Anastasia, one day, climbed onto the nursery table and jumped off. The governess said, "You must not do that, it is too high; you can jump off the sofa if you want to jump, but not off the table."
Paying no heed to what had been said to her, Anastasia again climbed on the table and jumped off. So her governess gently slapped her. Anastasia sat down and thought a moment, then said, "it is not nice to get a slap, but it is better to climb on the table and get a slap than to jump off the sofa [and not get a slap]," and she promptly climbed up on the table once more and jumped again. The governess tied her in a chair with a sash. Anastasia did not like this so she said, "it is better to climb on the table and get a slap but it is better not to climb on the table than to be tied in a chair like this!"
One spring the nursery was taken to an orchard near the Palace to pick some apples, and, as a reward, they were promised some baked apples with their tea. When the baskets were full the apples were sent to the palace and the children were taken off to listen to a military band. While the band was playing, Anastasia suddenly produced an apple which she had hidden and began to eat it. The governess took it away from her and told her not to eat it, as it would make her ill. A few moments later, Anastasia produced another apple and said to her governess, "if you take this apple away from me I will scream and then the people will think you are being wicked to me." So the governess said, "Anastasia, be sure as you eat that apple, you will be punished when you get home." Anastasia was not frightened by the threat and calmly proceeded to eat the apple. When the [children] returned to the palace Anastasia was put straight to bed and at tea time, all the other children had baked apples but none was given to her. The other children thought to tease her by asking her if she did not want some of their lovely baked apples.
"No, indeed," remarked Anastasia, "because you don't know how good that apple was I had in the garden."
The following day Anastasia asked to be taken to the orchard. Her governess asked her why she wanted to be taken there again and Anastasia, throwing her arms around the governess' neck, said: "Because it was such fun eating that apple!"