But again, none of us were there in the middle of this, none of us know these people personally, and we have no idea what is really the case, and therefore can't really judge. At the very least, it seems that both William and Harry have accepted Camilla as long as she makes their father happy. Their mother never did make him happy, which is why I feel that in the end Camilla was irrelevant in the break up of the marriage... I am not saying that Charles was the perfect partner, and that he wasn't selfish, etc, he in fact was, but the bottom line was, they never really made each other happy, so their marriage would not have worked, even if Camilla was not in the picture. To put all the blame on Camilla, is oversimlifying it.
BTW, I am reading THE DIANA CHRONICLES, and I just learned that before Diana, Charles actually proposed to Amanda Knatchbull, who turned him down. The author feels that Amanda realized that she just wouldn't be a good match for Charles and decided against it... If only Diana realized it too.