I must confess, when I see photos of Elisabeth, Empress of Austria, I`m fascinated from the wonderful looking woman! Her long brown her, the beautiful dresses, her expensiv jewels!
But, is this the right Elisabeth?
I think, the most people have a romantic view of Elisabeth!
Maybe we saw too often the "Sissi" Films with Romy Schneider!
But, was Elisabeth not only a self-actress?
More and more, I see the Empress in another light!
She was no good partner for her husband!
When there were problems, she went away, made her visits in other countries and noticed no obligations in her role as Empress!
She had 4 children, but only to Marie Valerie, she had a loving contact!
In the "Donau-Monarchie", there were several ethnic people, but Elisabeth only loved the Hungarians!
She learned their language, loved their culture, but what was with the bohamians, with the people from Bosnia, Croatia, Galicia, Poland, ......?
No interest!
Was Elisabeth interest in politic?
.... she loved to make holidays, stayed in Greece, learned antique lyrics....!
Was she interest in social projects?
.....never heard!
was she interest in her husband, the Emperor?
....she helped to find Katharina Schratt as his "girl-friend"!
The writer Caesar Conte Corti wrote a book about Elisabeth with the titel: "Elisabeth, the strangely woman"!
He was right!
Don`t flog me too much...!