Author Topic: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna  (Read 71799 times)

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2009, 05:48:35 PM »
I thought Elena was close to the Romanovs. I remember reading that GD Konstantin Konstantinovich invited her to take part in a little soirée at the Marble Palace together with Maria Feodorovna, Evgenia of Oldenburg and Maria of Baden, but maybe she only got invited because he had a platonic crush on her. :-)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 05:51:36 PM by kmerov »

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2009, 05:33:08 AM »
Some extra info on Sophia Vladimirovna, daughter of Elena Sheremeteva.  She was on friendly terms with Empress Maria Fedorovna and other Romanovs. Empress MF very often mentions “Sonya Dehn” or “the Dehns” and her visits to them  in her diaries of 1917-1918 years (the Crimea period of some exiled  Romanovs).

Also in her childhood Sophia and her brother Sergei played with  Empress MF’s children -  in 1884 year little GDss Xenia in her letters to a friend says that “children of Elena Sheremeteva come to us every day and little one [Sophia] even stays all day long with Baby [GDss Olga Alexandrovna]. She is so sweety”.

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2009, 06:04:03 AM »
Finally a photo of Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva -  in her teens of 1874-1875 years

Pretty girl.

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #33 on: June 24, 2009, 03:13:49 AM »
Interesting additional info on Sophia Dehn, daughter of Elena.

While reading the diaries of Empress Maria Fedorovna I came across the lines that "Sonya Dehn visited me with her little boy". In the  genealogical sources I've never seen any mention on Sophia's child or children and thought the Dehns were childless..This puzzled me but yesterday in a Russian genealogical almanach with obituaries I found Alexander Dehn (1908-1979) and the  intriguing info such as:

Alexander Dmitrievitch Dehn (1908, Switzerland - 1979, New York). Painter. Son of Countess Varvara Vorontsova-Dashkova (widow of Count Ivan) and Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovitch. After his birth a friend of his mother, Sophia Vladimirovna Dehn, adopted him. He spent his childhood in Italy where his adopted father Dmitriy Dehn was on naval service . Alexander was a well-known artist and often showed his water-clolours at American galleries.

So, here we have an illegetimate son of GD Sergei M. and the situation when a descendant of a morganatic marriage of a Romanov (Sophia Sheremeteva-Dehn) adopted another Romanov  : )
The brief info I've found on Countess Varvara, mother of Alexander Dehn:

Varvara Davidovna,nee Orlova (1870, Paris -1915, Petrograd), spouse of Count Ivan Illarionovitch Vorontzov-Dashkov (1866-1897), son of famous Count Illarion. Varvara abd Ivan had 3 children, and the last child Ivan was born in 1898,posthumously, when the Countess became a young widow.
She was quite pretty:

Here's she in 1903, famous ball at Winter Palace.

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2009, 05:12:52 PM »
She had very elegant face...

Offline Janet Ashton

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #35 on: June 25, 2009, 08:00:46 PM »
yesterday in a Russian genealogical almanach with obituaries I found Alexander Dehn (1908-1979) and the  intriguing info such as:

Alexander Dmitrievitch Dehn (1908, Switzerland - 1979, New York). Painter. Son of Countess Varvara Vorontsova-Dashkova (widow of Count Ivan) and Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovitch. After his birth a friend of his mother, Sophia Vladimirovna Dehn, adopted him. He spent his childhood in Italy where his adopted father Dmitriy Dehn was on naval service . Alexander was a well-known artist and often showed his water-clolours at American galleries.

So, here we have an illegetimate son of GD Sergei M. and the situation when a descendant of a morganatic marriage of a Romanov (Sophia Sheremeteva-Dehn) adopted another Romanov  : )
The brief info I've found on Countess Varvara, mother of Alexander Dehn:

Varvara Davidovna,nee Orlova (1870, Paris -1915, Petrograd), spouse of Count Ivan Illarionovitch Vorontzov-Dashkov (1866-1897), son of famous Count Illarion. Varvara abd Ivan had 3 children, and the last child Ivan was born in 1898,posthumously, when the Countess became a young widow.

Thanks for this - this is very interesting, as there was discussion about this on the Europeans Royals Message Board about a year ago, when a poster asked who were the real parents of Alexander. He felt that it was very unusual for someone to be allowed to adopt a child as heir, and that the rank of Dmitri Dehn was not high enough to merit such a privilege under ordinary circumstances. There was some discussion about whether Alexander's adopted mother might also have been his REAL mother by birth, hence her being allowed to adopt him.

Very interesting that Sergei Mikhailovich was the father - so there were actually at least four people in his menage a trois with Andrei and Kschessinka, and he paid her back in kind for giving him the runaround....
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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2009, 12:16:12 AM »

so there were actually at least four people in his menage a trois with Andrei and Kschessinka, and he paid her back in kind for giving him the runaround....

Exactly : ) . All this is really interesting, just yesterday I looked through a bio on Count Vorontosv-Dahskov and saw in it 3 group-hotos of his family in the 1890s - there is all his family including Varvara with husband and GD Sergei M. : ) So he had been close to their family for years.

Offline Janet Ashton

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2009, 12:18:37 PM »

so there were actually at least four people in his menage a trois with Andrei and Kschessinka, and he paid her back in kind for giving him the runaround....

Exactly : ) . All this is really interesting, just yesterday I looked through a bio on Count Vorontosv-Dahskov and saw in it 3 group-hotos of his family in the 1890s - there is all his family including Varvara with husband and GD Sergei M. : ) So he had been close to their family for years.

It is very ironic for Sergei that his biological son grew up another family under a different patronymic while Sergei raised Vova Kschessinsky, who had his patronymic at that point but was quite possibly not his son!
As Maria Pavlovna wrote scathingly of Andrei's affair: "It is complicated as there is a child, and he believes himself the father, as Sergei Mikhailovich also believes himself the father..."
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many; they are few.


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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2009, 12:28:24 PM »

so there were actually at least four people in his menage a trois with Andrei and Kschessinka, and he paid her back in kind for giving him the runaround....

Exactly : ) . All this is really interesting, just yesterday I looked through a bio on Count Vorontosv-Dahskov and saw in it 3 group-hotos of his family in the 1890s - there is all his family including Varvara with husband and GD Sergei M. : ) So he had been close to their family for years.
Could you please furnish details of the Vorontsov Dashkov book.Is it in English? I have always been fascinated in the life of the Viceroy..his elegant wife who died in exile in 1924 and their 6 children.

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2009, 11:07:35 AM »

so there were actually at least four people in his menage a trois with Andrei and Kschessinka, and he paid her back in kind for giving him the runaround....

Exactly : ) . All this is really interesting, just yesterday I looked through a bio on Count Vorontosv-Dahskov and saw in it 3 group-hotos of his family in the 1890s - there is all his family including Varvara with husband and GD Sergei M. : ) So he had been close to their family for years.
Could you please furnish details of the Vorontsov Dashkov book.Is it in English? I have always been fascinated in the life of the Viceroy..his elegant wife who died in exile in 1924 and their 6 children.

The book is in Russian.
D.I.Ismail-Zade. I.I.Vorontsov-Dashkov. Governor of the Caucasus. published 2005. the ISBN   5-9524-1971-2

The edition is really wonderful, with interesting text and 3 inserts of family portraits and photos.


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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2009, 03:43:33 PM »

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2009, 07:04:49 AM »
More info on Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva.

Even after her marriage to Grigoriy Milashvetich (the Romanovs were quite shocked with such allaince) Elena was often seen at the court and Emperor Nicholas II was deferring to her opinions on some political questions (!!! I think he was just very polite to his mother’s friend).
But in 1902, in the height of Monsieur Philippe’s influence on Empress Alexandra F., Elena was very near to disgrace as she sided with Philippe’s enemies and Alexandra tried to turn Nicholas against Elena.

There are some mentions on Elena’s appearance and character in the diary of GD Sergei and memoirs of Countess Vera Kleinmikhel. GD Sergei described her as “hippopotamus” due to Elena’s fatness and Vera Kleinmikhel said more kindly “very tall and very corpulent, the cleverest and kindest woman”. Countess Vera was a friend of Elena’s daughter Sophia Dehn, so she hardly intended to paint Mme Milashevitch in dark tones.

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #42 on: December 02, 2009, 06:32:32 AM »
Here is a photo I had posted a long ago at the topic about GDss Xenia.

The Imperial family and their suite in the 1887-1888 in Finland.

After some searching and comparing I think the lady in the striped dress is Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva. And that's why:

1. She was quite close to Empress MF and her inner circle.

2. She and her husband almost every year went on a vacation with the Imperial Family to Finland

3. She looks (even sitting) very tall and with inclination to stoutness - and such was Elena's appearance as her contemporaries described her.

4....and the most interesting - she has a strong resemblance to GDss Maria Nikolayevna and Emperor Nicholas I. Also she resembles her photo a s a girl (posted by me above).

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #43 on: September 20, 2010, 03:50:22 AM »
As a reply to the poster who asked about Elena's grave.

She died in Tsarskoe Selo in 1908 and was buried in Troitze-Sergievna Pustin', in Strelna, near Saint-Petersbourg.

Here're some photos of the place.

Don't know if the tomb is on its place as in 1921 the cemetery was almost all destroyed by the Soviets.

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Re: Elena Stroganova-Sheremeteva, daughter of GDss Maria Nikolayevna
« Reply #44 on: May 13, 2016, 05:09:49 AM »
Photo of Elena in court dress:

Here is the close up:

She seems to be wearing some very heavy diamonds around her neck...