Author Topic: Looking for my grandmother real family ...  (Read 989 times)

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Looking for my grandmother real family ...
« on: July 21, 2022, 08:36:44 PM »
I am searching about my grandmother history.
She was born in Russia in the year of 1910.  She already die in 1985.  Her name was Anna Vochminova.
Anna was saved during revolution and adopted by widow merchant Nadezda Vochminova who consequently married a Czech legionar named Josef Bednar(Omsk or Yekaterinburg) who took her with his military unit when they were evacuated back to Czechoslovakia via Vladivostok and Italy.
All my family would like to know, who she really was.  My mother told me that her mother(Anna) told her some memory from her past when she live in Russia, before she was adopted. She was only young girl, but she remembered that she lived in the monastery and every Sunday some lady came visited her. Sometimes she took her to nice palace with waterworks and colonade.

Anna , my grandmother had also own Ikon.
In 1955 in spa city of Marianske Lazne in western Bohemia the younger part of family lived with Anna.
Two of the children opened the religious Ikon that was Anna's only remainder and connection of her history in Russia.
This Ikon was about an inch thick and was hollow.The girls found a documents inside that were written in Russian language.They took these documents to the school asking the teacher of russian language(russian language was a compulsory subject at Czech school at that time)to translate it to czech language.The teacher took it home and never gave it back to the girls-saying that it was stupid and incredible story(the content of documents).
The girls never told Anna about these documents being afraid of punishment.

I found recently some information about my grandmother's adoptive family. I have searched for that almost 5 years ...

My gradmother's adoptive father was born 1886 in Czechoslovakia.  When he was only 16, somehow he left to Russia and settled down in town
Verkhne Udinsk (after 1934 this town was rename, and now is call Ulan Ude).
There he got merried with russien widow Nadezda Vochminova.  She had two daughters. One was from previous marridge and second daugther was adopted.
Until 1918 was not any history about them. When Czech legion fought again communist troops,  my great-grandfather enroled as a volunteer.
He fought with Czech legion until 1920 and later he and his family were evacuated from Vladivostok. On a day August 7, 1920 they sailed with 34. transport on warship "HUNDSENT".
They arrived October1, 1920 to Terst.

From my family record I recovered, that my grandmother's adoptive parents divided in Vladivostok. My grandmother with her sister and her mother Nadezda Vochminova sailed away July 5, 1919 on ship "SIMBIRSK" and my grandfather left by warship "HUNDSEND".

Also interesting is, I find out from copy of my gradmother's birth certificate, that her adopive mother descent from family IOANNOV.

My mother told me, that her mother told her, that when they rided in military train to Vladivostok, she (my gradmother) was wrapped in a wood barrel. Soldiers were telling to everyone not to come to close, because she had a typhoid.

Last week my cousin went for DNA test and answer was , that my family is originaly from Balkan, I have result of that, but is in czech language ... 42.2 % Balkan