[size=9]Remembering Chernobyl is and should be important for people globally. Every thought should be concentrated if for only one moment of this day that honors the memory of so many lives lost in Chernobyl. For many the disaster continues, as they suffer the results of this terrible catastrophic fallout.
This affected people outside of Chernobyl, and was by no means a 'local' incident or issue. This issue is a very important issue, for it strikes at the heart of all humankind.
Many nations opened up their homes and hearts to the victims of Chernobyl, and continue to do so. For those of us with the time to address 'life', please do go to the website Rachel has so kindly offered below. It will afford us again to make time to learn about the effects of Chernobyl, but also offer us further food for thought about how to stop further suffering of loss of life, and or latter effects of such like disasters. Surely it will offer us to be compassionate to one another, locally and globally.
God Bless the souls of the departed and all still suffering from the terrible nuclear fallout of Chernobyl.