I just returned from a trip to Russia last week and visisted the Alexander Palace. I took many photos, but I'm a digital newbie and it will be a while before I can share all of them. Several things struck me during my visit to the Palace. I was surprised how closely the family wing was located to the street, especially when you consider how exposed the family would have been on the balcony. I always pictured it as being much more secluded and private. This wing of the palace is also much smaller than I expected. Perhaps it is because I had just been to the Catherine Palace and everything is small compare to that building! But, when I went inside the rooms were much smaller than I had pictured, especially the bedroom and the mauve room. Considering the amount of furniture that was in the mauve room, it must have been very cluttered and homey despite the luxurious fabrics, furniture, ect. Also, the interior stairs on each side of the entrance hall were open and I was able to stick my head inside and look up. They had boxes and other things stacked on them and I couldn't see anything. Bob, do you know if the children used these stairs, or were they only for servents? There were some yellow and green tiles on the floor in this area that looked very old, possibly original?