Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna
Tatiana being a Flirt
I burst out laughing when i saw this pic!! I didn't know what was going on and then i relized what was going on. Tataina is being a flirt! She has a very cute wink though. I can't imagine what Alexandra would think!!
I think the only 'flirting' the girls have done were just innocent flirting but there's no romantic thing with that. As for the picture, maybe Tatiana was just only playing or joking around and to tease Olga because I think the man beside them is Pavel Voronov(?) who happened to be Olga's crush. They were just very nice and friendly to everyone that maybe some people misunderstood. But in fairness, Tatiana really looks very cute on that shot that is rare on all her pictures! ;D
Yes, the man is Voronov. Looks like Tatiana is playing up for the camera -- "I know who Olga likes!" -- and Olga knows it.
I wouldn't see this photo as showing Tatiana flirting . She is just making a face, perhaps for the sun is bothering her, or to tease Olga. This photo is really innocent.
And yes...they are all laughing. They must have been making jokes to each other.
I didn't mean 'flirt' as in seroius flirting but in a joking around sort of way. It looks to me like they are just goofing around.
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