Dear David,
How lovely to see you have not left the forum. I'm so glad your still onboard, because you have always the most important input, and I learn much from your sharings !
Thank you for the information you have offered in relation to my family's history. I'm trying to gain all the information possible, for our daughter, so she may have it readily available for her personal understandings. I know she already treasures much of the family historical narratives on both sides of our families. These pictures for my side of family history only helps to attest to it all, helps to strenthen and adds much to the physical collection, so again, thank you, for your added input.
Wish I could get direct feedback from the Suvrov Museum in Leningrad. Wish I could fly to Leningrad and go in person, but health wise, this is not possible.I have tried over the years, but they somehow overlook my posts, but what else can one expect. It comes down to having 'papers' in terms of identifiable relative identification.
How very fortunate we are, those many millions of us who have not had to go without our very papers to identifiably prove our birth, our deaths. The struggle still goes on, though we personally have not been a part of Russia's many wars, insurrections, revolutions, it's gastly gulags. like many for us, it still remains a very open wound, and loss beyond words. So many of Russia, were foced to leave with only their integrity, and family names, but never have closure of those left behind, not even knowledge of their being alive, murdered or perhaps dead from possible natural means.
I have tried to print out both Belochka's post, and now yours, but it is not working so well. I'll try again, and hope for success. I'm still fiddeling with all of this new forum, and like everyone else, i guess it will take me a bit of time.
Thanks again immensely ! God Bless.