Author Topic: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants  (Read 189632 times)

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Offline Margarita Markovna

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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2006, 11:20:02 AM »
Yes, Darling Ritka, it's called Valoween, and everyone just stuffs themselves silly with chocolate, tho' I'm afraid bling isn't involved. That happens on Halentine's Day, which is some months away, so you'll just need to be patient, there's a good girl.  :-*

Halentine's is too too far away!

Your Doting Auntie GD/GP

P.S. Was that you I saw driving about Tsarkoe in a motorcar displaying a bumper sticker that reads "BLING HAPPENS"?

Of course! I'm not supposed to drive so don't tell Tsar Doug.


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2006, 10:52:18 AM »
Of course! I'm not supposed to drive so don't tell Tsar Doug.

Most Cherished Niece!

You may not be allowed to drive but no one said anything about flying.....
Would you like some lessons on my sky scooter?  ;)


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2006, 12:29:59 PM »

Hmmmm this is strange, one moment I'm writing a message (which never arrived) on the back of an Indian elephant and the next moment I'm standing in the hall of a totally new Alexander Palace, what is going on over here :o
Area dearie do you have something to do with this?

Whilst Tsar sahib D. and Mata moi were eating hot curry with the Swammirammi of Ranjhipu, our servants gave the palace a whole new look, how very thoughtful of them and all this on their own expenses, they truly love our Tsar [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

Alas..... there was that mysterious post from our beloved Barones vonCrankypants :-/  The Baron and his Mrs have suddenly left the country, what we do know it has nothing to do with us her Claimants family. One of the Barones's best friend's had some trouble with a local seller, so the vonCrankypants decided to help this unfortunate lady and bring her abroad  :(
We shall miss this Grand Lady, the angel of all GDs [smiley=engel017.gif] in her Pink "Tonya's arrival from Paris" outfit, her sweet little doggies and of course her adorable Baron.

Sad Anna...... :'( :'(
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by anna »

Offline Douglas

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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2006, 02:25:46 PM »
Dearest Courtiers:  

Oh my,  just a new and 2006 model website here to post our thoughts and actions as Imperials.  I feel like I've gone from a Rolls to Bentley.

As the page is loading I tend to all the affairs of State.  Then I check on the site and it is finally loaded.   Such wonders we do encounter in this moderne world we all live in.

I have 5, 200, 000 characters left to write.  I write them and take a world cruise while they load.  Such a delight!

I'll keep this short as Anna and Janet are having tea for two on the terrace and I only have wait for dinnertime for it to load.

Tsar Doug..........hiring a computerman to watch the wonderful upload.

 8-) ::)

Offline Margarita Markovna

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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2006, 07:27:33 PM »
I shall miss Baroness vonCrankypants...:'( perhaps we will see her and the little doggies again someday...


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2006, 10:33:50 PM »
Yes, darling Ritka, the Baron and Baroness Von Crankypants have chosen to go into glorious exile, and whether yours truly will do so is also in question. In truth I have had little experience with Siberian wolves or the Okrana, but should the former come nosing about my door or the latter take possession of my memoirs and publish them in an untoward manner, I might jolly well pack up and escape to sunnier climes myself.  

Your Fond but Pragmatic Auntie GD/GP Janet


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2006, 11:43:32 PM »

Not GD Janet too!

It wasn't all the garlic was it?? :-[


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2006, 12:02:20 AM »

Not GD Janet too!

It wasn't all the garlic was it?? :-[

No it wasn't the garlic, but some servants who burned good food in the kitchen! So I quess I have to order my chauffeur to stand by with the limo in case the whole place goes up in fire.

Anna 8-)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by anna »


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2006, 09:02:22 PM »
Dearest Papa and all the Imperial Assembly,

I have had today a most urgent call from HIH Zsa Zsa Gabor, the Queen of Outer Space, stateing that my presence is needed right away on the rings of Saturn.

My escort will be waiting for me in Kiev, so I'm off to catch the train there where I can visit the Dowager's Court before lift off. Transmition from there may be difficult due to the distance and various meteor storms. But I will "check in" when I can.

Just know that when you see a star twinkle, it's me saying hello!  ;)


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #39 on: March 29, 2006, 10:44:15 PM »
Dang. I was really hoping to catch a ride. Plus it woulda been kinda cool to meet HRH Zsa Zsa Gabor, aka The Queen of Outer Space.

The Down But Not Out (At Least Not Yet  ::) ) GD/GP J


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2006, 03:09:49 AM »
Dearest GD Janet,

Not to worry sweetie..... I left a sky scooter in the back of the Imperial Garage just for you! I know how much you love to drive unusual things.  ;)

And as for the Queen of Outer Space, Zsa Zsa says she'd love to have you over some time for tea. And there will be lots of bling too. "Gold? What is gold dahhhling, we have plenty here!"

My love to all, the train is about ready to depart for Kiev!

 :-* :-* :-*
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by area_51 »


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2006, 03:40:42 AM »

Well as GD/Janet already said "DANG" and I would say "Dearie me".

Again a family member departed to a place beyond our stratosphere. :'(

My Limo is ready to take off.........



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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2006, 08:52:14 PM »
Darling Imperial Claimants, I am vexed!

So many things happening all at once. Mercy heavens! I am quite a-twitter.

At any rate, Area 51, I thank you so much for the sky scooter, which I shall use forthwith, although you'll forgive me if I don't join you and the others in Imperial Claimant limbo just yet, since my role as Auntie GD/GP compells me to stay and look after the young'ns for a bit more. (Unless my hand is forced, of course.) However, I will be taking numerous back-and-forth trips on my sky scooter, and can hardly wait until I meet Zsa Zsa, Queen of Outer Space. Maybe we'll become such close friends that she'll let me call her "Zsa."

In closing, I shall quote a classic movie line: "Grand Hotel. People come, people go, nothing much ever happens."

The Peripetetic GD/GP Janet
Sky Scooter Princess Extraordinaire


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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2006, 03:13:30 PM »
Tsarskoe Daily ...Special Bulletin

Dearies of the Realm,

The Claimant Family consented the Imperial Bon-bon the GD/Spy Anna Banana keeper of all Imperial Bling etc. etc. to give official statement of the latest condition of Tsar Doug... to Imperial insiders known as Dougie dear.

As we all know Tsar D. will be absent for some time for relaxing and having new ateries installed in the Imperial Heart.

Todays condition:

Had a good nights sleep, only awoke in the middle of the night disturbing the hospital floor asking for chocolate.
Temp. 37. When the nurse enters the room.....Temp. 39.5 :o
Breakfast; he ordered blinis, pancakes, coffee with cream-- He got: two crackers with cheese and a glass of milk.
Lunch: He yelled for zakuski, Anna's zoop and three courses... He got: chicken broth, one potato and some green.
Dinner: Again demanded at least four courses with suitable wines....Only got roast beef and a glass of water.
Visits the Imperial bathroom regularly to take a sip of vodka ...bottle hidden behind the toilet...AS IF we don't know ;)
Although he has to take a lot of rest, Dr.Kinbot allowed him to get out of bed for a bit, result: Tsar D. jumps around like mad, a footman running behind him carrying the monitor.

If anything changes in the nervous breakdown of Dr. Kinbot, a new statement will follow.

Zoya Hilariouskaya, secretary to the GD Anna 8-)

Ps: With all due respect the Hospital Commandant request all Grandduchesses to take off all bling when visiting the Tsar, precaution has to be taken in case monitors and other implements in hospital break down.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by anna »

Offline Margarita Markovna

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Re: The 8th Thread For Imperial Claimants
« Reply #44 on: April 06, 2006, 08:20:08 PM »
You do know that it's ONLY for Tsar Doug that we EVER remove our bling, right?