I agree 100% with these words from Prince Nikolaus von Hohenberg, I know well Georg Herzog von Hohenberg the head of the House of Hohenberg, His Serenity Highness is a staunch supporter of his grandfather ideas, a federal monarchy, with parliaments elected by their own people in many Kingdoms from the Empire. That was the reason, why HIRH Archduke Franz Ferdinand organized a well conceived plan to reform the entire Empire as soon as his uncle Kaiser Franz Joseph may pass away. His council were Romanians, Croats, Czechs, Magyars, Austrians who were convinced that the only way that the Empire will survive was under a Federal Constitution, and with responsible cabinets throughout the Empire. The Emperor and King was going to be the man who keep balance within the Empire and had the last word, was more or less what his own nephew the blessed Kaiser Karl I wanted to do, but due to the war and the opposition to peace from French republicans and neo Jacobin's, such as Georges Clemenceau and Raymond Poincaré couldn't achieved, in spite of the support of David Lloyd George, and even King George V (who saved the lives of Kaiser Karl and Kaiserin Zita and their children, sending troops to Austria, with the only goal, which was the protection of the Imperial family), the King was repented indeed for his weak decision regarding the fate of his cousin Nicholas II and family. World War One was a disaster not only for the Habsburg dynasty, the Romanov and the German dynasties, but for the entire Europe, in my opinion was the end of the European and Christian civilization. Woodrow Wilson and the French republicans are those that we should blamed for this disaster, which open the gates of hell, Bolsheviks and Nazis were those who emerged from the war, "which was going to put and end to all wars", 20 years later Europe witnessed a worst war, with horrendous crimes from the Nazis and even from the Communists. The same man who was call "uncle Joe" was even equal or worst than Hitler in his atrocities against millions of people, murdered or sent to the Soviet Gulag. As Serge Schmemann describes in his book "Echoes of a Native Land", how his family, which stayed in Russia suffered murder, persecution, starvation, they were not any longer human beings just former people, with no rights at all. I must disagree with Prince Hohenberg about his statement regarding the German elements of the Empire, those who wanted an union with the German Reich were a minority, the vast majority was pro Habsburg without the slightest doubt, the Czechs were pro Habsburg until the nationalist propaganda and the disasters caused by the war, pushed many Czechs to choose independence from the monarchy, this propaganda came from Eduard Benes and Tomas Masaryk, well known free masons, agnostics and openly enemies of the monarchy as a system, they were very closed to Clemenceau, who described himself as the heir of the Jacobin's and from Robespierre. The same Clemenceau who blocked the participation of the Holy See at the Peace Conference and who dreamed with the destruction not only from the last powerful Catholic monarchy in Europe, the Austrian one, but with the end of Catholicism at the same time.