Author Topic: Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria  (Read 12844 times)

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Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria
« on: August 24, 2005, 05:13:05 PM »
María Victoria dal Pozzo della Cisterna, wife of Amadeo I de Saboya

« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 03:09:27 PM by trentk80 »

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Re: Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 05:47:10 PM »
That white dress in the second pic is magnificent! Wonderful pics as usual, umigon!  :D
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Re: Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2006, 07:18:32 AM »
AMEDEO Ferdinando Maria di Savoia (1845-1890)

After spanish insurrection of 1868 and queen Isabella II dethronement the Spain became a parliamentary monarchy and the new government presided by the general Francisco Serrano started to looking for a new king for the spanish kingdom. At first, the Crown was offered to Duke of Montpensier ( a prince from Orléans house) who refused, so the spanish government offered the Crown to Leopold of Hohenzollern who accepted. This political situation offended the French Imperial Government which denounced the danger for the French Empire to be surrounded by two nations with the same dynasty (the Hohenzollern) and the possibility that these two nations coluld make an dynastic alliace  against Franch Empire. (The same situation of France with Holy Roman Empire and Spain each governed by Absburg dynasty during XV to XVIII  century). Bismarck and King of Prussia William I accepted to take back prince Leopold  candidacy but french imperial government insisted for officials excuses from Prussia. This was the cause of the war that will be the finish for the Second Empire in France and the birth of German Empire or Second Reich.
During the war betwen French Empire and Prussia Kingdom, in 1870 the Spanish Government offered the Crown to Amedeo, who was the third son of king Victor Emanuel II of Italy. He accepted and became king of Spain up to the 1873. Only 3 years of kingdom because unpopular...because foreign king.
After these three years of kingdom, Amedeo I abdicated and returned to Italy.
After Amedeo I, on the spanish throne returned Bourbon dynasty with King Alphonse XII, son of Queen Isabella II.
Amedeo returned to Italy as Amedeo Ferdinando Maria, First Duke of Aosta.

Amedeo's  first marriage was with Mary Victoria of Cisterna and the second was with Laetizia Bonaparte.

His children  are:
Emanuele Filiberto (Second Duke of Aosta  1869-1931)
Vittorio Emanuele (Count of Torino  1870-1946)
Luigi Amedeo (Duke of Abruzzi  1873-1933)
Umberto (Count of Salemi  1889-1918)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 07:33:33 PM by trentk80 »


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Re: Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2006, 12:57:50 PM »
AMEDEO Ferdinando Maria di Savoia (1845-1890)

After spanish insurrection of 1868 and queen Isabella II dethronement the Spain became a parliamentary monarchy and the new government presided by the general Francisco Serrano started to looking for a new king for the spanish kingdom. At first, the Crown was offered to Duke of Montpensier ( a prince from Orléans house) who refused,

The spanish throne was offered to a lot of princes, including D.Fernando II of Portugal.
By that time, the king had married the singer Elise Hensler and nobody knew that in Spain. Since the Portuguese Government was against such marriage, the fact that Elise would not have the treatment of Queen allowed King D.Fernando to refuse the crown.

As to Montpensier I don’t think he refused it.
His marriage to Luisa Fernanda was based on the premises that Isabel II woudn’t have any kids with Dona Paquita  ;D and that the Montpensier line would one day reign.
Well, she might not have sons with Dona Paquita but she had a lot of children  :P (many died in infancy)

As to Montpensier, he was a very ambitious man and instead of refusing the throne, he was the refused one  ;).

At the same time there happened the fatidic duel that killed his last hopes  :'(.


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Re: Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2006, 09:04:23 PM »
Are there any photo's or portraits of Amedeo's second wife Laetitia?


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Re: Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2006, 09:42:13 PM »
Answered my own question :D:

Maria Laetitia, Duchess of Aosta

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Re: Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2010, 02:06:23 PM »
Maria Laetitia bonaparte

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

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Re: Amadeo of Savoy, King of Spain and his wife Maria Victoria
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2010, 09:16:24 PM »
Another picture of Amadeo and his first wife