Hello Alexandre,
The chimney is from the Lyon Drawing Room.
Dear Antonio , Thank You very much !!! Yes it's the Lyon Drawing Room chimney , I didn't recognize it ;-)
This photo is very important for the future restoration of this room .
A small " slide show " like I love it .. ;-D
We see this chimney on these two documents :
The Lyon Drawing Room in 1878 ( called too the Lyons Hall or Yellow drawing room ) , by the painter Luigi Premazzi :
Autochrome of the Lyons Hall before the WWII ( probably 1931 ) : the colors of this photo are true !!
The Lyons hall chimney during the WWII ( 1942-1943 probably , according Akira Takiguchi ) :
The Lyons Hall today , very sad room with the surviving items from its pre-war furnishings , but this room is waiting to be restored !! :-D
We recognize the surviving fire-screen of the chimney.

I look forward to see this room once restored , retourned to its original splendour !...