There are different child portraits of Joseph I. and for me he does not look like Joseph I on this portrait as well, but as there is really no other Joseph at that time ( I did not find any as well) I may really be him. Is the ebay page with that portrait still there? Or do you know the name of the seller? Sometimes the people, who sell the things, know more (not always of course) Concerning the line of the counts of Burgau (line of Ferdinand II of Tyrol) there is no Joseph as well: Ferdinand II had the sons Andreas and Karl, Karl had a son Karl and one with the name Ferdinand and daughters, and Karl again had a son Karl, but then I don´t find anymore descendants, even when I have read on a todays claimant, who says that he descends from that line! Maybe the painter included some "phantasy". I am of the opinion that it cannot be any count of Burgau, because he could never have the title of a king of Hungary, but as king of Hungary a Habsburg can have many other titles, maybe including that of Burgau as well (strange...Have to look up about the titles) Concenring the Hungary line, who descends from Joseph Anton, Palatine of Hungary (1776-1846), I don´t think it´s any of them, because it´s almost impossible that kind of art in the 18th and 19th century, they all look different as well. Maybe it´s really Joseph I as very young man, when he was only king of Hungary, when when I think the features do not really fit, but sometimes the artists work with too much freedom... very strange. I little it reminds me of the spanish line (illeg. son of Philipp IV) or his brothers, but of course that´s impossible as well, but at least it´s from that time!
Has anyone got other ideas or remembers anyone the name of the seller?