Author Topic: Georg Friedrich von Preussen and Sophie Prinzessin von Isenburg  (Read 113512 times)

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Re: Georg Friedrich von Preussen and Sophie Prinzessin von Isenburg
« Reply #135 on: September 18, 2015, 01:33:32 PM »
Princess Emma Marie of Prussia arrived today in Bremen.
Carl Friedrich and Louis Ferdinand are big brothers now.

I hope we will see this time a photo of the prussian family....

Here you can see two very nice photos of Sophie with Emma.

G-F and Sophie must be a couple of teasers  >:(

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Re: Georg Friedrich von Preussen and Sophie Prinzessin von Isenburg
« Reply #136 on: December 06, 2015, 07:25:42 AM »
Regarding Princess Sophie:
Fantastic! Finally an ebenbürtig match! Her grandmother is a Countess Tolstoy born at Tsarskoye Selo in 1917!

With that ancestry it's perhaps not surprising that her brother now has given her a niece named Alix Imagina Blanca Irmingard Maria Prinzessin von Isenburg.
Imagina might be a reference to several medieval members of the House of Isenburg, the most famous being Imagina of Isenburg-Limburg, 13th-century Queen of the Romans. Blanca and Maria probably in reference to the father's great grandmother Countess Maria Blanca of Maldeghem. Irmingard probably in reference to the 9th-century Blessed Irmgard / Irmingard / Ermengarde of Buchau / Chiemsee, daughter of King Ludwig the German and Abbess of Frauenwörth / Frauenchiemsee Abbey in Lake Chiemsee, where the couple married.

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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)