Tsarskoe Daily ...Special BulletinDearies of the Realm,
The Claimant Family consented the Imperial Bon-bon the GD/Spy Anna Banana keeper of all Imperial Bling etc. etc. to give official statement of the latest condition of Tsar Doug... to Imperial insiders known as Dougie dear.
As we all know Tsar D. will be absent for some time for relaxing and having new ateries installed in the Imperial Heart.
Todays condition:
Had a good nights sleep, only awoke in the middle of the night disturbing the hospital floor asking for chocolate.
Temp. 37. When the nurse enters the room.....Temp. 39.5
Breakfast; he ordered blinis, pancakes, coffee with cream-- He got: two crackers with cheese and a glass of milk.
Lunch: He yelled for zakuski, Anna's zoop and three courses... He got: chicken broth, one potato and some green.
Dinner: Again demanded at least four courses with suitable wines....Only got roast beef and a glass of water.
Visits the Imperial bathroom regularly to take a sip of vodka ...bottle hidden behind the toilet...AS IF we don't know

Although he has to take a lot of rest, Dr.Kinbot allowed him to get out of bed for a bit, result: Tsar D. jumps around like mad, a footman running behind him carrying the monitor.
If anything changes in the nervous breakdown of Dr. Kinbot, a new statement will follow.
Zoya Hilariouskaya, secretary to the GD Anna 8-)
Ps: With all due respect the Hospital Commandant request all Grandduchesses to take off
all bling when visiting the Tsar, precaution has to be taken in case monitors and other implements in hospital break down.