I could not agree more; Constantinople, there was so much that was not accurate in your post, I'm having trouble finding anything that is. Not to mention, you are free to dislike her, but your attack on the Duchess of Cornwall is quite unwarranted.
Where to begin? Suggesting Camilla's appearance makes her unsuitable to be Queen Consort is pure venom. Her "breeding" is no less suitable than that of the future Queens of Spain, Denmark, Norway or Belgium.
The "£36 million" you reference is not for Camilla, or for any other single person for that matter. It maintains a large number of historic properties, funds the salaries and duties of over 1,000 royal employees who administer the office of Head of State for 16 separate countries, and so forth. Trying to tie that expenditure to Camilla is absurd.
Camilla will never be "head of state" of any country, as a Queen Consort has no constitutional role in the UK or any commonwealth realm. And Camilla does not have a troop of PR specialists attempting to make her palatable. Instead, the Prince of Wales employs that troop to handle all sorts of public relations and public information duties related to himself, his work, his wife and his sons. This is no different than any other national leader on earth.
Camilla's history (either prior to her 2nd marriage or since) has displayed absolutely no opportunism nor arrogance. In the 1970s she wed and raised her family quietly and without fuss. That she and the Prince of Wales remained in love throughout their separate marriages was certainly unfortunate for all involved, and the fact that they carried on an extramarital affair is certainly disappointing, but how is that arrogant or opportunistic?
And by all accounts she did not seek to become Charles second wife; she would have been perfectly content to remain a divorcee living quietly in the country for the rest of her life - with no title, public role or any of the things that come along with it.