three months later..... I am not saying you're wrong but let me double check.
I'll be darn. Gilliard Memoris tells us on 9 June 1917 the girls were wearing "headdresses" on their shaved heads. And this is the day they were photographed. [p. 576 A LIFELONG PASSION collected by Maylunas and Mironenko].

(from left to right):
Anastasia........................ Olga......................Alexei....................Maria........................Tatiana
Just a thought about hair.. The Imperial Family would have had hairdressers in residence at Tsarskoe Selo.
Just my thought, but it might have been possible for the hair to have been made into "hair pieces" before they left for Tobolsk.
Also they took a great number of servants (retainers) with them and a good ladies maid would also have hairdressing skills.
I remember reading in Guy Richards The Hunt for the Tsar (proven to be fiction) but some of it based on fact, that hair was found in the stoves of the the Ipatiev House partially burned. At that time, the theory was that heads had been shaved to disguise the girls for their rescue. ( Even hard material evidence can be misinterpreted.)
Annie and I had this discussion over a year ago and I pulled out the information about the hair pieces. As soon as I remember where I found the information, I'll state my sources. At the moment I recall Annie had, also, gotten the stories on the hair all jumbled up.
I don't know if the girls wore wigs, however, once their hair had grown out to some degree, they did make their hair appear longer by wearing "hair pieces" which cleverly extended the length of their hair. And, these hair pieces were made from the hair which had been shaven off. These hair pieces are listed among the items found in the Ipatiev House by the Whites after 20 July 1918.
There was another time one of the Gr Duchesses was ill, her head was shaved during that illness and that hair had been made into hair pieces at that earlier time period.
This is not to be confused with the cut hair found on the floor.... in the Ipatiev House. I think it was the bathroom floor.... This was the hair which some thought had been cut to change the appearances of the Gr. Duchesses/ Alexei and Nicholas II before they had escaped..... Yes, some investigators believed the IF had escaped....
I believe a priest, who saw the IF just before the execution, stated in his testimony that Nicholas II had changed his appearance by shaving off part of his well known beard.