Author Topic: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants  (Read 189333 times)

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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2006, 09:12:04 PM »
It's kinda like "beam me up Scottie!"

That Anna is such a dear. She comes to visit me in the attic often bringing me cookies. I let her play in my toy chest!  ;)


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2006, 10:29:38 PM »
That Anna is such a dear. She comes to visit me in the attic often bringing me cookies. I let her play in my toy chest!  ;)

Ah-HA! Now I'm SURE that Tsar Doug and Area 51 are one and the same! Where else would one hear the same insinuating phraseology, the identical sniveling unctuousness?  ;) Forget about fingerprints and DNA; I know my Tsar . . . er, Grand Duchess space alien . . . er. . .  ???

The GD/GP Sherlock Janet

Offline Douglas

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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2006, 11:17:20 PM »
I have decided that there will  be an Imperial Decree that no one can write in my unique and wonderful style. [ Exceptions can be made for those who have purchased a licence and permit...EUR .25]

I do know that a few have copied my wit and wisdom.   This is of course  natural as all knowledge comes to us from the subconscious universal mind.  Our dear  Area 51 has come under my influence and thus is completely innocent in her manner of writing.

Our dear Janet is having one of her crise de neuf and she shall be better in the morning after she's had a few cups of very strong black coffee.

Has anyone noticed the big words Janet uses these days?  I have to run to my huge dictionary upon reading her every sentence.  

Anyway, ca ne fait rien!  

Tsar Doug......Bonne San Antonio de Padua Fete

PS:  Traveling to Calcutta for Festival and then on to Rishekesh to visit the Mararashi  Vivicananda...see you at the Taj

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Douglas »


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2006, 11:29:01 PM »
 Our dear  Area 51 has come under my influence and thus is completely innocent in her manner of writing.


Many thanks for your gracious understanding dear Papa. What can I say? It all runs in the family!


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2006, 02:24:48 PM »
Darlings All,

Well, back from tidying up the affairs (in all ways possible) of a very rich old uncle of my dear husband the Baron. The TITLED and RICH BACHELOR UNCLE's Schloss was a total wreck, my dear---if seeing that would not scare George Clooney into marriage to a sensible young woman, than not much else would. We had to direct the staff to scrub and buff up the old place in order to hold the Noble Person's Estate Sale. Then a big nice memorial service where everyone lied and said marvelous things about the undear departed, with a fabulous delicious lunch with open bar afterward. Aside from the Dowager Duchess who emptied the caviar canapes into her large purse, as well as the leftover shortbreak cookies, all went very well indeed. Dominick Dunne will be writing a blurb in his column for VANITY FAIR: "Death and Lunch Among The Aristocracy" in the May issue. The picture of us together is rather nice.

I see in while I was away that dear GD Janet was romping on the lawn welcoming spring. The only problem, darling school chum mine, is that there is three feet of snow right now in the Palace Park.

Since Area 51 is being so kind to arrange for Easter ensembles, I would love to have Donatella do something up in a lovely emerald green. If that color is already spoken for (Anna is fond of it as it is the color of U.S. paper currency) a lovely lavender will do nicely. As a simple Baroness, I have learned that semiprecious stones and colors are correct for my station so will make do if the emerald bling is already spoken for...

Our young Grand Duchesses must prepare for the change of seasons by signing a pledge to never ever wear white 1940s shoes a la the late Queen Mother of England. If they only remember one thing, that should be the thing they remember.

Caio for now, GD Melissa and the dear doggies  


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2006, 02:50:57 PM »
Golly, so that's why I was getting so cold . . .  :-/


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2006, 02:59:49 PM »
Janet dear,

Sitting on your satin slipper chair, wrapped in a sable lined dressing gown and soaking your feet in a warm tub of scented water is the only cure for defrosting those GD feet!  Next time add fur-lined galoshes to the Isador/Rite of Spring outfit and you will do just fine! xox GD Melissa and the dear doggies


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2006, 04:30:15 PM »
Dearest GD Melissa,

Alas, in my new role as Imperial Claimant representative of Mother Nature I have made friends with all the little beasties of the world, and therefore cannot wear fur anymore. In fact a number of mink, foxes, otter and etcetera accompany me during my ceremonial dances, frost or no frost. It is all quite invigorating, even if my toesies do occasionally turn a delicate and most royal shade of blue. However, I just head to the nearest sauna where I am scourged with birch cuttings, then I bound out into the snow again, take a swim in the icy waters, emerge and dry myself off by dancing about with the fauna, and thus the cycle begins once more. Such is the life of an Imperial Claimant rep for Mother Nature during the winter/spring months!

Trilling like Snow White at the Wishing Well, I Remain
The GD/GP Janet


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2006, 05:28:46 PM »
Dearest GD Janet,

For some Imperial Claimants, each day is Valentine'sDay. For others, and you know who you are, every day is Halloween. For others, each day is a)Groundhog Day or b) The First Day of Spring. Since "Pasta Primavera" is your very favorite dish of late, we of course can tell which esteemed category you fall into, sometimes literally when it comes to the cold plunge after the sauna, dearie. Hope you have a your current shots in view of all the frolicking with wee beasties of the forest, and perhaps the big ones too.

Caio for now, xoxo GD Melissa and the dear doggies, those darling canines who look at life from behind a sturdy palace plateglass window...


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2006, 06:19:22 PM »
Darling GD Melissa!

Your latest post once again put me in a musical frame of mind. (Along with all that dancin' an' prancin' in the snow.) So here, for all you Imperial Claimants for whom each day is Valentine's Day, is a little song I just happened to think up--um, I mean think of, Mister Copyright Man! :-X

My funny valentine
Sweet comic valentine
You make me smile with my heart

You looks are laughable, unphotographable
Yet you're my favorite work of art

Is your figure less than Greek
Is your mouth a little bit weak
When you open it to speak, are you smart?

Don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me
Stay little valentine stay

Each day is valentine's day.

:'(  Oh, excuse me . . . that song just gets to me every time I hear/plagerize it!  :-*

Mad About Cole, I Remain
The Lyrical and Empirical GD/GP Janet

Offline Douglas

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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2006, 06:19:53 PM »
Agra, India  ....Wednesday

Dearest Melissa;  Please accept my most gracious Valentine Halloween card.  It is orange, black and of course red.

Wasn't that a great song that GD Janet wrote.....I told you she was talented.  

GD Anna is sitting on top of a elephant as we make our way to the Taj for some stock photos.  

Tsar Doug........
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Douglas »

Offline Margarita Markovna

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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2006, 06:28:58 PM »
Did I miss how it's now Valentines/Halloween?

Because it sounds like an all around good chocolate day, and I'm more than willing to dress up as a fairy princess and go trick or treating. (If I get bling.)


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2006, 08:15:12 PM »
Yes, Darling Ritka, it's called Valoween, and everyone just stuffs themselves silly with chocolate, tho' I'm afraid bling isn't involved. That happens on Halentine's Day, which is some months away, so you'll just need to be patient, there's a good girl.  :-*

Your Doting Auntie GD/GP

P.S. Was that you I saw driving about Tsarkoe in a motorcar displaying a bumper sticker that reads "BLING HAPPENS"?


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2006, 08:35:08 AM »
Dear Tsar Doug,

Please do be careful that GD Anna is not photographed sitting forlornly alone on a bench in front of the Taj...that little photo op could be tricky. Make sure that Indian princes are lavishing her with bling during any photo op to guarantee that radiant GD smile and banish any rumors of discord within the Imperial Claimant Family. And please scratch Korea off the proposed Imperial Claimant World Tour---it is bad luck for royals and imperials to go there. Please remember what happened there the last tour that the P&PofW did there. Bad pictures all over the front page of newspapers all over the world. I know the reason that dear Charles and dear Diana were looking so unhappy. They had just found out that in Korea, doggies are not only on leashes, they are on the menu. I would have looked sick too, and it would of had nothing to do with my dear husband the Baron vonCrankypants standing next to me during the welcome ceremony.

I am so glad that GD Janet as advised us as to how to combine holidays...the dear younger GDs can go trick or treating to their hearts's content (literally) on Valloween, and still have something to look forward to on Halentine's Day. If dear Janet could figure out how to compress forty days of Lent into something more compact and therefore convenient, now that would be something. She needs to get out her pocket protecter and her sliderule and get working on it between spring frolics in the palace park. If that doesn't work, she can always ask dear AREA 51 how one warps time in Outer Space. (On Planet Earth, just spend an afternoon with my mother-in-law. That afternoon will seem like a year.)

Caio for now, GD Melissa and the dear doggies (and they are never setting a paw in Korea, I can assure you)


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2006, 10:22:39 AM »
Dearies All,

We at Schloss vonCrankypants have urgent business which will take us away from ImperialClaimantLand for some time. Air kisses to all, and do remember to behave as nanny taught you!   GD Melissa and the dear doggies