this period was created a summer-resort variation in the wooden house in the style of Italian palatstso. The first floor with the large windows (arched on the project) is raised on the rock basement floor and low third floor. The wood covering transmits the sensation of the bossed surface of walls and angles of building. In the middle of facade to the first floor the porch with two semicircular marches led. Absurd pentahedral brick protrusion on the present facade resembles on this porch. Before this
by porch there is no time there was a parternyy garden (kurdoner), which separated house from the roadway Of the nikolayevskoy street. From the reverse, yard side to the first floor led the ramp, whose pitiful remainders attract our attention. This house they know in the city as "house with the ramp". On the archive documents it follows, that the lady-in-waiting of its majesty the princess OF E.M. Volkonskaya in 1876 purchased from N.V. Of varadinova to the name M.S. The chistovskoy two sections of the earth and ordered the project of house to the architect OF V.I. To kokorevu (nephew of chief architect gatchiny A.V. Of kokoreva). Since 1894, after death Of volkonskoy, the house
belonged M.S. Of chistovskoy, in the marriage of von to Cuba. In 1912 the prince OF G.D. Shervashidze purchased in the widow of von to Cuba this house (Nikolayevskaya, [ch8470] 20). Owner, probably, never he lived in it, but passed to its Major General baron l.F.Zhirara to de sukonton, who commanded in her time dark-blue cuirassiers.
Here, on the recollections of contemporaries, in stayed on the baron it went Grand Duke Mikhail aleksandovich with his wife Of n. brasovoy, who in 1914 purchased from SPACECRAFT Of gerneta house [ch8470] 24 along the same street. This house, which was not preserved until our time, was small and similar to the English cottage.