Interesting additional info on Sophia Dehn, daughter of Elena.
While reading the diaries of Empress Maria Fedorovna I came across the lines that "Sonya Dehn visited me with her little boy". In the genealogical sources I've never seen any mention on Sophia's child or children and thought the Dehns were childless..This puzzled me but yesterday in a Russian genealogical almanach with obituaries I found Alexander Dehn (1908-1979) and the intriguing info such as:
Alexander Dmitrievitch Dehn (1908, Switzerland - 1979, New York). Painter. Son of Countess Varvara Vorontsova-Dashkova (widow of Count Ivan) and
Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovitch. After his birth a friend of his mother, Sophia Vladimirovna Dehn, adopted him. He spent his childhood in Italy where his adopted father Dmitriy Dehn was on naval service . Alexander was a well-known artist and often showed his water-clolours at American galleries.
So, here we have an illegetimate son of GD Sergei M. and the situation when a descendant of a morganatic marriage of a Romanov (Sophia Sheremeteva-Dehn) adopted another Romanov : )
The brief info I've found on Countess Varvara, mother of Alexander Dehn:
Varvara Davidovna,nee Orlova (1870, Paris -1915, Petrograd), spouse of Count Ivan Illarionovitch Vorontzov-Dashkov (1866-1897), son of famous Count Illarion. Varvara abd Ivan had 3 children, and the last child Ivan was born in 1898,posthumously, when the Countess became a young widow.
She was quite pretty:

Here's she in 1903, famous ball at Winter Palace.